{ config, pkgs, lib, agenix, myData, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ./zfs.nix ]; mj = { stateVersion = "22.11"; timeZone = "UTC"; base = { zfs.enable = true; users.passwd = { root.passwordFile = config.age.secrets.root-passwd-hash.path; motiejus.passwordFile = config.age.secrets.motiejus-passwd-hash.path; }; initrd = { enable = true; authorizedKeys = (builtins.attrValues myData.people_pubkeys) ++ [myData.hosts."vno1-oh2.servers.jakst".publicKey]; hostKeys = ["/etc/secrets/initrd/ssh_host_ed25519_key"]; }; snapshot = { enable = true; mountpoints = ["/var/lib" "/var/log"]; }; zfsborg = { enable = true; passwordPath = config.age.secrets.borgbackup-password.path; mountpoints = { "/var/lib" = { repo = "zh2769@zh2769.rsync.net:hel1-a.servers.jakst-var_lib"; paths = [ "/var/lib/.snapshot-latest/gitea" "/var/lib/.snapshot-latest/headscale" "/var/lib/.snapshot-latest/matrix-synapse" ]; backup_at = "*-*-* 00:05:00"; }; "/var/log" = { repo = "zh2769@zh2769.rsync.net:hel1-a.servers.jakst-var_log"; paths = ["/var/log/.snapshot-latest/caddy/"]; patterns = [ "+ /var/log/.snapshot-latest/caddy/access-jakstys.lt.log-*.zst" "- *" ]; backup_at = "*-*-* 00:01:00"; }; }; }; unitstatus = { enable = true; email = "motiejus+alerts@jakstys.lt"; }; }; services = { node_exporter.enable = true; gitea.enable = true; headscale = { enable = true; clientOidcPath = config.age.secrets.headscale-client-oidc.path; subnetCIDR = myData.tailscale_subnet.cidr; }; deployerbot = { follower = { enable = true; uidgid = myData.uidgid.updaterbot-deployee; publicKey = myData.hosts."vno1-oh2.servers.jakst".publicKey; }; }; postfix = { enable = true; saslPasswdPath = config.age.secrets.sasl-passwd.path; }; zfsunlock = { enable = true; targets."vno1-oh2.servers.jakst" = let host = myData.hosts."vno1-oh2.servers.jakst"; in { sshEndpoint = host.publicIP; pingEndpoint = host.jakstIP; remotePubkey = host.initrdPubKey; pwFile = config.age.secrets.zfs-passphrase-vno1-oh2.path; startAt = "*-*-* *:00/5:00"; }; }; }; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ nixos-option graphicsmagick ]; services = { tailscale.enable = true; nsd = { enable = true; interfaces = ["" "::"]; zones = { "jakstys.lt.".data = myData.jakstysLTZone; }; }; caddy = { enable = true; email = "motiejus+acme@jakstys.lt"; virtualHosts."recordrecap.jakstys.lt".extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy vno1-oh2.servers.jakst:8080 ''; virtualHosts."www.jakstys.lt".extraConfig = '' redir https://jakstys.lt ''; virtualHosts."fwmine.jakstys.lt".extraConfig = '' reverse_proxy fwmine.motiejus.jakst:8080 ''; virtualHosts."jakstys.lt" = { logFormat = '' output file ${config.services.caddy.logDir}/access-jakstys.lt.log { roll_disabled } ''; extraConfig = '' header Strict-Transport-Security "max-age=31536000; includeSubDomains; preload" header /_/* Cache-Control "public, max-age=31536000, immutable" root * /var/www/jakstys.lt file_server { precompressed br gzip } @matrixMatch { path /.well-known/matrix/client path /.well-known/matrix/server } header @matrixMatch Content-Type application/json header @matrixMatch Access-Control-Allow-Origin * header @matrixMatch Cache-Control "public, max-age=3600, immutable" handle /.well-known/matrix/client { respond "{\"m.homeserver\": {\"base_url\": \"https://jakstys.lt\"}}" 200 } handle /.well-known/matrix/server { respond "{\"m.server\": \"jakstys.lt:443\"}" 200 } handle /_matrix/* { encode gzip reverse_proxy } ''; }; }; # TODO: app_service_config_files matrix-synapse = { enable = true; settings = { server_name = "jakstys.lt"; admin_contact = "motiejus@jakstys.lt"; enable_registration = false; report_stats = true; signing_key_path = "/run/matrix-synapse/jakstys_lt_signing_key"; extraConfigFiles = ["/run/matrix-synapse/secrets.yaml"]; log_config = pkgs.writeText "log.config" '' version: 1 formatters: precise: format: '%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(lineno)d - %(levelname)s - %(request)s - %(message)s' handlers: console: class: logging.StreamHandler formatter: precise loggers: synapse.storage.SQL: level: WARN root: level: ERROR handlers: [console] disable_existing_loggers: false ''; public_baseurl = "https://jakstys.lt/"; database.name = "sqlite3"; url_preview_enabled = false; max_upload_size = "50M"; rc_messages_per_second = 0.2; rc_message_burst_count = 10.0; federation_rc_window_size = 1000; federation_rc_sleep_limit = 10; federation_rc_sleep_delay = 500; federation_rc_reject_limit = 50; federation_rc_concurrent = 3; allow_profile_lookup_over_federation = false; thumbnail_sizes = [ { width = 32; height = 32; method = "crop"; } { width = 96; height = 96; method = "crop"; } { width = 320; height = 240; method = "scale"; } { width = 640; height = 480; method = "scale"; } { width = 800; height = 600; method = "scale"; } ]; user_directory = { enabled = true; search_all_users = false; prefer_local_users = true; }; allow_device_name_lookup_over_federation = false; email = { smtp_host = ""; smtp_port = 25; notf_for_new_users = false; notif_from = "Jakstys %(app)s homeserver "; }; include_profile_data_on_invite = false; password_config.enabled = true; require_auth_for_profile_requests = true; }; }; logrotate = { settings = { "/var/log/caddy/access-jakstys.lt.log" = { rotate = 60; frequency = "daily"; dateext = true; dateyesterday = true; compress = true; compresscmd = "${pkgs.zstd}/bin/zstd"; compressext = ".zst"; compressoptions = "--long -19"; uncompresscmd = "${pkgs.zstd}/bin/unzstd"; postrotate = "${pkgs.systemd}/bin/systemctl restart caddy"; }; }; }; }; networking = { hostName = "hel1-a"; domain = "servers.jakst"; firewall = { allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 80 443 ]; allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 443 41641 # tailscale ]; checkReversePath = "loose"; # for tailscale }; }; systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /run/matrix-synapse 0700 matrix-synapse matrix-synapse -" ]; systemd.services = { matrix-synapse = let # TODO https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/222336 replace with `preStart` secretsScript = pkgs.writeShellScript "write-secrets" '' set -xeuo pipefail umask 077 ln -sf ''${CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY}/jakstys_lt_signing_key /run/matrix-synapse/jakstys_lt_signing_key cat > /run/matrix-synapse/secrets.yaml <