{ config, pkgs, myData, ... }: { zfs-root = { boot = { enable = true; devNodes = "/dev/disk/by-id/"; bootDevices = [ "nvme-Samsung_SSD_970_EVO_Plus_2TB_S6P1NX0TA00913P" ]; immutable = false; availableKernelModules = [ "ahci" "xhci_pci" "nvme" "usbhid" "sdhci_pci" "r8169" # builtin non working "r8152" # startech usb-ethernet adapter ]; removableEfi = true; kernelParams = [ "ip=" ]; }; }; boot.binfmt.emulatedSystems = [ "aarch64-linux" ]; mj = { stateVersion = "23.05"; timeZone = "Europe/Vilnius"; username = "motiejus"; base = { zfs.enable = true; users = { enable = true; root.hashedPasswordFile = config.age.secrets.root-passwd-hash.path; user.hashedPasswordFile = config.age.secrets.motiejus-passwd-hash.path; }; snapshot = { enable = true; mountpoints = [ "/home" "/var/lib" "/var/log" ]; }; zfsborg = { enable = true; passwordPath = config.age.secrets.borgbackup-password.path; sshKeyPath = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"; dirs = [ # TODO merge { mountpoint = "/var/lib"; repo = "zh2769@zh2769.rsync.net:${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}-var_lib"; paths = [ "tailscale" "private/soju" ]; backup_at = "*-*-* 01:00:00 UTC"; prune.keep = { within = "1d"; daily = 1; weekly = 0; monthly = 0; }; } { mountpoint = "/var/lib"; repo = "borgstor@${ myData.hosts."vno3-rp3b.servers.jakst".jakstIP }:${config.networking.hostName}.${config.networking.domain}-var_lib"; paths = [ "tailscale" "private/soju" ]; backup_at = "*-*-* 01:00:00 UTC"; } ]; }; unitstatus = { enable = true; email = "motiejus+alerts@jakstys.lt"; }; }; services = { friendlyport.ports = [ { subnets = [ myData.subnets.tailscale.cidr ]; tcp = with myData.ports; [ 80 443 soju soju-ws ]; } ]; tailscale.enable = true; node_exporter.enable = true; sshguard.enable = true; nsd-acme = let accountKey = config.age.secrets.letsencrypt-account-key.path; in { enable = true; zones = { "irc.jakstys.lt".accountKey = accountKey; "hdd.jakstys.lt".accountKey = accountKey; "grafana.jakstys.lt".accountKey = accountKey; "bitwarden.jakstys.lt".accountKey = accountKey; }; }; deployerbot = { follower = { publicKeys = [ myData.hosts."fwminex.servers.jakst".publicKey ]; enable = true; sshAllowSubnets = [ myData.subnets.tailscale.sshPattern ]; uidgid = myData.uidgid.updaterbot-deployee; }; }; postfix = { enable = true; saslPasswdPath = config.age.secrets.sasl-passwd.path; }; syncthing = { enable = true; dataDir = "/home/motiejus/"; user = "motiejus"; group = "users"; }; matrix-synapse = { enable = true; signingKeyPath = config.age.secrets.synapse-jakstys-signing-key.path; registrationSharedSecretPath = config.age.secrets.synapse-registration-shared-secret.path; macaroonSecretKeyPath = config.age.secrets.synapse-macaroon-secret-key.path; }; remote-builder.client = let host = myData.hosts."fra1-b.servers.jakst"; in { enable = true; inherit (host) system supportedFeatures; hostName = host.jakstIP; sshKey = "/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key"; }; }; }; services = { nsd = { enable = true; interfaces = [ "" "::" ]; zones = { "jakstys.lt.".data = myData.jakstysLTZone; "11sync.net.".data = myData.e11syncZone; }; }; soju = { enable = true; listen = [ #"unix+admin://" ":${toString myData.ports.soju}" "wss://:${toString myData.ports.soju-ws}" ]; tlsCertificate = "/run/soju/cert.pem"; tlsCertificateKey = "/run/soju/key.pem"; hostName = "irc.jakstys.lt"; httpOrigins = [ "*" ]; extraConfig = '' message-store fs /var/lib/soju ''; }; #syncthing.relay = { # enable = true; # providedBy = "11sync.net"; #}; }; systemd.services = { soju = let acme = config.mj.services.nsd-acme.zones."irc.jakstys.lt"; in { serviceConfig = { RuntimeDirectory = "soju"; LoadCredential = [ "irc.jakstys.lt-cert.pem:${acme.certFile}" "irc.jakstys.lt-key.pem:${acme.keyFile}" ]; }; preStart = '' ln -sf $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/irc.jakstys.lt-cert.pem /run/soju/cert.pem ln -sf $CREDENTIALS_DIRECTORY/irc.jakstys.lt-key.pem /run/soju/key.pem ''; after = [ "nsd-acme-irc.jakstys.lt.service" ]; requires = [ "nsd-acme-irc.jakstys.lt.service" ]; }; syncthing-relay.restartIfChanged = false; }; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ yt-dlp ffmpeg imapsync geoipWithDatabase ]; networking = { hostId = "f9117e1b"; hostName = "vno1-oh2"; domain = "servers.jakst"; defaultGateway = ""; nameservers = [ "" ]; interfaces.enp0s21f0u2.ipv4.addresses = [ { address = ""; prefixLength = 24; } ]; firewall = { allowedUDPPorts = [ 53 80 443 ]; allowedTCPPorts = [ 53 80 443 config.services.syncthing.relay.port config.services.syncthing.relay.statusPort ]; rejectPackets = true; }; }; }