{ lib, modulesPath, pkgs, config, ... }: { imports = [ "${modulesPath}/profiles/all-hardware.nix" "${modulesPath}/installer/cd-dvd/iso-image.nix" ../../modules ../../modules/profiles/btrfs ../../modules/profiles/desktop ]; mj = { stateVersion = "24.11"; timeZone = "UTC"; username = "nixos"; base.users = { enable = true; user.initialHashedPassword = ""; root.initialHashedPassword = ""; }; }; boot.kernelPackages = pkgs.linuxPackages_latest; isoImage = let vsn = "${config.system.nixos.release}${lib.trivial.versionSuffix}"; in { isoName = "toolshed-${vsn}.iso"; # as of writing zstd -19 reduces toolshed from 9.1G to 8.6G, but takes # ~30min on fwminex, as opposed to ~10m with default settings. xz also # yields 8.6G. #squashfsCompression = "zstd -Xcompression-level 19"; squashfsCompression = "zstd"; appendToMenuLabel = " Toolshed ${vsn}"; makeEfiBootable = true; # EFI booting makeUsbBootable = true; # USB booting }; swapDevices = [ ]; services = { getty.autologinUser = "nixos"; autorandr.enable = true; xserver = { autorun = false; displayManager.defaultSession = lib.mkForce "xfce"; }; }; security.pam.services.lightdm.text = '' auth sufficient pam_succeed_if.so user ingroup wheel ''; networking = { hostName = "vm"; domain = "jakstys.lt"; firewall.allowedTCPPorts = [ 22 ]; hostId = "abefef01"; }; }