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2021-11-05 19:29:07 +02:00
load("@io_bazel_rules_go//go:def.bzl", go_binary_rule = "go_binary")
go_binary overrides go_binary from rules_go and provides default
gc_linkopts values that are needed to compile for macos target.
To use it, add this map_kind gazelle directive to your BUILD.bazel files
where target binary needs to be compiled with zig toolchain.
Example: if this toolchain is registered as bazel-zig-cc in your WORKSPACE, add this to
your root BUILD file
# gazelle:map_kind go_binary go_binary @bazel-zig-cc//rules:go_binary_override.bzl
2021-11-05 19:47:52 +02:00
def go_binary(**args):
new_args = {}
new_args["gc_linkopts"] = select({
"@platforms//os:macos": [
"//conditions:default": [],
for k, v in args.items():
new_args[k] = v