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remove contrib/ (#4)

dead code; our release and testing processes changed quite a
Motiejus Jakštys 2023-03-06 17:37:32 +02:00 committed by GitHub
parent af9360366b
commit 3f4b4ef88e
No known key found for this signature in database
4 changed files with 0 additions and 157 deletions

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@ -1,33 +0,0 @@
Patched Zig release
This file explains how this zig version was created. As of first writing,
0.10.0-dev.4301+uber1 + https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap/pull/131
Steps to re-create a patched zig:
$ wget https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/13051.patch
$ git clone https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap; cd zig-bootstrap
# if https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap/pull/131 is not merged: patch it.
$ git am --directory=zig ../13051.patch
$ ${EDITOR:-vi} build # replace the hash with "+uber1" and bump the last number in ZIG_VERSION
$ ./build-and-archive
Recent zig-bootstrap versions require cmake >= 3.19, which is available from
ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) or debian 12 (bookworm). Otherwise CMAKE will unable to
"Find the C compiler". A workaround:
docker run --privileged -v `pwd`:/x -w /x -ti --rm buildpack-deps:bookworm \
sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake && exec ./build-and-archive'
(`--privileged` is necessary because of devpod nuances. You can skip it if you
don't know what is a devpod.)
`build-and-archive`, this file and 13051.patch should be in the archive where
you got your patched zig.

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@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -xeuo pipefail
zig_version=$(awk -F'"' '/^ZIG_VERSION=/{print $2}' build)
./build -j"$(nproc)" x86_64-linux-musl baseline
./build -j"$(nproc)" x86_64-macos-none baseline
./build -j"$(nproc)" aarch64-linux-musl baseline
./build -j"$(nproc)" aarch64-macos-none apple_a14
./build -j"$(nproc)" x86_64-windows-gnu baseline
rm -fr zig-linux-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
rm -fr zig-macos-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
rm -fr zig-linux-aarch64-"${zig_version}"
rm -fr zig-macos-aarch64-"${zig_version}"
rm -fr zig-windows-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
cp -r out/zig-x86_64-linux-musl-baseline zig-linux-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
cp -r out/zig-x86_64-macos-none-baseline zig-macos-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
cp -r out/zig-aarch64-linux-musl-baseline zig-linux-aarch64-"${zig_version}"
cp -r out/zig-aarch64-macos-none-apple_a14 zig-macos-aarch64-"${zig_version}"
cp -r out/zig-x86_64-windows-gnu-baseline zig-windows-x86_64-"${zig_version}"
for os_arch in linux-{x86_64,aarch64} macos-{x86_64,aarch64} windows-x86_64; do
if [[ $os_arch == windows-x86_64 ]]; then
mv zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/{bin/${zig},}
rmdir zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/bin
# copy some clarifying files for future readers
mkdir zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/patches
cp README-patched.md zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/patches/README.md
cp 13051.patch "$0" zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/patches/
# linux-x86_64, windows-x86_64 and macos-aarch64 have libs in lib/, rather than
# in lib/zig/.
for os_arch in linux-x86_64 windows-x86_64 macos-aarch64; do
mv zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/{lib,lib2}
mv zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/{lib2/zig,lib}
rmdir zig-${os_arch}-"${zig_version}"/lib2
tar cJf zig-linux-x86_64-"${zig_version}".tar.xz zig-linux-x86_64-"${zig_version}"/ &
tar cJf zig-macos-x86_64-"${zig_version}".tar.xz zig-macos-x86_64-"${zig_version}"/ &
tar cJf zig-linux-aarch64-"${zig_version}".tar.xz zig-linux-aarch64-"${zig_version}"/ &
tar cJf zig-macos-aarch64-"${zig_version}".tar.xz zig-macos-aarch64-"${zig_version}"/ &
# 7z is the quickest, so blocking on it first. Then wait for tars to complete.
7z a zig-windows-x86_64-"${zig_version}".zip zig-windows-x86_64-"${zig_version}"/
wait %1 %2 %3 %4
sha256sum ./*.tar.xz ./*.zip
ls -l ./*.tar.xz ./*.zip

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@ -1,28 +0,0 @@
#!/usr/bin/env bash
set -euo pipefail
if [[ ! "$PWD" =~ /zig-bootstrap$ ]]; then
>&2 echo "expected to be in zig-bootstrap directory. Bailing"
exit 1
if [[ ! -f "$zigdir/bin/zig" ]]; then
>&2 echo "$zigdir/bin/zig not found. Please run:"
>&2 echo " ./build -j\$(nproc) x86_64-linux-musl x86_64_v3"
exit 1
pushd "$zigdir"
vsn=$(bin/zig version)
mkdir -p "$outdir"
cp -r "bin/zig" "$outdir"
cp -r "lib/zig" "$outdir/lib"
tar -cf "$outdir.tar" "$outdir"
xz -vk -9 -T0 "$outdir.tar"
echo "$zigdir/$outdir.tar.xz is ready for use"

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@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
How to test a different version of zig
Assume you want to test an unreleased version of zig. Here's how:
1. Clone zig-bootstrap:
$ git clone https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap
$ cd zig-bootstrap
2. Copy over zig/ from ~/zig:
$ rm -fr zig
$ git -C ~/zig archive --format=tar --prefix=zig/ master | tar -xv
3. Build it (assuming `x86_64-linux`):
$ vim build # edit ZIG_VERSION
$ ./build -j$(nproc) x86_64-linux-musl baseline
4. Pack the release tarball:
$ ~/code/bazel-zig-cc/makerel
This gives us a usable Zig SDK. Now:
- Send the .tar.xz it to your mirror.
- Point toolchain/defs.bzl to the new version.
- Run tests.
- [ziglang/release-cutter][1], a script that creates binaries for [ziglang.org/download][2].
- [ziglang/zig-bootstrap][3], a set of scripts that compile a static Zig.
[1]: https://github.com/ziglang/release-cutter/blob/master/script
[2]: https://ziglang.org/download
[3]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig-bootstrap