DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES = [ "include", "libcxx/include", "libcxxabi/include", ] ZIG_TOOL_PATH = "tools/{zig_tool}" # Zig supports even older glibcs than defined below, but we have tested only # down to 2.17. # $ zig targets | jq -r '.glibc[]' | sort -V _GLIBCS = [ "2.17", "2.18", "2.19", "2.22", "2.23", "2.24", "2.25", "2.26", "2.27", "2.28", "2.29", "2.30", "2.31", "2.32", "2.33", "2.34", ] def target_structs(): ret = [] for zigcpu, gocpu in (("x86_64", "amd64"), ("aarch64", "arm64")): ret.append(_target_darwin(gocpu, zigcpu)) ret.append(_target_linux_musl(gocpu, zigcpu)) for glibc in [""] + _GLIBCS: ret.append(_target_linux_gnu(gocpu, zigcpu, glibc)) return ret def _target_darwin(gocpu, zigcpu): min_os = "10" if zigcpu == "aarch64": min_os = "11" return struct( gotarget = "darwin_{}".format(gocpu), zigtarget = "{}-macos-gnu".format(zigcpu), includes = [ "libunwind/include", # TODO: Define a toolchain for each minimum OS version "libc/include/{}-macos.{}-gnu".format(zigcpu, min_os), "libc/include/any-macos.{}-any".format(min_os), "libc/include/any-macos-any", ], linkopts = [], copts = [], bazel_target_cpu = "darwin", constraint_values = [ "@platforms//os:macos", "@platforms//cpu:{}".format(zigcpu), ], tool_paths = {"ld": "ld64.lld"}, ) def _target_linux_gnu(gocpu, zigcpu, glibc_version = ""): glibc_suffix = "gnu" if glibc_version != "": glibc_suffix = "gnu.{}".format(glibc_version) # # fcntl_hack is only required for glibc 2.27 or less. We assume that # glibc_version == "" (autodetect) is running a recent glibc version, thus # adding this hack only when glibc is explicitly 2.27 or lower. fcntl_hack = False if glibc_version == "": # zig doesn't reliably detect the glibc version, so # often falls back to 2.17; the hack should be included. # fcntl_hack = True else: # hack is required for 2.27 or less. fcntl_hack = glibc_version < "2.28" return struct( gotarget = "linux_{}_{}".format(gocpu, glibc_suffix), zigtarget = "{}-linux-{}".format(zigcpu, glibc_suffix), includes = [ "libunwind/include", "libc/include/generic-glibc", "libc/include/any-linux-any", "libc/include/{}-linux-gnu".format(zigcpu), "libc/include/{}-linux-any".format(zigcpu), ] + (["libc/include/x86-linux-any"] if zigcpu == "x86_64" else []), toplevel_include = ["glibc-hacks"] if fcntl_hack else [], compiler_extra_includes = ["glibc-hacks/glibchack-fcntl.h"] if fcntl_hack else [], linker_version_scripts = ["glibc-hacks/"] if fcntl_hack else [], linkopts = ["-lc++", "-lc++abi"], copts = [], bazel_target_cpu = "k8", constraint_values = [ "@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:{}".format(zigcpu), ], tool_paths = {"ld": "ld.lld"}, ) def _target_linux_musl(gocpu, zigcpu): return struct( gotarget = "linux_{}_musl".format(gocpu), zigtarget = "{}-linux-musl".format(zigcpu), includes = [ "libc/include/generic-musl", "libc/include/any-linux-any", "libc/include/{}-linux-musl".format(zigcpu), "libc/include/{}-linux-any".format(zigcpu), ] + (["libc/include/x86-linux-any"] if zigcpu == "x86_64" else []), linkopts = ["-s", "-w"], copts = ["-D_LIBCPP_HAS_MUSL_LIBC", "-D_LIBCPP_HAS_THREAD_API_PTHREAD"], bazel_target_cpu = "k8", constraint_values = [ "@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:{}".format(zigcpu), ], tool_paths = {"ld": "ld.lld"}, )