load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "read_user_netrc", "use_netrc") load("@hermetic_cc_toolchain//toolchain/private:defs.bzl", "target_structs", "zig_tool_path") # Directories that `zig c++` includes behind the scenes. _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES = [ "libcxx/include", "libcxxabi/include", "libunwind/include", ] # Official recommended version. Should use this when we have a usable release. URL_FORMAT_RELEASE = "https://ziglang.org/download/{version}/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.{_ext}" # Caution: nightly releases are purged from ziglang.org after ~90 days. Use the # Bazel mirror or your own. URL_FORMAT_NIGHTLY = "https://ziglang.org/builds/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.{_ext}" # Official Bazel's mirror with selected Zig SDK versions. Bazel community is # generous enough to host the artifacts, which we use. URL_FORMAT_BAZELMIRROR = "https://mirror.bazel.build/" + URL_FORMAT_NIGHTLY.lstrip("https://") _VERSION = "0.11.0-dev.2545+311d50f9d" _HOST_PLATFORM_SHA256 = { "linux-aarch64": "9a4582c534802454775d2c3db33c472f55285b5203032d55fb13c5a41cc31833", "linux-x86_64": "b0895fe5d83dd361bd268580c9de5d5a3c42eaf966ea049bfae93eb537a88633", "macos-aarch64": "6f9aabd01d5200fe419e5fa54846e67f8342bf4cbebb71f735a729f4daaf4190", "macos-x86_64": "4bc1f1c28637b49b4ececdc819fc3d1a5d593560b8667183f26fe861b816279b", "windows-x86_64": "7673a442a59492235157d6e6549698fd183bd90d43db74bf93ac3611cb3aad46", } _HOST_PLATFORM_EXT = { "linux-aarch64": "tar.xz", "linux-x86_64": "tar.xz", "macos-aarch64": "tar.xz", "macos-x86_64": "tar.xz", "windows-x86_64": "zip", } _compile_failed = """ Compilation of launcher.zig failed: command={compile_cmd} return_code={return_code} stderr={stderr} stdout={stdout} You stumbled into a problem with Zig SDK that bazel-zig-cc was not able to fix. Please file a new issue to github.com/uber/bazel-zig-cc with: - Full output of this Bazel run, including the Bazel command. - Version of the Zig SDK if you have a non-default. - Version of bazel-zig-cc. Note: this *may* have been https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/14815, for which bazel-zig-cc has a workaround and you may have been "struck by lightning" three times in a row. """ def toolchains( version = _VERSION, url_formats = [URL_FORMAT_BAZELMIRROR, URL_FORMAT_NIGHTLY], host_platform_sha256 = _HOST_PLATFORM_SHA256, host_platform_ext = _HOST_PLATFORM_EXT): """ Download zig toolchain and declare bazel toolchains. The platforms are not registered automatically, that should be done by the user with register_toolchains() in the WORKSPACE file. See README for possible choices. """ zig_repository( name = "zig_sdk", version = version, url_formats = url_formats, host_platform_sha256 = host_platform_sha256, host_platform_ext = host_platform_ext, ) _ZIG_TOOLS = [ "c++", "ar", ] def _quote(s): return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" def _zig_repository_impl(repository_ctx): arch = repository_ctx.os.arch if arch == "amd64": arch = "x86_64" os = repository_ctx.os.name.lower() if os.startswith("mac os"): os = "macos" if os.startswith("windows"): os = "windows" host_platform = "{}-{}".format(os, arch) zig_sha256 = repository_ctx.attr.host_platform_sha256[host_platform] zig_ext = repository_ctx.attr.host_platform_ext[host_platform] format_vars = { "_ext": zig_ext, "version": repository_ctx.attr.version, "host_platform": host_platform, } # Fetch Label dependencies before doing download/extract. # The Bazel docs are not very clear about this behavior but see: # https://bazel.build/extending/repo#when_is_the_implementation_function_executed # and a related rules_go PR: # https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-gazelle/pull/1206 for dest, src in { "platform/BUILD": "//toolchain/platform:BUILD", "toolchain/BUILD": "//toolchain/toolchain:BUILD", "libc/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc:BUILD", "libc_aware/platform/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc_aware/platform:BUILD", "libc_aware/toolchain/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc_aware/toolchain:BUILD", }.items(): repository_ctx.symlink(Label(src), dest) for dest, src in { "BUILD": "//toolchain:BUILD.sdk.bazel", # "private/BUILD": "//toolchain/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel", }.items(): repository_ctx.template( dest, Label(src), executable = False, substitutions = { "{zig_sdk_path}": _quote("external/zig_sdk"), "{os}": _quote(os), }, ) urls = [uf.format(**format_vars) for uf in repository_ctx.attr.url_formats] repository_ctx.download_and_extract( auth = use_netrc(read_user_netrc(repository_ctx), urls, {}), url = urls, stripPrefix = "zig-{host_platform}-{version}/".format(**format_vars), sha256 = zig_sha256, ) cache_prefix = repository_ctx.os.environ.get("HERMETIC_CC_TOOLCHAIN_CACHE_PREFIX", "") if cache_prefix == "": if os == "windows": cache_prefix = "C:\\\\Temp\\\\hermetic_cc_toolchain" else: cache_prefix = "/tmp/hermetic_cc_toolchain" repository_ctx.template( "tools/launcher.zig", Label("//toolchain:launcher.zig"), executable = False, substitutions = { "{HERMETIC_CC_TOOLCHAIN_CACHE_PREFIX}": cache_prefix, }, ) compile_env = { "ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR": cache_prefix, "ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR": cache_prefix, } compile_cmd = [ _paths_join("..", "zig"), "build-exe", "-OReleaseSafe", "launcher.zig", ] + (["-static"] if os == "linux" else []) # The elaborate code below is a workaround for ziglang/zig#14815: # Sometimes, when Zig's cache is empty, compiling the launcher may fail # with `error: FileNotFound`. The remedy is to clear the cache and try # again. Until this change, we have been asking users to clear the Zig # cache themselves and re-run the Bazel command. # # We can do better than that: if we detect the launcher failed, we can # purge the zig cache and retry the compilation. It will be retried for up # to two times. launcher_success = True launcher_err_msg = "" for _ in range(3): # Do not remove the cache_prefix itself, because it is not controlled # by this script. Instead, clear the cache subdirs that we know Zig # populates. zig_cache_dirs = ["h", "o", "tmp", "z"] if not launcher_success: print("Launcher compilation failed. Clearing %s/{%s} and retrying" % (cache_prefix, ",".join(zig_cache_dirs))) for d in zig_cache_dirs: repository_ctx.delete(_paths_join(cache_prefix, d)) ret = repository_ctx.execute( compile_cmd, working_directory = "tools", environment = compile_env, ) if ret.return_code == 0: launcher_success = True break launcher_success = False full_cmd = [k + "=" + v for k, v in compile_env.items()] + compile_cmd launcher_err_msg = _compile_failed.format( compile_cmd = " ".join(full_cmd), return_code = ret.return_code, stdout = ret.stdout, stderr = ret.stderr, cache_prefix = cache_prefix, ) if not launcher_success: fail(launcher_err_msg) exe = ".exe" if os == "windows" else "" for target_config in target_structs(): for zig_tool in _ZIG_TOOLS + target_config.tool_paths.values(): tool_path = zig_tool_path(os).format( zig_tool = zig_tool, zigtarget = target_config.zigtarget, ) repository_ctx.symlink("tools/launcher{}".format(exe), tool_path) zig_repository = repository_rule( attrs = { "version": attr.string(), "host_platform_sha256": attr.string_dict(), "url_formats": attr.string_list(allow_empty = False), "host_platform_ext": attr.string_dict(), }, environ = ["HERMETIC_CC_TOOLCHAIN_CACHE_PREFIX"], implementation = _zig_repository_impl, ) def filegroup(name, **kwargs): native.filegroup(name = name, **kwargs) return ":" + name def declare_files(os): filegroup(name = "all", srcs = native.glob(["**"])) filegroup(name = "empty") if os == "windows": native.exports_files(["zig.exe"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) native.alias(name = "zig", actual = ":zig.exe") else: native.exports_files(["zig"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup(name = "lib/std", srcs = native.glob(["lib/std/**"])) lazy_filegroups = {} for target_config in target_structs(): all_includes = [native.glob(["lib/{}/**".format(i)]) for i in target_config.includes] cxx_tool_label = ":" + zig_tool_path(os).format( zig_tool = "c++", zigtarget = target_config.zigtarget, ) filegroup( name = "{}_includes".format(target_config.zigtarget), srcs = _flatten(all_includes), ) filegroup( name = "{}_compiler_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), srcs = [ ":zig", ":{}_includes".format(target_config.zigtarget), cxx_tool_label, ], ) filegroup( name = "{}_linker_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), srcs = [ ":zig", ":{}_includes".format(target_config.zigtarget), cxx_tool_label, ] + native.glob([ "lib/libc/{}/**".format(target_config.libc), "lib/libcxx/**", "lib/libcxxabi/**", "lib/libunwind/**", "lib/compiler_rt/**", "lib/std/**", "lib/*.zig", "lib/*.h", ]), ) filegroup( name = "{}_ar_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), srcs = [ ":zig", ":" + zig_tool_path(os).format( zig_tool = "ar", zigtarget = target_config.zigtarget, ), ], ) filegroup( name = "{}_all_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), srcs = [ ":{}_linker_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), ":{}_compiler_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), ":{}_ar_files".format(target_config.zigtarget), ], ) for d in _DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES + target_config.includes: d = "lib/" + d if d not in lazy_filegroups: lazy_filegroups[d] = filegroup(name = d, srcs = native.glob([d + "/**"])) def _flatten(iterable): result = [] for element in iterable: result += element return result ## Copied from https://github.com/bazelbuild/bazel-skylib/blob/1.4.1/lib/paths.bzl#L59-L98 def _paths_is_absolute(path): return path.startswith("/") or (len(path) > 2 and path[1] == ":") def _paths_join(path, *others): result = path for p in others: if _paths_is_absolute(p): result = p elif not result or result.endswith("/"): result += p else: result += "/" + p return result