How to test a different version of zig -------------------------------------- Assume you want to test an unreleased version of zig. Here's how: - build zig in `build/` directory, following the official instructions. - pack it to something that looks like a release using this script: ```bash #!/bin/bash set -xeuo pipefail archversion="zig-linux-x86_64-$(git describe)" dst="$HOME/rel/$archversion/" rm -fr "$dst" mkdir -p "$dst"/docs cp zig "$dst" cp -r ../lib "$dst" tar -C "$HOME/rel" -cJf "$HOME/$archversion.tar.xz" . ``` - send it to or your mirror. - point toolchain/defs.bzl to the new version. - run tests (probably locally, where zig was built). - running this on is left as an exercise for further tests.