[![builds.sr.ht status](https://builds.sr.ht/~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc.svg)](https://builds.sr.ht/~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc) # Bazel zig cc toolchain This is a C/C++ toolchain that can (cross-)compile C/C++ programs. It contains clang-13, musl, glibc 2-2.35, all in a ~40MB package. Read [here](https://andrewkelley.me/post/zig-cc-powerful-drop-in-replacement-gcc-clang.html) about zig-cc; the rest of the README will present how to use this toolchain from Bazel. Configuring toolchains in Bazel is complex, under-documented, and fraught with peril. I, the co-author of bazel-zig-cc, am still confused on how this all works, and often wonder why it works at all. That aside, we made the our best effort to make bazel-zig-cc usable for your C/C++/CGo projects, with as many guardrails as we could install. While copy-pasting the code in your project, attempt to read and understand the text surrounding the code snippets. This will save you hours of head scratching, I promise. # Usage Add this to your `WORKSPACE`: ``` BAZEL_ZIG_CC_VERSION = "v0.7.3" http_archive( name = "bazel-zig-cc", sha256 = "cd2629843fe4ba20cf29e1d73cc02559afba640f884e519b6a194a35627cbbf3", strip_prefix = "bazel-zig-cc-{}".format(BAZEL_ZIG_CC_VERSION), urls = ["https://git.sr.ht/~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc/archive/{}.{_ext}".format(BAZEL_ZIG_CC_VERSION)], ) load("@bazel-zig-cc//toolchain:defs.bzl", zig_toolchains = "toolchains") # version, url_formats and host_platform_sha256 are optional, but highly # recommended. Zig SDK is by default downloaded from dl.jakstys.lt, which is a # tiny server in the closet of Yours Truly. zig_toolchains( version = "<...>", url_formats = [ "https://example.org/zig/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.{_ext}", ], host_platform_sha256 = { ... }, ) ``` And this to `.bazelrc`: ``` build --incompatible_enable_cc_toolchain_resolution ``` The snippets above will download the zig toolchain and make the bazel toolchains available for registration and usage. If you do nothing else, this may work. The `.bazelrc` snippet instructs Bazel to use the registered "new kinds of toolchains". All above are required regardless of how wants to use it. The next steps depend on how one wants to use bazel-zig-cc. The descriptions below is a gentle introduction to C++ toolchains from "user's perspective" too. ## Use case: manually build a single target with a specific zig cc toolchain This option is least disruptive to the workflow compared to no hermetic C++ toolchain, and works best when trying out or getting started with bazel-zig-cc for a subset of targets. To request Bazel to use a specific toolchain (compatible with the specified platform) for build/tests/whatever on linux-amd64-musl, do: ``` bazel build \ --platforms @zig_sdk//platform:linux_arm64 \ --extra_toolchains @zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_arm64_musl \ //test/go:go ``` There are a few things going on here, let's try to dissect them. ### Option `--platforms @zig_sdk//platform:linux_arm64` Specifies that the our target platform is `linux_arm64`, which resolves into: ``` $ bazel query --output=build @zig_sdk//platform:linux_arm64 platform( name = "linux_arm64", generator_name = "linux_arm64", generator_function = "declare_platforms", generator_location = "platform/BUILD:7:18", constraint_values = ["@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:aarch64"], ) ``` `constraint_values` instructs Bazel to be looking for a **toolchain** that is compatible with (in Bazelspeak, `target_compatible_with`) **all of the** `["@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:aarch64"]`. ### Option `--toolchains=@zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_arm64_musl` Inspect first (`@platforms//cpu:aarch64` is an alias to `@platforms//cpu:arm64`): ``` $ bazel query --output=build @zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_arm64_musl toolchain( name = "linux_arm64_musl", generator_name = "linux_arm64_musl", generator_function = "declare_toolchains", generator_location = "toolchain/BUILD:7:19", toolchain_type = "@bazel_tools//tools/cpp:toolchain_type", target_compatible_with = ["@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:aarch64", "@zig_sdk//libc:unconstrained"], toolchain = "@zig_sdk//private:aarch64-linux-musl_cc", ) ``` For a platform to pick up the right toolchain, the platform's `constraint_values` must be a subset[^1] of the toolchain's `target_compatible_with`. Since the platform is a subset (therefore, toolchain's `@zig_sdk//libc:unconstrained` does not matter), this toolchain is selected for this platform. As a result, `--platforms @zig_sdk//platform:linux_amd64` causes Bazel to select a toolchain `@zig_sdk//platform:linux_arm64_musl` (because it satisfies all constraints), which will compile and link the C/C++ code with musl. `@zig_sdk//libc:unconstrained` will become important later. ### Same as above, less typing (with `--config`) Specifying the platform and toolchain for every target may become burdensome, so they can be put used via `--config`. For example, append this to `.bazelrc`: ``` build:linux_arm64 --platforms @zig_sdk//platform:linux_arm64 build:linux_arm64 --extra_toolchains @zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_arm64_musl ``` And then building to linux-arm64-musl boils down to: ``` bazel build --config=linux_arm64_musl //test/go:go ``` ## Use case: always compile with zig cc Instead of adding the toolchains to `.bazelrc`, they can be added unconditionally. Append this to `WORKSPACE` after `zig_toolchains(...)`: ``` register_toolchains( "@zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19", "@zig_sdk//toolchain:linux_arm64_gnu.2.28", "@zig_sdk//toolchain:darwin_amd64", "@zig_sdk//toolchain:darwin_arm64", "@zig_sdk//toolchain:windows_amd64", "@zig_sdk//toolchain:windows_arm64", ) ``` Append this to `.bazelrc`: ``` build --action_env BAZEL_DO_NOT_DETECT_CPP_TOOLCHAIN=1 ``` From Bazel's perspective, this is almost equivalent to always specifying `--extra_toolchains` on every `bazel <...>` command-line invocation. It also means there is no way to disable the toolchain with the command line. This is useful if you find bazel-zig-cc useful enough to compile for all of your targets and tools. With `BAZEL_DO_NOT_DETECT_CPP_TOOLCHAIN=1` Bazel stops detecting the default host toolchain. Configuring toolchains is complicated enough, and the auto-detection (read: fallback to non-hermetic toolchain) is a footgun best avoided. This option is not documented in bazel, so may break. If you intend to use the hermetic toolchain exclusively, it won't hurt. ## Use case: zig-cc for targets for multiple libc variants When some targets need to be build with different libcs (either different versions of glibc or musl), use a linux toolchain from `@zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchains:<...>`. The toolchain will only be selected when building for a specific libc. For example, in `WORKSPACE`: ``` register_toolchains( "@zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19", "@zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain:linux_amd64_gnu.2.28", "@zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain:x86_64-linux-musl", ) ``` What does `@zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19` mean? ``` $ bazel query --output=build @zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19 |& grep target target_compatible_with = ["@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@zig_sdk//libc:gnu.2.19"], ``` To see how this relates to the platform: ``` $ bazel query --output=build @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19 |& grep constraint constraint_values = ["@platforms//os:linux", "@platforms//cpu:x86_64", "@zig_sdk//libc:gnu.2.19"], ``` In this case, the platform's `constraint_values` and toolchain's `target_compatible_with` are identical, causing Bazel to select the right toolchain for the requested platform. With these toolchains registered, one can build a project for a specific libc-aware platform; it will select the appropriate toolchain: ``` $ bazel run --platforms @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform:linux_amd64_gnu.2.19 //test/c:which_libc glibc_2.19 $ bazel run --platforms @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform:linux_amd64_gnu.2.28 //test/c:which_libc glibc_2.28 $ bazel run --platforms @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform:linux_amd64_musl //test/c:which_libc non_glibc $ bazel run --run_under=file --platforms @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform:linux_arm64_gnu.2.28 //test/c:which_libc which_libc: ELF 64-bit LSB executable, ARM aarch64, version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /lib/ld-linux-aarch64.so.1, for GNU/Linux 2.0.0, stripped ``` To the list of libc aware toolchains and platforms: ``` $ bazel query @zig_sdk//libc_aware/toolchain/... $ bazel query @zig_sdk//libc_aware/platform/... ``` Libc-aware toolchains are especially useful when relying on [transitions][transitions], as transitioning `extra_platforms` will cause the host tools to be rebuilt with the specific libc version, which takes time; also the build host may not be able to run them if, say, target glibc version is newer than on the host. Some tests in this repository (under `test/`) are using transitions; you may check out how it's done. The `@zig_sdk//libc:variant` constraint is necessary to select a matching toolchain. Remember: the toolchain's `target_compatible_with` must be equivalent or a superset of the platform's `constraint_values`. This is why both libc-aware platforms and libc-aware toolchains reside in their own namespace; if we try to mix non-libc-aware to libc-aware, confusion ensues. To use the libc constraints in the project's platform definitions, add a `@zig_sdk//libc:variant` constraint to them. See the list of available values: ``` $ bazel query "attr(constraint_setting, @zig_sdk//libc:variant, @zig_sdk//...)" ``` `@zig_sdk//libc:unconstrained` is a special value that indicates that no value for the constraint is specified. The non libc aware linux toolchains are only compatible with this value to prevent accidental silent fallthrough to them. This is a guardrail. Thanks, future me! # Note: Naming Both Go and Bazel naming schemes are accepted. For convenience with Go, the following Go-style toolchain aliases are created: |Bazel (zig) name | Go name | |---------------- | -------- | |`x86_64` | `amd64` | |`aarch64` | `arm64` | |`macos` | `darwin` | For example, the toolchain `linux_amd64_gnu.2.28` is aliased to `x86_64-linux-gnu.2.28`. To find out which toolchains can be registered or used, run: ``` $ bazel query @zig_sdk//toolchain/... ``` # Incompatibilities with clang and gcc `zig cc` is *almost* a drop-in replacement for clang/gcc. This section lists some of the discovered differences and ways to live with them. ## UBSAN and "SIGILL: Illegal Instruction" `zig cc` differs from "mainstream" compilers by [enabling UBSAN by default][ubsan1]. Which means your program may compile successfully and crash with: ``` SIGILL: illegal instruction ``` This flag encourages program authors to fix the undefined behavior. There are [many ways][ubsan2] to find the undefined behavior. ## Use of `--gc-sections` by default `zig cc` passes `--gc-sections` to the ld.lld linker by default, this causes problems for CGo. See [below](#go-linker-does-not-put-libc-onto-the-linker-line). # Known Issues In bazel-zig-cc These are the things you may stumble into when using bazel-zig-cc. I am unlikely to implement them any time soon, but patches implementing those will be accepted. See [Questions & Contributions](#questions-amp-contributions) on how to contribute. ## Zig cache Currently zig cache is in `$HOME`, so `bazel clean --expunge` does not clear the zig cache. Zig's cache should be stored somewhere in the project's path. ## OSX: sysroot For non-trivial programs (and for all darwin/arm64 cgo programs) MacOS SDK may be necessary. Read [Jakub's comment][sysroot] about it. Support for OSX sysroot is currently not implemented. ## OSX: different OS targets (Catalina -- Monterey) [Zig 0.9.0](https://ziglang.org/download/0.9.0/release-notes.html#macOS) may target macos.10 (Catalina), macos.11 (Big Sur) or macos.12 (Monterey). It currently targets the lowest version, without ability to change it. ## Windows only: output file extensions For Windows targets Bazel uses Unix extensions for output binaries. Those may need to be renamed before deploying to the Windows system. Here is a primer: | Binary type | Bazel extension | Windows extension | |----------------|-----------------|-------------------| | Static library | .a | .lib | | Shared library | .so | .dll | | Executable | (no extension) | .exe | # Known Issues In Upstream This section lists issues that I've stumbled into when using `zig cc`, and is outside of bazel-zig-cc's control. ## Go linker does not put libc onto the linker line **Severity: Low** Task: [golang/go #52690 Go linker does not put libc onto the linker line, causing undefined symbol errors](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/52690) Background: when linking CGo programs that do not have C code by itself, the Golang linker does not link the C library, causing undefined symbols and a message similar to this: ``` runtime/race(.text): relocation target getuid not defined runtime/race(.text): relocation target pthread_self not defined ``` This is because `zig cc` emits `--gc-sections` for the linker, which is incompatbile with what CGo thinks about linking. A workaround until [#52690](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/52690) is resolved: add `--no-gc-sections` to the link step. So the resulting command to compile CGo code on Linux is: ``` CGO_ENABLED=1 CC="zig cc -Wl,--no-gc-sections" go build main.go ``` This is done automatically in bazel-zig-cc. ## using glibc 2.27 or older **Severity: Low** Task: [ziglang/zig #9485 glibc 2.27 or older: fcntl64 not found, but zig's glibc headers refer it](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9485) Background: when glibc 2.27 or older is selected, it may miss `fcntl64`. A workaround is applied for `x86_64`, but not for aarch64. The same workaround may apply to aarch64, but the author didn't find a need to test it (yet). # Closed Upstream Issues - [ziglang/zig #10386 zig cc regression in 0.9.0](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/10386)(CLOSED, thanks Xavier) - [ziglang/zig #10312 macho: fail if requested -framework is not found](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/pull/10312) (CLOSED, thanks kubkon) - [ziglang/zig #10299 [darwin aarch64 cgo] regression](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/10299) (CLOSED, thanks kubkon) - [ziglang/zig #10297 [darwin x86_64 cgo] regression](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/10297) (CLOSED, thanks kubkon) - [ziglang/zig #9431 FileNotFound when compiling macos](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9431) (CLOSED, thanks andrewrk) - [ziglang/zig #9139 zig c++ hanging when compiling in parallel](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9139) (CLOSED, thanks andrewrk) - [ziglang/zig #9050 golang linker segfault](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/9050) (CLOSED, thanks kubkon) - [ziglang/zig #7917 [meta] better c/c++ toolchain compatibility](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7917) (CLOSED, thanks andrewrk) - [ziglang/zig #7915 ar-compatible command for zig cc](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7915) (CLOSED, thanks andrewrk) - [ziglang/zig #7667 misplaced relocated glibc stubs (pthread_sigmask)](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7667) (CLOSED, thanks mjonaitis and andrewrk) - [rules/go #2894 Per-arch_target linker flags](https://github.com/bazelbuild/rules_go/issues/2894) (CLOSED, thanks mjonaitis) - [golang/go #46644 cmd/link: with CC=zig: SIGSERV when cross-compiling to darwin/amd64](https://github.com/golang/go/issues/46644) (CLOSED, thanks kubkon) # Host Environments This repository is used on the following (host) platforms: - `linux_amd64`, a.k.a. `x86_64`. - `linux_arm64`, a.k.a. `AArch64`. - `darwin_amd64`, the 64-bit post-PowerPC models. - `darwin_arm64`, the M1. - `windows_amd64`, a.k.a. `x64`. The tests are running (CId) on linux-amd64, and are assuming the kernel is configured to run `linux_arm64` and `windows_amd64` binaries. There are two reasonably convenient ways to configure `linux_arm64` emulation: 1. Install and configure [`binfmt_misc`][binfmt_misc]: ``` apt install qemu-user-static binfmt-support ``` 2. Magic of the internet: ``` docker run --rm --privileged multiarch/qemu-user-static --reset -p yes ``` In order to install and configure `windows_amd64` emulation: ``` apt install wine-binfmt ``` ## Transient docker environment A standalone Docker environment to play with bazel-zig-cc: ``` $ docker run -e CC=/usr/bin/false -ti --rm -v "$PWD:/x" -w /x debian:bullseye-slim # dpkg --add-architecture arm64 && apt update # apt install --no-install-recommends -y direnv git shellcheck ca-certificates libc6:arm64 # eval "$(direnv hook bash)" && direnv allow # ./ci/test # ./ci/lint ``` # Questions & Contributions Project's mailing list is [~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc][mailing-list]. The mailing list is used for: - announcements (I am aiming to send an email with every release). - user discussions. - raising issues. - contributions. I will generally respond to emails about issues. I may even be able to fix them. However, no promises: you are much more likely (and welcome!) to get it fixed by submitting a patch. To contribute, send your patches to the mailing list, as described in [git-send-email.io][git-send-email] or via [Sourcehut web UI][video]. Copyright is retained by the contributors. # Publicity This section lists notable uses or mentions of bazel-zig-cc. - 2022-05-23 [How Zig is used at Uber (youtube)][yt-how-zig-is-used-at-uber]: Yours Truly (the author) talks about how bazel-zig-cc came to existence and how it's used at Uber in Milan Zig Meetup. - 2022-05-23 [How Uber uses Zig][how-uber-uses-zig]: text version of the above. - 2022-03-30 [Google Open Source Peer Bonus Program][google-award] awarded the author $250 for bazel-zig-cc. - 2022-01-13 [bazel-zig-cc building Envoy][zig-cc-envoy]. If you'd like your blog post, company or a project added here, do not hesitate and send a patch. # Thanks Many thanks to Adam Bouhenguel and his [bazel-zig-cc][ajbouh], the parent of this repository. Also, the Zig team for making this all possible and handling the issues promptly. [^1]: a [mathematical subset][subset]: both can be equal. [binfmt_misc]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Binfmt_misc [mailing-list]: https://lists.sr.ht/~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc [ajbouh]: https://github.com/ajbouh/bazel-zig-cc/ [git-send-email]: https://git-send-email.io/ [video]: https://spacepub.space/w/no6jnhHeUrt2E5ST168tRL [sysroot]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/10299#issuecomment-989153750 [ubsan1]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/4830#issuecomment-605491606 [ubsan2]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/5163 [transitions]: https://docs.bazel.build/versions/main/skylark/config.html#user-defined-transitions [subset]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Subset [yt-how-zig-is-used-at-uber]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SCj2J3HcEfc [how-uber-uses-zig]: https://jakstys.lt/2022/how-uber-uses-zig/ [zig-cc-envoy]: https://github.com/envoyproxy/envoy/issues/19535 [google-award]: https://opensource.googleblog.com/2022/03/Announcing-First-Group-of-Google-Open-Source-Peer-Bonus-Winners-in-2022.html