Patched Zig release ------------------- This file explains how this zig version was created. As of first writing, 0.10.0-dev.4301+uber1 + Steps to re-create a patched zig: ``` $ wget $ git clone; cd zig-bootstrap # if is not merged: patch it. $ git am --directory=zig ../13051.patch $ ${EDITOR:-vi} build # replace the hash with "+uber1" and bump the last number in ZIG_VERSION $ ./build-and-archive ``` Recent zig-bootstrap versions require cmake >= 3.19, which is available from ubuntu 22.04 (jammy) or debian 12 (bookworm). Otherwise CMAKE will unable to "Find the C compiler". A workaround: docker run --privileged -v `pwd`:/x -w /x -ti --rm buildpack-deps:bookworm \ sh -c 'apt-get update && apt-get install -y cmake && exec ./build-and-archive' (`--privileged` is necessary because of devpod nuances. You can skip it if you don't know what is a devpod.) `build-and-archive`, this file and 13051.patch should be in the archive where you got your patched zig.