load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:http.bzl", "http_archive") load("@bazel_tools//tools/build_defs/repo:utils.bzl", "read_user_netrc", "use_netrc") load("@bazel-zig-cc//toolchain/private:defs.bzl", "DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES", "ZIG_TOOL_PATH", "target_structs") _fcntl_map = """ GLIBC_2.2.5 { fcntl; }; """ _fcntl_h = """ #ifdef __ASSEMBLER__ .symver fcntl64, fcntl@GLIBC_2.2.5 #else __asm__(".symver fcntl64, fcntl@GLIBC_2.2.5"); #endif """ # Official recommended version. Should use this when we have a usable release. URL_FORMAT_RELEASE = "https://ziglang.org/download/{version}/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.tar.xz" # Caution: nightly releases are purged from ziglang.org after ~90 days. A real # solution would be to allow the downstream project specify their own mirrors. # This is explained in # https://sr.ht/~motiejus/bazel-zig-cc/#alternative-download-urls and is # awaiting my attention or your contribution. URL_FORMAT_NIGHTLY = "https://ziglang.org/builds/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.tar.xz" # Author's mirror that doesn't purge the nightlies so aggressively. I will be # cleaning those up manually only after the artifacts are not in use for many # months in bazel-zig-cc. dl.jakstys.lt is a small x86_64 server with an NVMe # drive sitting in my home closet on a 1GB/s symmetric residential connection, # which, as of writing, has been quite reliable. URL_FORMAT_JAKSTYS = "https://dl.jakstys.lt/zig/zig-{host_platform}-{version}.tar.xz" _VERSION = "0.10.0-dev.2252+a4369918b" _HOST_PLATFORM_SHA256 = { "linux-aarch64": "a88d646f881ae39bde4631e2b48d986a90878f6fadb1a588c8e297a52ac1b606", "linux-x86_64": "1d3c3769eba85a4334c93a3cfa35ad0ef914dd8cf9fd502802004c6908f5370c", "macos-aarch64": "ab46e7499e5bd7b6d6ff2ac331e1a4aa875a01b270dc40306bc29dbaf216fccf", "macos-x86_64": "fb213f996bcab805839e401292c42a92b63cd97deb1631e31bd61f534b7f6b1c", } def toolchains( version = _VERSION, url_formats = [URL_FORMAT_JAKSTYS], host_platform_sha256 = _HOST_PLATFORM_SHA256): """ Download zig toolchain and declare bazel toolchains. The platforms are not registered automatically, that should be done by the user with register_toolchains() in the WORKSPACE file. See README for possible choices. """ zig_repository( name = "zig_sdk", version = version, url_formats = url_formats, host_platform_sha256 = host_platform_sha256, host_platform_include_root = { "linux-aarch64": "lib/zig/", "linux-x86_64": "lib/", "macos-aarch64": "lib/zig/", "macos-x86_64": "lib/zig/", }, ) ZIG_TOOL_WRAPPER = """#!/bin/bash set -e if [[ -n "$TMPDIR" ]]; then _cache_prefix=$TMPDIR else _cache_prefix="$HOME/.cache" if [[ "$(uname)" = Darwin ]]; then _cache_prefix="$HOME/Library/Caches" fi fi export ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR="$_cache_prefix/bazel-zig-cc" export ZIG_GLOBAL_CACHE_DIR=$ZIG_LOCAL_CACHE_DIR exec "{zig}" "{zig_tool}" "$@" """ _ZIG_TOOLS = [ "c++", "cc", "ar", "ld.lld", # ELF "ld64.lld", # Mach-O "lld-link", # COFF "wasm-ld", # WebAssembly ] def _quote(s): return "'" + s.replace("'", "'\\''") + "'" def _zig_repository_impl(repository_ctx): arch = repository_ctx.os.arch if arch == "amd64": arch = "x86_64" os = repository_ctx.os.name.lower() if os.startswith("mac os"): os = "macos" host_platform = "{}-{}".format(os, arch) zig_include_root = repository_ctx.attr.host_platform_include_root[host_platform] zig_sha256 = repository_ctx.attr.host_platform_sha256[host_platform] format_vars = { "version": repository_ctx.attr.version, "host_platform": host_platform, } urls = [uf.format(**format_vars) for uf in repository_ctx.attr.url_formats] repository_ctx.download_and_extract( auth = use_netrc(read_user_netrc(repository_ctx), urls, {}), url = urls, stripPrefix = "zig-{host_platform}-{version}/".format(**format_vars), sha256 = zig_sha256, ) for zig_tool in _ZIG_TOOLS: repository_ctx.file( ZIG_TOOL_PATH.format(zig_tool = zig_tool), ZIG_TOOL_WRAPPER.format( zig = str(repository_ctx.path("zig")), zig_tool = zig_tool, ), ) repository_ctx.file( "glibc-hacks/fcntl.map", content = _fcntl_map, ) repository_ctx.file( "glibc-hacks/glibchack-fcntl.h", content = _fcntl_h, ) for dest, src in { "platform/BUILD": "//toolchain/platform:BUILD", "toolchain/BUILD": "//toolchain/toolchain:BUILD", "libc/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc:BUILD", "libc_aware/platform/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc_aware/platform:BUILD", "libc_aware/toolchain/BUILD": "//toolchain/libc_aware/toolchain:BUILD", }.items(): repository_ctx.symlink(Label(src), dest) for dest, src in { "BUILD": "//toolchain:BUILD.sdk.bazel", "private/BUILD": "//toolchain/private:BUILD.sdk.bazel", }.items(): repository_ctx.template( dest, Label(src), executable = False, substitutions = { "{absolute_path}": _quote(str(repository_ctx.path(""))), "{zig_include_root}": _quote(zig_include_root), }, ) zig_repository = repository_rule( attrs = { "version": attr.string(), "host_platform_sha256": attr.string_dict(), "url_formats": attr.string_list(allow_empty = False), "host_platform_include_root": attr.string_dict(), }, implementation = _zig_repository_impl, ) def filegroup(name, **kwargs): native.filegroup(name = name, **kwargs) return ":" + name def declare_files(zig_include_root): filegroup(name = "empty") native.exports_files(["zig"], visibility = ["//visibility:public"]) filegroup(name = "lib/std", srcs = native.glob(["lib/std/**"])) lazy_filegroups = {} for target_config in target_structs(): for d in DEFAULT_INCLUDE_DIRECTORIES + target_config.includes: d = zig_include_root + d if d not in lazy_filegroups: lazy_filegroups[d] = filegroup(name = d, srcs = native.glob([d + "/**"]))