On macos, dynamic libraries are generated as "libfoo.dylib". On windows, executables end with ".exe", static libraries end with ".lib", and dynamic libraries end with ".dll".
78 lines
3.2 KiB
78 lines
3.2 KiB
load(":defs.bzl", "target_structs", "zig_tool_path")
load("@bazel-zig-cc//toolchain:zig_toolchain.bzl", "zig_cc_toolchain_config")
"ar": "ar",
"gcc": "c++", #
"cpp": "/usr/bin/false",
"gcov": "/usr/bin/false",
"nm": "/usr/bin/false",
"objdump": "/usr/bin/false",
"strip": "/usr/bin/false",
def declare_cc_toolchains(os, zig_sdk_path):
for target_config in target_structs():
gotarget = target_config.gotarget
zigtarget = target_config.zigtarget
cxx_builtin_include_directories = []
for d in getattr(target_config, "toplevel_include", []):
cxx_builtin_include_directories.append(zig_sdk_path + "/" + d)
absolute_tool_paths = {}
for name, path in target_config.tool_paths.items() + DEFAULT_TOOL_PATHS:
if path[0] == "/":
absolute_tool_paths[name] = path
tool_path = zig_tool_path(os).format(
zig_tool = path,
zigtarget = zigtarget,
absolute_tool_paths[name] = tool_path
dynamic_library_linkopts = target_config.dynamic_library_linkopts
copts = target_config.copts
linkopts = []
for s in getattr(target_config, "linker_version_scripts", []):
linkopts = ["-Wl,--version-script,%s/%s" % (zig_sdk_path, s)]
for incl in getattr(target_config, "compiler_extra_includes", []):
copts = copts + ["-include", zig_sdk_path + "/" + incl]
# We can't pass a list of structs to a rule, so we use json encoding.
artifact_name_patterns = getattr(target_config, "artifact_name_patterns", [])
artifact_name_pattern_strings = [json.encode(p) for p in artifact_name_patterns]
name = zigtarget + "_cc_config",
target = zigtarget,
tool_paths = absolute_tool_paths,
cxx_builtin_include_directories = cxx_builtin_include_directories,
copts = copts,
linkopts = linkopts,
dynamic_library_linkopts = dynamic_library_linkopts,
target_cpu = target_config.bazel_target_cpu,
target_system_name = "unknown",
target_libc = "unknown",
compiler = "clang",
abi_version = "unknown",
abi_libc_version = "unknown",
artifact_name_patterns = artifact_name_pattern_strings,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],
name = zigtarget + "_cc",
toolchain_identifier = zigtarget + "-toolchain",
toolchain_config = ":%s_cc_config" % zigtarget,
all_files = "@zig_sdk//:%s_all_files" % zigtarget,
ar_files = "@zig_sdk//:%s_ar_files" % zigtarget,
compiler_files = "@zig_sdk//:%s_compiler_files" % zigtarget,
linker_files = "@zig_sdk//:%s_linker_files" % zigtarget,
dwp_files = "@zig_sdk//:empty",
objcopy_files = "@zig_sdk//:empty",
strip_files = "@zig_sdk//:empty",
supports_param_files = 0,
visibility = ["//visibility:private"],