--- title: "My Favorite Podcast" date: 2022-11-30T23:40:27+02:00 slug: my-favorite-podcast --- The only podcast I was able to listen for more than 3 series was [BBC][bbc]: mostly "history" and "life stories". Over the last ~10 years I tried many others, but nothing clicked for a longer engagement. A few months ago I stumbled across Adam Gordon Bell's [corecursive][corecursive]. My first episode was with [Richard Hipp][hipp], the creator of SQLite. It was great. The second one was with about [zig][zig]. The average episode is so good that I just downloaded them all to slowly go through them. If you want to take out something from this post, listen to the three episodes below, even if you are not a developer yourself[^1]: - [The Untold Story of SQLite With Richard Hipp][hipp]. - [Full-Time Open Source With Andrew Kelley][zig]. - [Memento Mori With Kate Gregory][kate-gregory]. The last in this list triggered to write out this recommendation. I spent a few weeks trying to put my finger why I like Adam's podcast so much. And today I understood: Adam is empathetic, he can listen, and really, really make people talk. I recommend listening to the three above, even if you are not a developer yourself. You may find yourself in my position — downloading the archive and becoming inspired. [^1]: in that case I recommend starting with Kate Gregory. [bbc]: https://www.bbc.co.uk/sounds/podcasts [corecursive]: https://corecursive.com/ [hipp]: https://corecursive.com/066-sqlite-with-richard-hipp/ [zig]: https://corecursive.com/067-zig-with-andrew-kelley/ [kate-gregory]: https://corecursive.com/memento-mori-with-kate-gregory/