--- title: "Uber Mock Interview Retrospective" date: 2022-07-01T12:55:00+03:00 slug: uber-mock-interview-retrospective --- Like mentioned in [the previous post]({{< ref "log/2022/big-tech-hiring" >}}), I did a public mock coding interview. A reminder what that was: - The goal was to explain how some bits of Uber's tech recruiting works. - The [meetup page][meetup-page] had 602 attendees as of writing. We expected quite a few participants in the event. The mock interview consisted of: - Introduction by Uber's EMEA recruiter Courtney Cox. - Myself doing a coding challenge with a 50 minute cap: - I did not know the exercise upfront. - Although my job did not depend on it, the ticking timer and people looking at my work (~260) made it quite stressful. - I did not complete the exercise. According to my interviewee, I failed the "phone screen". The good part is that I still get to keep my job. :) - Half-hour QA session. ## TLDR: Highlights - Lots of fun for everyone: myself, the interviewer and the spectators. - Folks seemed to be engaged: the chat room was active throughout, and we had more questions than time to answer them. - Even though I have been coding Zig for the last few months, I felt like I had a strong enough grip on it; the algorithm was the one that tripped me. ## TLDR: Lowlights Most importantly, I did not complete the exercise. Worse, I did not even come up with the correct algorithm, therefore the interview was an obvious failure. I can re-apply in 6 months though! Biggest mistake? **I did the same mistake that interviewees do all the time: start coding without knowing the full algorithm.** This is a recipe for failure. It is always, always better to spend 10-15 minutes with hands off the keyboard and come up with the solution, and only then start coding. On the same day I figured out the solution and implemented it next morning. You can find it below. If you want to show this off in your favorite programming language, read below in the [challenge](#optional-challenge-for-you) section. ## The Exercise and Solution I have been coding in Zig since last February (so ~5 months now). [Loris Cro][loris] keeps telling the me and The Internet that Zig is not suitable for coding challenges. Well, after a couple of months of working with him, I can finally say he is wrong! Even though my colleagues tell me Zig was tripping me (e.g. memory leaks in the unit tests, for which I had to add `defer hash_map.deinit()`), I think this was due to lack of experience in a particular "coding challenge setting". Next time I will construct an [arena][arena] and be done with memory management. Exercise was taken from [Cracking the coding interview][cracking]: ``` // Each year, the government releases a list of the 10000 most common baby // names and their frequencies (the number of babies with that name). The only // problem with this is that some names have multiple spellings. For example, // "John" and "Jon" are essentially the same name but would be listed // separately in the list. Given two lists, one of names/frequencies and the // other of pairs of equivalent names, write an algorithm to print a new list // of the true frequency of each name. Note that if John and Jon are synonyms, // and Jon and Johnny are synonyms, then John and Johnny are synonyms. (It is // both transitive and symmetric.) In the final list, any name can be used as // the "real" name. // // Example: // Names: John (15), Jon (12), Chris (13), Kris (4), Christopher (19) // Synonyms: (Jon, John), (John, Johnny), (Chris, Kris), (Chris, Christopher) // Output: John (27), Kris (36) ``` ### My solution Timeline: - 50 minutes during the interview. I almost did not use any of it except for small parsing bits and the unit test. - 30 minutes after cycling home right after the meetup: thinking about the problem. At this point I realized this problem reduces to finding disconnected graphs. - 2 hours 15 minutes: coding. The result of that is below. {{< highlight zig "linenos=table" >}} const std = @import("std"); const mem = std.mem; const fmt = std.fmt; const Order = std.math.Order; const Allocator = std.mem.Allocator; const ArrayList = std.ArrayList; const ArrayListUnmanaged = std.ArrayListUnmanaged; const StringHashMap = std.StringHashMap; const PriorityQueue = std.PriorityQueue; // for priority queue fn lessThan(_: void, a: u32, b: u32) Order { return std.math.order(a, b); } pub fn solution( allocator: Allocator, names: []const u8, synonyms: []const u8, ) error{OutOfMemory}![]const u8 { var arena1 = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator); defer arena1.deinit(); var arena = arena1.allocator(); var name2id = StringHashMap(u32).init(arena); var pairs = ArrayList([2]u32).init(arena); // populate name2id and pairs const total_members = blk: { var it = mem.tokenize(u8, synonyms, ", ()"); var idx: u32 = 0; while (true) { const left = it.next() orelse break; const right = it.next().?; var pair: [2]u32 = undefined; var i: u2 = 0; for (&[_][]const u8{ left, right }) |val| { const result = try name2id.getOrPut(val); if (!result.found_existing) { result.value_ptr.* = idx; pair[i] = idx; idx += 1; } else pair[i] = result.value_ptr.*; i += 1; } try pairs.append(pair); } // now add all "lone" names that do not have aliases var it2 = mem.tokenize(u8, names, "(), 0123456789"); while (it2.next()) |name| { const result = try name2id.getOrPut(name); if (!result.found_existing) { result.value_ptr.* = idx; idx += 1; } } break :blk idx; }; // create id2name for printing the results var id2name = try arena.alloc([]const u8, total_members); { var it = name2id.iterator(); while (it.next()) |val| id2name[val.value_ptr.*] = val.key_ptr.*; } var graph = try arena.alloc(ArrayListUnmanaged(u32), total_members); mem.set(ArrayListUnmanaged(u32), graph, ArrayListUnmanaged(u32){}); // populate graph for (pairs.items) |pair| { try graph[pair[0]].append(arena, pair[1]); try graph[pair[1]].append(arena, pair[0]); } // navigate through graph. This is DFS: // - "visited" is a list of user ids that we should not go into. // - "unvisited" is a queue of user ids that we need to visit. This is // the driver of the loop: work until this is non-empty. var visited = try arena.alloc(bool, total_members); mem.set(bool, visited, false); // everyone is unvisited now var unvisited = PriorityQueue(u32, void, lessThan).init(arena, {}); try unvisited.ensureTotalCapacity(total_members); for (id2name) |_, i| try unvisited.add(@intCast(u32, i)); // id2synonym is mapping from userid to synonym_id. It just so conveniently // happens that the synonym_id points to a user id. var id2synonym = try arena.alloc(u32, total_members); // traverse the graph and populate id2synonym { var synonym_id: u32 = 0; // scratch is our DFS temporary storage: while traversing the member // list, which ones to go to when we're done with the current one? var scratch = PriorityQueue(u32, void, lessThan).init(arena, {}); while (unvisited.removeOrNull()) |i| : (synonym_id += 1) { if (visited[i]) continue; try scratch.add(i); while (scratch.removeOrNull()) |j| { visited[j] = true; id2synonym[j] = synonym_id; for (graph[j].items) |k| if (!visited[k]) try scratch.add(k); } } } var id2count = try arena.alloc(u32, total_members); mem.set(u32, id2count, 0); // calculate id2count from names and id2synonym { var it = mem.tokenize(u8, names, ", ()"); while (true) { const name = it.next() orelse break; const id = name2id.get(name).?; const count = fmt.parseInt(u32, it.next().?, 10) catch unreachable; id2count[id2synonym[id]] += count; } } var result = ArrayList(u8).init(allocator); const wr = result.writer(); for (id2count) |count, id| { if (count == 0) continue; if (id != 0) result.appendSlice(", ") catch unreachable; wr.print("{s} ({d})", .{ id2name[id], count }) catch unreachable; } return result.toOwnedSlice(); } const tests = [_]struct { names: []const u8, synonyms: []const u8, want: []const u8, }{ .{ .names = "John (15), Jon (12), Chris (13), Kris (4), Christopher (19), Žvangalas (10)", .synonyms = "(Jon, John), (John, Johnny), (Chris, Kris), (Chris, Christopher)", .want = "Jon (27), Chris (36), Žvangalas (10)", }, .{ .names = "John (15), Jon (12), Chris (13), Kris (4), Christopher (19)", .synonyms = "(Jon, John), (John, Johnny), (Chris, Kris), (Chris, Christopher)", .want = "Jon (27), Chris (36)", }, .{ .names = "John (15), Jon (12), Johnny (5), Johnn (4), Johnathan (3)", .synonyms = "(Jon, John), (Johnn, Johnny), (Johnathan, Jon), (John, Johnny)", .want = "Jon (39)", }, }; const testing = std.testing; test "example" { for (tests) |tt| { const got = try solution(testing.allocator, tt.names, tt.synonyms); defer testing.allocator.free(got); try testing.expectEqualStrings(tt.want, got); } } {{< / highlight >}} [Jakub Konka][jakub] was watching the interview too! His comment to the solution above is: - Your solution looks good to me and I think I'd be oscillating roughly around the same solution too. - You've used arena in an interesting way to init string sets: I think I'd use an unmanaged version and initialize on first use. - But it's fine either way. ## Optional: challenge for you Inclined to show off your solution in Zig or your favorite programming language? Post it to the comment in [meetup page][meetup-page] (preferably use a [public pastebin][pastebin] to keep the comment size reasonable), and I will paste my favorite ones here with your name. Please include the time it took you to code it. The main criteria is, of course, lines of code. :) ## Thanks Many thanks to Brigita Žemgulytė, Courtney Cox, Ignas Kaziukėnas and Mantas Mikšys for making this happen. I would do it again. [loris]: https://kristoff.it/ [meetup-page]: https://www.meetup.com/uber-engineering-events-vilnius/events/286542203/ [jakub]: https://www.jakubkonka.com/ [pastebin]: https://paste.mozilla.org/ [cracking]: https://www.crackingthecodinginterview.com/ [arena]: https://github.com/ziglang/zig/blob/0.9.1/lib/std/heap/arena_allocator.zig#L6-L7