--- title: "Motiejus Jakštys Resume" description: "Motiejus Jakštys resume" --- My resume is below, in reverse-chronological order. ## Employment --- ### Staff Software Engineer, UBER, Lithuania 2020–2023 - Bootstrapped Uber's infrastructure on arm64. See [Uber's blog post][uber-arm64]. ### Senior Software Engineer, UBER, The Netherlands (2016), Lithuania (2017–2020) - Developed all kinds of OS, kernel, infrasec projects and initiatives. - Built, developed and led Uber's First Responder team (Ring0) in EU. - Maintained [ringpop-go](https://github.com/uber/ringpop-go). *Technologies utilized at Uber*: * Used and contributed to [Go](http://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=author%3Amotiejus+) and [Zig](http://github.com/ziglang/zig/commits?author=motiejus). * Debian builds and deployments, configuration management. Wide ecosystem. * Productionized and on-boarded to Uber a [hermetic C++ toolchain configuration](https://github.com/uber/hermetic_cc_toolchain) in Bazel. --- ### GIS/Cartographer (FREELANCE), Lithuania 2019–now * Created a photo–mosaic of a non-trivial area with a consumer drone that enabled significant update of openstreetmaps data and create a detailed map of a small town. * Implemented some spatial algorithms. Notable example: [git.jakstys.lt/motiejus/wm][wm]. *Technologies utilized for GIS work*: PostGIS, GDAL. --- ### Software Development Engineer, AMAZON WEB SERVICES, The Netherlands, 2014–2016 - Developed Amazon WorkMail. - Performed networking and Linux investigations. between the business application and the system (and networks) that are running it. Technologies utilized at Amazon: Java, Linux, AWS public offerings and internal Amazon stack. --- ### Software Engineer, SPIL GAMES, Netherlands, 2012–2014 - Backend application developer. - Performed networking and Linux investigations. Tech: Erlang, C and Linux. Location: Hilversum, Netherlands. --- ### Software Engineer, MANO NUMERIS, Lithuania, 2010–2011 Developed business–line applications in Erlang. Location: Vilnius, Lithuania. --- ## Academic Certifications ### MSc in Cartography, VILNIUS UNIVERSITY, Lithuania, 2019–2021 ### BSc in Computing Science, UNIVERSITY OF GLASGOW, Scotland, 2010–2013 [uber-arm64]: https://www.uber.com/en-US/blog/bootstrapping-ubers-infrastructure-on-arm64-with-zig/ [wm]: https://git.jakstys.lt/motiejus/wm/