Set parameter name in parameterized http tests

This shows the class name of the HTTP factory used in each test run.

Change-Id: I7c1df20f0e138dc7e3120fe87e80d40ab17dd8c8
Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <>
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Sohn 2019-09-08 12:34:27 +02:00
parent 5717b2583e
commit 74937d0328
1 changed files with 12 additions and 4 deletions

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@ -64,12 +64,20 @@
public abstract class AllFactoriesHttpTestCase extends HttpTestCase {
@Parameters(name = "{0}")
public static Collection<Object[]> data() {
// run all tests with both connection factories we have
return Arrays
.asList(new Object[][] { { new JDKHttpConnectionFactory() },
{ new HttpClientConnectionFactory() } });
return Arrays.asList(new Object[][] { { new JDKHttpConnectionFactory() {
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSuperclass().getName();
} }, { new HttpClientConnectionFactory() {
public String toString() {
return this.getClass().getSuperclass().getName();
} } });
protected AllFactoriesHttpTestCase(HttpConnectionFactory cf) {