Merge branch 'master' into next

* master: (27 commits)
  Optimize RevWalkUtils.findBranchesReachableFrom()
  Introduce getMergedInto(RevCommit commit, Collection<Ref> refs)
  Skip detecting content renames for large files
  Remove unused API problem filters
  Document http options supported by JGit
  HTTP cookies: do tilde expansion on http.cookieFile
  Prepare 5.12.0-SNAPSHOT builds
  Update Orbit to R20210223232630
  Prepare 5.11.1-SNAPSHOT builds
  JGit v5.11.0.202103091610-r
  Manually set status of jmh dependencies
  Update DEPENDENCIES report for 5.11.0
  Add dependency to dash-licenses
  PackFile: Add id + ext based constructors
  GC: deleteOrphans: Use PackFile
  PackExt: Convert to Enum
  Restore preserved packs during missing object seeks
  Pack: Replace extensions bitset with bitmapIdx PackFile
  PackDirectory: Use PackFile to ensure we find preserved packs
  GC: Use PackFile to de-dup logic

Change-Id: I2326d4d728fbde3090a5b87b0e273db46e0c5f62
Signed-off-by: Matthias Sohn <>
This commit is contained in:
Matthias Sohn 2021-03-19 10:26:07 +01:00
commit d081ff78f7
73 changed files with 1571 additions and 537 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
maven/mavencentral/args4j/args4j/2.33, MIT, approved, CQ11068
maven/mavencentral/, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ23102
maven/mavencentral/com.googlecode.javaewah/JavaEWAH/1.1.7, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ11658
maven/mavencentral/com.jcraft/jsch/0.1.55, BSD-3-Clause, approved, CQ19435
maven/mavencentral/com.jcraft/jzlib/1.1.1, BSD-2-Clause, approved, CQ6218
maven/mavencentral/commons-codec/commons-codec/1.11, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ15971
maven/mavencentral/commons-logging/commons-logging/1.2, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ10162
maven/mavencentral/javax.servlet/javax.servlet-api/3.1.0, Apache-2.0 AND (CDDL-1.1 OR GPL-2.0 WITH Classpath-exception-2.0), approved, emo_ip_team
maven/mavencentral/junit/junit/4.13, , approved, CQ22796
maven/mavencentral/log4j/log4j/1.2.15, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ7837
maven/mavencentral/net.bytebuddy/byte-buddy-agent/1.9.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/net.bytebuddy/byte-buddy/1.9.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/net.i2p.crypto/eddsa/0.3.0, CC0, approved, CQ17804
maven/mavencentral/net.sf.jopt-simple/jopt-simple/4.6, MIT, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.ant/ant-launcher/1.10.8, Apache-2.0 AND W3C AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ15560
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.ant/ant/1.10.8, Apache-2.0 AND W3C AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ15560
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-compress/1.19, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.commons/commons-math3/3.2, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpclient/4.5.13, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ22761
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.httpcomponents/httpcore/4.4.14, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ18704
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.sshd/sshd-common/2.6.0, Apache-2.0 AND ISC, approved, CQ22992
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.sshd/sshd-core/2.6.0, Apache-2.0 AND ISC, approved, CQ22992
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.sshd/sshd-osgi/2.6.0, Apache-2.0 AND ISC, approved, CQ22992
maven/mavencentral/org.apache.sshd/sshd-sftp/2.6.0, Apache-2.0 AND ISC, approved, CQ22993
maven/mavencentral/org.assertj/assertj-core/3.14.0, Apache-2.0, approved, clearlydefined
maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcpg-jdk15on/1.65, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ21975
maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcpkix-jdk15on/1.65, MIT AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ21976
maven/mavencentral/org.bouncycastle/bcprov-jdk15on/1.65.01, MIT AND LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ21977
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-http/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-io/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-security/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-server/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-servlet/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util-ajax/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jetty/jetty-util/9.4.36.v20210114, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ant.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ant/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.archive/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.gpg.bc/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.http.apache/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.http.server/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.http.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.junit.http/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.junit.ssh/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.junit/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.server/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.lfs/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.pgm/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.apache/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ssh.jsch/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.test/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit.ui/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.eclipse.jgit/org.eclipse.jgit/5.11.0-SNAPSHOT, , approved, eclipse
maven/mavencentral/org.hamcrest/hamcrest-core/1.3, BSD-2-Clause, approved, CQ7063
maven/mavencentral/org.mockito/mockito-core/2.23.0, MIT, approved, CQ17976
maven/mavencentral/org.objenesis/objenesis/2.6, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ15478
maven/mavencentral/org.openjdk.jmh/jmh-core/1.21, GPL-2.0, approved, CQ20517
maven/mavencentral/org.openjdk.jmh/jmh-generator-annprocess/1.21, GPL-2.0, approved, CQ20518
maven/mavencentral/org.osgi/org.osgi.core/4.3.1, Apache-2.0, approved, CQ10111
maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-api/1.7.30, MIT, approved, CQ13368
maven/mavencentral/org.slf4j/slf4j-log4j12/1.7.30, MIT, approved, CQ7665
maven/mavencentral/org.tukaani/xz/1.8, LicenseRef-Public-Domain, approved, CQ15386

View File

@ -7,6 +7,8 @@
| &#x2705; | option defined by native git | | &#x2705; | option defined by native git |
| &#x20DE; | jgit custom option not supported by native git | | &#x20DE; | jgit custom option not supported by native git |
For details on native git options see also the official [git config documentation](
## __core__ options ## __core__ options
| option | default | git option | description | | option | default | git option | description |
@ -59,6 +61,24 @@
| `gc.pruneExpire` | `2.weeks.ago` | &#x2705; | Grace period after which unreachable objects will be pruned. | | `gc.pruneExpire` | `2.weeks.ago` | &#x2705; | Grace period after which unreachable objects will be pruned. |
| `gc.prunePackExpire` | `1.hour.ago` | &#x20DE; | Grace period after which packfiles only containing unreachable objects will be pruned. | | `gc.prunePackExpire` | `1.hour.ago` | &#x20DE; | Grace period after which packfiles only containing unreachable objects will be pruned. |
## __http__ options
| option | default | git option | description |
| `http.cookieFile`| | &#x2705; | Absolute path (with tilde expansion) of a cookie file in Netscape format. |
| `http.cookieFileCacheLimit`| 10 | &#x20DE; | JGit caches at most this number of the most recently used cookie files. |
| `http.extraHeader`| | &#x2705; | Extra HTTP header(s) to send with HTTP requests, in the format "`Key: Value`". May appear multiple times; an empty option clears the list. |
| `http.followRedirects`| `initial` | &#x2705; | `true`, `false`, or `initial`. Whether to follow a redirect always, never, or only on the first HTTP request in a git remote operation. |
| `http.maxRedirects`| 5 | &#x20DE; | Maximum number of redirects to follow; can be overridden via the Java system property `http.maxRedirects`. |
| `http.postBuffer`| `1 MiB` | &#x2705; | Maximum size in bytes for single HTTP POST requests; for larger requests, HTTP 1.1 chunked transfer is used. |
| `http.saveCookies`| `false` | &#x2705; | Boolean; if `true` and `http.cookieFile` is set, save received cookies. |
| `http.sslVerify`| `true` | &#x2705; | Boolean; whether to check SSL certificates in HTTPS connections. |
| `http.userAgent`| | &#x2705; | User-agent string to send with HTTP requests. Must be 7bit-ASCII. Can be overridden via environment variable `GIT_HTTP_USER_AGENT`. |
All `http.*` options can also be specified in a URL-specific way using the format `http.<url>.*`. See the official [git config documentation]( for details.
Proxy configuration uses the standard Java mechanisms via class ``.
## __pack__ options ## __pack__ options
| option | default | git option | description | | option | default | git option | description |

View File

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<component id="org.eclipse.jgit.archive" version="2">
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/archive/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.archive.BaseFormat">
<filter id="336658481">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.archive.BaseFormat"/>
<message_argument value="COMPRESSION_LEVEL"/>

View File

@ -25,6 +25,7 @@
import; import;
import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.time.Instant; import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
@ -39,6 +40,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.FileMode;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectInserter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
@ -385,6 +387,16 @@ protected void createBranch(ObjectId objectId, String branchName)
updateRef.update(); updateRef.update();
} }
* Get all Refs
* @return list of refs
* @throws IOException
public List<Ref> getRefs() throws IOException {
return db.getRefDatabase().getRefs();
/** /**
* Checkout a branch * Checkout a branch
* *

View File

@ -44,7 +44,9 @@
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
@ -906,23 +908,22 @@ public void packAndPrune() throws Exception {
ObjectDirectory odb = (ObjectDirectory) db.getObjectDatabase(); ObjectDirectory odb = (ObjectDirectory) db.getObjectDatabase();
NullProgressMonitor m = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; NullProgressMonitor m = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
final File pack, idx; final PackFile pack, idx;
try (PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(db)) { try (PackWriter pw = new PackWriter(db)) {
Set<ObjectId> all = new HashSet<>(); Set<ObjectId> all = new HashSet<>();
for (Ref r : db.getRefDatabase().getRefs()) for (Ref r : db.getRefDatabase().getRefs())
all.add(r.getObjectId()); all.add(r.getObjectId());
pw.preparePack(m, all, PackWriter.NONE); pw.preparePack(m, all, PackWriter.NONE);
final ObjectId name = pw.computeName(); pack = new PackFile(odb.getPackDirectory(), pw.computeName(),
pack = nameFor(odb, name, ".pack");
try (OutputStream out = try (OutputStream out =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pack))) { new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(pack))) {
pw.writePack(m, m, out); pw.writePack(m, m, out);
} }
pack.setReadOnly(); pack.setReadOnly();
idx = nameFor(odb, name, ".idx"); idx = pack.create(PackExt.INDEX);
try (OutputStream out = try (OutputStream out =
new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(idx))) { new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(idx))) {
pw.writeIndex(out); pw.writeIndex(out);
@ -960,11 +961,6 @@ private static void prunePacked(ObjectDirectory odb) throws IOException {
} }
} }
private static File nameFor(ObjectDirectory odb, ObjectId name, String t) {
File packdir = odb.getPackDirectory();
return new File(packdir, "pack-" + + t);
private void writeFile(File p, byte[] bin) throws IOException, private void writeFile(File p, byte[] bin) throws IOException,
ObjectWritingException { ObjectWritingException {
final LockFile lck = new LockFile(p); final LockFile lck = new LockFile(p);

View File

@ -7,7 +7,9 @@ Bundle-Version: 6.0.0.qualifier
Bundle-Vendor: %Bundle-Vendor Bundle-Vendor: %Bundle-Vendor
Bundle-Localization: plugin Bundle-Localization: plugin
Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8 Bundle-RequiredExecutionEnvironment: JavaSE-1.8
Import-Package:;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)", Import-Package: org.eclipse.jgit.api;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)",
org.eclipse.jgit.junit;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)", org.eclipse.jgit.junit;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)",
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)", org.eclipse.jgit.lfs;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)",
org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.errors;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)", org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.errors;version="[6.0.0,6.1.0)",

View File

@ -0,0 +1,141 @@
* Copyright (C) 2021, Thomas Wolf <> and others
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
package org.eclipse.jgit.lfs;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git;
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.ResetCommand.ResetType;
import org.eclipse.jgit.attributes.FilterCommandRegistry;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.StoredConfig;
import org.junit.AfterClass;
import org.junit.Before;
import org.junit.BeforeClass;
import org.junit.Test;
public class LfsGitTest extends RepositoryTestCase {
private static final String SMUDGE_NAME = org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.BUILTIN_FILTER_PREFIX
+ org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_SMUDGE;
private static final String CLEAN_NAME = org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.BUILTIN_FILTER_PREFIX
+ org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants.ATTR_FILTER_TYPE_CLEAN;
public static void installLfs() {
FilterCommandRegistry.register(SMUDGE_NAME, SmudgeFilter.FACTORY);
FilterCommandRegistry.register(CLEAN_NAME, CleanFilter.FACTORY);
public static void removeLfs() {
private Git git;
public void setUp() throws Exception {
git = new Git(db);
// commit something
writeTrashFile("Test.txt", "Hello world");
git.commit().setMessage("Initial commit").call();
// prepare the config for LFS
StoredConfig config = git.getRepository().getConfig();
config.setString("filter", "lfs", "clean", CLEAN_NAME);
config.setString("filter", "lfs", "smudge", SMUDGE_NAME);;
public void checkoutNonLfsPointer() throws Exception {
String content = "size_t\nsome_function(void* ptr);\n";
File smallFile = writeTrashFile("Test.txt", content);
StringBuilder largeContent = new StringBuilder(
LfsPointer.SIZE_THRESHOLD * 4);
while (largeContent.length() < LfsPointer.SIZE_THRESHOLD * 4) {
File largeFile = writeTrashFile("large.txt", largeContent.toString());
git.commit().setMessage("Text files").call();
writeTrashFile(".gitattributes", "*.txt filter=lfs");
// This reset will run the two text files through the smudge filter
checkFile(smallFile, content);
checkFile(largeFile, largeContent.toString());
// Modify the large file
writeTrashFile("large.txt", largeContent.toString());
// This should convert largeFile to an LFS pointer
git.commit().setMessage("Large modified").call();
String lfsPtr = "version\n"
+ "oid sha256:d041ab19bd7edd899b3c0450d0f61819f96672f0b22d26c9753abc62e1261614\n"
+ "size 858\n";
assertEquals("[.gitattributes, mode:100644, content:*.txt filter=lfs]"
+ "[Test.txt, mode:100644, content:" + content + ']'
+ "[large.txt, mode:100644, content:" + lfsPtr + ']',
// Verify the file has been saved
File savedFile = new File(db.getDirectory(), "lfs");
savedFile = new File(savedFile, "objects");
savedFile = new File(savedFile, "d0");
savedFile = new File(savedFile, "41");
savedFile = new File(savedFile,
String saved = new String(Files.readAllBytes(savedFile.toPath()),
assertEquals(saved, largeContent.toString());
checkFile(smallFile, content);
checkFile(largeFile, largeContent.toString());
assertEquals("[.gitattributes, mode:100644, content:*.txt filter=lfs]"
+ "[Test.txt, mode:100644, content:" + content + ']'
+ "[large.txt, mode:100644, content:" + lfsPtr + ']',
git.commit().setMessage("Small committed again").call();
String lfsPtrSmall = "version\n"
+ "oid sha256:9110463275fb0e2f0e9fdeaf84e598e62915666161145cf08927079119cc7814\n"
+ "size 33\n";
assertEquals("[.gitattributes, mode:100644, content:*.txt filter=lfs]"
+ "[Test.txt, mode:100644, content:" + lfsPtrSmall + ']'
+ "[large.txt, mode:100644, content:" + lfsPtr + ']',

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* /*
* Copyright (C) 2017, Markus Duft <> and others * Copyright (C) 2017, 2021 Markus Duft <> and others
* *
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ public class LfsBlobFilter {
*/ */
public static ObjectLoader smudgeLfsBlob(Repository db, ObjectLoader loader) public static ObjectLoader smudgeLfsBlob(Repository db, ObjectLoader loader)
throws IOException { throws IOException {
if (loader.getSize() > LfsPointer.SIZE_THRESHOLD) { if (loader.getSize() > LfsPointer.FULL_SIZE_THRESHOLD) {
return loader; return loader;
} }

View File

@ -11,7 +11,9 @@
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -25,6 +27,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.AnyLongObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.AnyLongObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.LongObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.lib.LongObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.IO;
/** /**
* Represents an LFS pointer file * Represents an LFS pointer file
@ -57,6 +60,12 @@ public class LfsPointer implements Comparable<LfsPointer> {
public static final String HASH_FUNCTION_NAME = Constants.LONG_HASH_FUNCTION public static final String HASH_FUNCTION_NAME = Constants.LONG_HASH_FUNCTION
.toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replace("-", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ .toLowerCase(Locale.ROOT).replace("-", ""); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
* {@link #SIZE_THRESHOLD} is too low; with lfs extensions a LFS pointer can
* be larger. But 8kB should be more than enough.
static final int FULL_SIZE_THRESHOLD = 8 * 1024;
private final AnyLongObjectId oid; private final AnyLongObjectId oid;
private final long size; private final long size;
@ -115,64 +124,113 @@ public void encode(OutputStream out) {
/** /**
* Try to parse the data provided by an InputStream to the format defined by * Try to parse the data provided by an InputStream to the format defined by
* {@link #VERSION} * {@link #VERSION}. If the given stream supports mark and reset as
* indicated by {@link InputStream#markSupported()}, its input position will
* be reset if the stream content is not actually a LFS pointer (i.e., when
* {@code null} is returned). If the stream content is an invalid LFS
* pointer or the given stream does not support mark/reset, the input
* position may not be reset.
* *
* @param in * @param in
* the {@link} from where to read the data * the {@link} from where to read the data
* @return an {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.LfsPointer} or <code>null</code> * @return an {@link org.eclipse.jgit.lfs.LfsPointer} or {@code null} if the
* if the stream was not parseable as LfsPointer * stream was not parseable as LfsPointer
* @throws * @throws
*/ */
@Nullable @Nullable
public static LfsPointer parseLfsPointer(InputStream in) public static LfsPointer parseLfsPointer(InputStream in)
throws IOException { throws IOException {
if (in.markSupported()) {
return parse(in);
// Fallback; note that while parse() resets its input stream, that won't
// reset "in".
return parse(new BufferedInputStream(in));
private static LfsPointer parse(InputStream in)
throws IOException {
if (!in.markSupported()) {
// No translation; internal error
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"LFS pointer parsing needs InputStream.markSupported() == true"); //$NON-NLS-1$
// Try reading only a short block first.
byte[] preamble = new byte[SIZE_THRESHOLD];
int length = IO.readFully(in, preamble, 0);
if (length < preamble.length || < 0) {
// We have the whole file. Try to parse a pointer from it.
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new ByteArrayInputStream(preamble, 0, length), UTF_8))) {
LfsPointer ptr = parse(r);
if (ptr == null) {
return ptr;
// Longer than SIZE_THRESHOLD: expect "version" to be the first line.
boolean hasVersion = checkVersion(preamble);
if (!hasVersion) {
return null;
byte[] fullPointer = new byte[FULL_SIZE_THRESHOLD];
length = IO.readFully(in, fullPointer, 0);
if (length == fullPointer.length && >= 0) {
return null; // Too long.
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
new ByteArrayInputStream(fullPointer, 0, length), UTF_8))) {
LfsPointer ptr = parse(r);
if (ptr == null) {
return ptr;
private static LfsPointer parse(BufferedReader r) throws IOException {
boolean versionLine = false; boolean versionLine = false;
LongObjectId id = null; LongObjectId id = null;
long sz = -1; long sz = -1;
// This parsing is a bit too general if we go by the spec at // This parsing is a bit too general if we go by the spec at
// //
// Comment lines are not mentioned in the spec, and the "version" line // Comment lines are not mentioned in the spec, the "version" line
// MUST be the first. // MUST be the first, and keys are ordered alphabetically.
try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader( for (String s = r.readLine(); s != null; s = r.readLine()) {
new InputStreamReader(in, UTF_8))) { if (s.startsWith("#") || s.length() == 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$
for (String s = br.readLine(); s != null; s = br.readLine()) { continue;
if (s.startsWith("#") || s.length() == 0) { //$NON-NLS-1$ } else if (s.startsWith("version")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
continue; if (versionLine || !checkVersionLine(s)) {
} else if (s.startsWith("version")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ return null; // Not a LFS pointer
if (versionLine || s.length() < 8 || s.charAt(7) != ' ') { }
return null; // Not a LFS pointer versionLine = true;
} } else {
String rest = s.substring(8).trim(); try {
versionLine = VERSION.equals(rest) if (s.startsWith("oid sha256:")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
|| VERSION_LEGACY.equals(rest); if (id != null) {
if (!versionLine) { return null; // Not a LFS pointer
return null; // Not a LFS pointer
} else {
try {
if (s.startsWith("oid sha256:")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (id != null) {
return null; // Not a LFS pointer
id = LongObjectId
} else if (s.startsWith("size")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
if (sz > 0 || s.length() < 5
|| s.charAt(4) != ' ') {
return null; // Not a LFS pointer
sz = Long.parseLong(s.substring(5).trim());
} }
} catch (RuntimeException e) { id = LongObjectId.fromString(s.substring(11).trim());
// We could not parse the line. If we have a version } else if (s.startsWith("size")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
// already, this is a corrupt LFS pointer. Otherwise it if (sz > 0 || s.length() < 5 || s.charAt(4) != ' ') {
// is just not an LFS pointer. return null; // Not a LFS pointer
if (versionLine) {
throw e;
} }
return null; sz = Long.parseLong(s.substring(5).trim());
} }
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
// We could not parse the line. If we have a version
// already, this is a corrupt LFS pointer. Otherwise it
// is just not an LFS pointer.
if (versionLine) {
throw e;
return null;
} }
} }
if (versionLine && id != null && sz > -1) { if (versionLine && id != null && sz > -1) {
@ -182,6 +240,30 @@ public static LfsPointer parseLfsPointer(InputStream in)
return null; return null;
} }
private static boolean checkVersion(byte[] data) {
// According to the spec at
// it MUST always be the first line.
try (BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(
new InputStreamReader(new ByteArrayInputStream(data), UTF_8))) {
String s = r.readLine();
if (s != null && s.startsWith("version")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
return checkVersionLine(s);
} catch (IOException e) {
// Doesn't occur, we're reading from a byte array!
return false;
private static boolean checkVersionLine(String s) {
if (s.length() < 8 || s.charAt(7) != ' ') {
return false; // Not a valid LFS pointer version line
String rest = s.substring(8).trim();
return VERSION.equals(rest) || VERSION_LEGACY.equals(rest);
/** {@inheritDoc} */ /** {@inheritDoc} */
@Override @Override
public String toString() { public String toString() {

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* /*
* Copyright (C) 2016, Christian Halstrick <> and others * Copyright (C) 2016, 2021 Christian Halstrick <> and others
* *
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -87,20 +88,31 @@ static void register() {
*/ */
public SmudgeFilter(Repository db, InputStream in, OutputStream out) public SmudgeFilter(Repository db, InputStream in, OutputStream out)
throws IOException { throws IOException {
this(in.markSupported() ? in : new BufferedInputStream(in), out, db);
private SmudgeFilter(InputStream in, OutputStream out, Repository db)
throws IOException {
super(in, out); super(in, out);
InputStream from = in;
try { try {
Lfs lfs = new Lfs(db); LfsPointer res = LfsPointer.parseLfsPointer(from);
LfsPointer res = LfsPointer.parseLfsPointer(in);
if (res != null) { if (res != null) {
AnyLongObjectId oid = res.getOid(); AnyLongObjectId oid = res.getOid();
Lfs lfs = new Lfs(db);
Path mediaFile = lfs.getMediaFile(oid); Path mediaFile = lfs.getMediaFile(oid);
if (!Files.exists(mediaFile)) { if (!Files.exists(mediaFile)) {
downloadLfsResource(lfs, db, res); downloadLfsResource(lfs, db, res);
} } = Files.newInputStream(mediaFile); = Files.newInputStream(mediaFile);
} else {
// Not swapped; stream was reset, don't close!
from = null;
} }
} finally { } finally {
in.close(); // make sure the swapped stream is closed properly. if (from != null) {
from.close(); // Close the swapped-out stream
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
/* /*
* Copyright (C) 2015, 2017, Dariusz Luksza <> and others * Copyright (C) 2015, 2021 Dariusz Luksza <> and others
* *
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at * terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ public boolean include(TreeWalk walk) throws MissingObjectException,
try (ObjectStream stream = object.openStream()) { try (ObjectStream stream = object.openStream()) {
pointer = LfsPointer.parseLfsPointer(stream); pointer = LfsPointer.parseLfsPointer(stream);
return pointer != null; return pointer != null;
} catch (RuntimeException e) {
return false;
} }
} }

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
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View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.10" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.10" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
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<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.11" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.11" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
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<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.12" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.12" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
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View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.13" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.13" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.14" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.14" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.15" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.15" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.16" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.16" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.17" sequenceNumber="1613862034"> <target name="jgit-4.17" sequenceNumber="1615333030">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
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<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
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<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.17" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.17" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
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<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
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<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.18" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.18" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.19-staging" sequenceNumber="1613862034"> <target name="jgit-4.19-staging" sequenceNumber="1615333029">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.19-staging" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.19-staging" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.6" sequenceNumber="1613862049"> <target name="jgit-4.6" sequenceNumber="1615333044">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.6" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.6" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.7" sequenceNumber="1613862039"> <target name="jgit-4.7" sequenceNumber="1615333034">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.7" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.7" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.8" sequenceNumber="1613862034"> <target name="jgit-4.8" sequenceNumber="1615333030">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.8" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.8" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<?pde?> <?pde?>
<!-- generated with --> <!-- generated with -->
<target name="jgit-4.9" sequenceNumber="1613862033"> <target name="jgit-4.9" sequenceNumber="1615333029">
<locations> <locations>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.jetty.client" version="9.4.36.v20210114"/>
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@
<unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/> <unit id="org.slf4j.binding.log4j12.source" version="1.7.30.v20201108-2042"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/> <unit id="org.tukaani.xz.source" version="1.8.0.v20180207-1613"/>
<repository location=""/> <repository location=""/>
</location> </location>
<location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit"> <location includeMode="slicer" includeAllPlatforms="false" includeSource="true" includeConfigurePhase="true" type="InstallableUnit">
<unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/> <unit id="org.eclipse.osgi" version="0.0.0"/>

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "jgit-4.9" with source configurePhase target "jgit-4.9" with source configurePhase
include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd" include "projects/jetty-9.4.x.tpd"
include "orbit/S20210216215844.tpd" include "orbit/R20210223232630-2021-03.tpd"
location "" { location "" {
org.eclipse.osgi lazy org.eclipse.osgi lazy

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
target "S20210216215844" with source configurePhase target "R20210223232630-2021-03" with source configurePhase
// see // see
location "" { location "" { [2.8.6.v20201231-1626,2.8.6.v20201231-1626] [2.8.6.v20201231-1626,2.8.6.v20201231-1626] [2.8.6.v20201231-1626,2.8.6.v20201231-1626] [2.8.6.v20201231-1626,2.8.6.v20201231-1626]
com.jcraft.jsch [0.1.55.v20190404-1902,0.1.55.v20190404-1902] com.jcraft.jsch [0.1.55.v20190404-1902,0.1.55.v20190404-1902]

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200000 key1 valueFromSimple1 some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200 key1 valueFromSimple1
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200000 key2 valueFromSimple1 some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200 key2 valueFromSimple1

View File

@ -1,2 +1,2 @@
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200000 key1 valueFromSimple2 some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200 key1 valueFromSimple2
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200000 key3 valueFromSimple2 some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200 key3 valueFromSimple2

View File

@ -3,6 +3,6 @@
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 0 key1 value1 some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 0 key1 value1
# expires date is 01/01/2030 @ 12:00am (UTC) # expires date is 01/01/2030 @ 12:00am (UTC)
#HttpOnly_.some-domain2 TRUE /some/path2 TRUE 1893499200000 key2 value2 #HttpOnly_.some-domain2 TRUE /some/path2 TRUE 1893499200 key2 value2
some-domain3 TRUE /some/path3 FALSE 1893499200000 key3 value3 some-domain3 TRUE /some/path3 FALSE 1893499200 key3 value3

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200000 key1 valueFromSimple1
some-domain1 TRUE /some/path1 FALSE 1893499200 key2 valueFromSimple1

View File

@ -542,6 +542,43 @@ public void testBreakModify_RejoinIfUnpaired() throws Exception {
assertEquals(0, modify.score); assertEquals(0, modify.score);
} }
public void testExactRename_LargeFile() throws Exception {
ObjectId aId = blob("blah\nblah\nfoo"); // size = 14
DiffEntry a = DiffEntry.add(PATH_A, aId);
DiffEntry b = DiffEntry.delete(PATH_Q, aId);
// Exact renames are identified for large files
List<DiffEntry> entries = rd.compute();
assertEquals(1, entries.size());
assertRename(b, a, 100, entries.get(0));
public void testInexactRename_LargeFile() throws Exception {
ObjectId aId = blob("blah\nblah\nfoo"); // size = 14
ObjectId bId = blob("bla\nblah\nfoo"); // size = 13
DiffEntry a = DiffEntry.add(PATH_A, aId);
DiffEntry b = DiffEntry.delete(PATH_Q, bId);
// Inexact renames are not detected for large files
List<DiffEntry> entries = rd.compute();
assertEquals(2, entries.size());
assertAdd(PATH_A, aId, FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, entries.get(0));
assertDelete(PATH_Q, bId, FileMode.REGULAR_FILE, entries.get(1));
@Test @Test
public void testSetRenameScore_IllegalArgs() throws Exception { public void testSetRenameScore_IllegalArgs() throws Exception {
try { try {
@ -634,4 +671,15 @@ private static void assertAdd(String newName, ObjectId newId,
assertEquals(AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(newId), add.newId); assertEquals(AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(newId), add.newId);
assertEquals(newMode, add.newMode); assertEquals(newMode, add.newMode);
} }
private static void assertDelete(String oldName, ObjectId oldId,
FileMode oldMode, DiffEntry delete) {
assertEquals(DiffEntry.DEV_NULL, delete.newPath);
assertEquals(DiffEntry.A_ZERO, delete.newId);
assertEquals(FileMode.MISSING, delete.newMode);
assertEquals(ChangeType.DELETE, delete.changeType);
assertEquals(oldName, delete.oldPath);
assertEquals(AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(oldId), delete.oldId);
assertEquals(oldMode, delete.oldMode);
} }

View File

@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
import java.util.List; import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.AmbiguousObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.AmbiguousObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.LocalDiskRepositoryTestCase;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId;
@ -144,10 +145,9 @@ public void testAbbreviateIsActuallyUnique() throws Exception {
objects.add(new PackedObjectInfo(ObjectId.fromRaw(idBuf))); objects.add(new PackedObjectInfo(ObjectId.fromRaw(idBuf)));
} }
String packName = "pack-" +;
File packDir = db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory(); File packDir = db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
File idxFile = new File(packDir, packName + ".idx"); PackFile idxFile = new PackFile(packDir, id, PackExt.INDEX);
File packFile = new File(packDir, packName + ".pack"); PackFile packFile = idxFile.create(PackExt.PACK);
FileUtils.mkdir(packDir, true); FileUtils.mkdir(packDir, true);
try (OutputStream dst = new BufferedOutputStream( try (OutputStream dst = new BufferedOutputStream(
new FileOutputStream(idxFile))) { new FileOutputStream(idxFile))) {

View File

@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.IncorrectObjectTypeException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.RepositoryTestCase;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
@ -193,9 +194,10 @@ private File[] pack(Repository src, RevObject... list)
pw.addObject(o); pw.addObject(o);
} }
final ObjectId name = pw.computeName(); PackFile packFile = new PackFile(
final File packFile = fullPackFileName(name, ".pack"); db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory(), pw.computeName(),
final File idxFile = fullPackFileName(name, ".idx"); PackExt.PACK);
PackFile idxFile = packFile.create(PackExt.INDEX);
final File[] files = new File[] { packFile, idxFile }; final File[] files = new File[] { packFile, idxFile };
write(files, pw); write(files, pw);
return files; return files;
@ -242,11 +244,6 @@ private static void touch(Instant begin, File dir) throws IOException {
} }
} }
private File fullPackFileName(ObjectId name, String suffix) {
final File packdir = db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
return new File(packdir, "pack-" + + suffix);
private RevObject writeBlob(Repository repo, String data) private RevObject writeBlob(Repository repo, String data)
throws IOException { throws IOException {
final byte[] bytes = Constants.encode(data); final byte[] bytes = Constants.encode(data);

View File

@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository.BranchBuilder; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository.BranchBuilder;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.RefUpdate;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevCommit;
import; import;
@ -295,7 +296,7 @@ private void testPreserveOldPacks() throws Exception {
// pack loose object into packfile // pack loose object into packfile
gc.setExpireAgeMillis(0); gc.setExpireAgeMillis(0);
gc.gc(); gc.gc();
File oldPackfile = tr.getRepository().getObjectDatabase().getPacks() PackFile oldPackfile = tr.getRepository().getObjectDatabase().getPacks()
.iterator().next().getPackFile(); .iterator().next().getPackFile();
assertTrue(oldPackfile.exists()); assertTrue(oldPackfile.exists());
@ -309,12 +310,59 @@ private void testPreserveOldPacks() throws Exception {
configureGc(gc, false).setPreserveOldPacks(true); configureGc(gc, false).setPreserveOldPacks(true);
gc.gc(); gc.gc();
File oldPackDir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPreservedDirectory(); File preservedPackFile = oldPackfile.createPreservedForDirectory(
String oldPackFileName = oldPackfile.getName(); repo.getObjectDatabase().getPreservedDirectory());
String oldPackName = oldPackFileName.substring(0, assertTrue(preservedPackFile.exists());
oldPackFileName.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".old-pack"; //$NON-NLS-1$ }
File preservePackFile = new File(oldPackDir, oldPackName);
assertTrue(preservePackFile.exists()); @Test
public void testPruneAndRestoreOldPacks() throws Exception {
String tempRef = "refs/heads/soon-to-be-unreferenced";
BranchBuilder bb = tr.branch(tempRef);
bb.commit().add("A", "A").add("B", "B").create();
// Verify setup conditions
stats = gc.getStatistics();
assertEquals(4, stats.numberOfLooseObjects);
assertEquals(0, stats.numberOfPackedObjects);
// Force all referenced objects into packs (to avoid having loose objects)
configureGc(gc, false);
stats = gc.getStatistics();
assertEquals(0, stats.numberOfLooseObjects);
assertEquals(4, stats.numberOfPackedObjects);
assertEquals(1, stats.numberOfPackFiles);
// Delete the temp ref, orphaning its commit
RefUpdate update = tr.getRepository().getRefDatabase().newUpdate(tempRef, false);
ObjectId objectId = update.getOldObjectId(); // remember it so we can restore it!
RefUpdate.Result result = update.delete();
assertEquals(RefUpdate.Result.FORCED, result);
// Repack with only orphaned commit, so packfile will be pruned
configureGc(gc, false).setPreserveOldPacks(true);
stats = gc.getStatistics();
assertEquals(0, stats.numberOfLooseObjects);
assertEquals(0, stats.numberOfPackedObjects);
assertEquals(0, stats.numberOfPackFiles);
// Restore the temp ref to the deleted commit, should restore old-packs!
update = tr.getRepository().getRefDatabase().newUpdate(tempRef, false);
result = update.update();
assertEquals(RefUpdate.Result.NEW, result);
stats = gc.getStatistics();
assertEquals(4, stats.numberOfPackedObjects);
assertEquals(1, stats.numberOfPackFiles);
} }
private PackConfig configureGc(GC myGc, boolean aggressive) { private PackConfig configureGc(GC myGc, boolean aggressive) {

View File

@ -14,10 +14,10 @@
import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse; import static org.junit.Assert.assertFalse;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Iterator;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository.BranchBuilder; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository.BranchBuilder;
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Test;
@ -40,10 +40,7 @@ public void testKeepFiles() throws Exception {
.iterator(); .iterator();
Pack singlePack =; Pack singlePack =;
assertFalse(packIt.hasNext()); assertFalse(packIt.hasNext());
String packFileName = singlePack.getPackFile().getPath(); PackFile keepFile = singlePack.getPackFile().create(PackExt.KEEP);
String keepFileName = packFileName.substring(0,
packFileName.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".keep";
File keepFile = new File(keepFileName);
assertFalse(keepFile.exists()); assertFalse(keepFile.exists());
assertTrue(keepFile.createNewFile()); assertTrue(keepFile.createNewFile());
bb.commit().add("A", "A2").add("B", "B2").create(); bb.commit().add("A", "A2").add("B", "B2").create();

View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
* and other copyright owners as documented in the project's IP log.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import static org.junit.Assert.assertEquals;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertThrows;
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.junit.Test;
public class PackFileTest {
private static final ObjectId TEST_OID = ObjectId
private static final String TEST_ID =;
private static final String PREFIX = "pack-";
private static final String OLD_PREFIX = "old-";
private static final String OLD_PACK = PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + OLD_PREFIX
+ PackExt.PACK.getExtension();
private static final File TEST_PACK_DIR = new File(
private static final File TEST_PRESERVED_DIR = new File(TEST_PACK_DIR,
private static final PackFile TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT = new PackFile(
public void objectsAreSameFromAnyConstructor() throws Exception {
String name = PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + PackExt.PACK.getExtension();
File pack = new File(TEST_PACK_DIR, name);
PackFile pf = new PackFile(pack);
PackFile pfFromDirAndName = new PackFile(TEST_PACK_DIR, name);
assertPackFilesEqual(pf, pfFromDirAndName);
PackFile pfFromOIdAndExt = new PackFile(TEST_PACK_DIR, TEST_OID,
assertPackFilesEqual(pf, pfFromOIdAndExt);
PackFile pfFromIdAndExt = new PackFile(TEST_PACK_DIR, TEST_ID,
assertPackFilesEqual(pf, pfFromIdAndExt);
public void idIsSameFromFileWithOrWithoutExt() throws Exception {
PackFile packWithExt = new PackFile(new File(TEST_PACK_DIR,
PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + PackExt.PACK.getExtension()));
assertEquals(packWithExt.getId(), TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT.getId());
public void idIsSameFromFileWithOrWithoutPrefix() throws Exception {
PackFile packWithoutPrefix = new PackFile(
assertEquals(packWithoutPrefix.getId(), TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT.getId());
public void canCreatePreservedFromFile() throws Exception {
PackFile preserved = new PackFile(
assertEquals(preserved.getId(), TEST_ID);
assertEquals(preserved.getPackExt(), PackExt.PACK);
public void canCreatePreservedFromDirAndName() throws Exception {
PackFile preserved = new PackFile(TEST_PRESERVED_DIR, OLD_PACK);
assertEquals(preserved.getId(), TEST_ID);
assertEquals(preserved.getPackExt(), PackExt.PACK);
public void cannotCreatePreservedNoExtFromNonPreservedNoExt()
throws Exception {
assertThrows(IllegalArgumentException.class, () -> TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT
public void canCreateAnyExtFromAnyExt() throws Exception {
for (PackExt from : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile dotFrom = TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT.create(from);
for (PackExt to : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile dotTo = dotFrom.create(to);
File expected = new File(TEST_PACK_DIR,
PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + to.getExtension());
assertEquals(dotTo.getPackExt(), to);
assertEquals(dotFrom.getId(), dotTo.getId());
assertEquals(expected.getName(), dotTo.getName());
public void canCreatePreservedFromAnyExt() throws Exception {
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile nonPreserved = TEST_PACKFILE_NO_EXT.create(ext);
PackFile preserved = nonPreserved
File expected = new File(TEST_PRESERVED_DIR,
PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + OLD_PREFIX + ext.getExtension());
assertEquals(preserved.getName(), expected.getName());
assertEquals(preserved.getId(), TEST_ID);
assertEquals(preserved.getPackExt(), nonPreserved.getPackExt());
public void canCreateAnyPreservedExtFromAnyPreservedExt() throws Exception {
// Preserved PackFiles must have an extension
PackFile preserved = new PackFile(TEST_PRESERVED_DIR, OLD_PACK);
for (PackExt from : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile preservedWithExt = preserved.create(from);
for (PackExt to : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile preservedNewExt = preservedWithExt.create(to);
File expected = new File(TEST_PRESERVED_DIR, PREFIX + TEST_ID
+ "." + OLD_PREFIX + to.getExtension());
assertEquals(preservedNewExt.getPackExt(), to);
assertEquals(preservedWithExt.getId(), preservedNewExt.getId());
assertEquals(preservedNewExt.getName(), expected.getName());
public void canCreateNonPreservedFromAnyPreservedExt() throws Exception {
// Preserved PackFiles must have an extension
PackFile preserved = new PackFile(TEST_PRESERVED_DIR, OLD_PACK);
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
PackFile preservedWithExt = preserved.create(ext);
PackFile nonPreserved = preservedWithExt
File expected = new File(TEST_PACK_DIR,
PREFIX + TEST_ID + "." + ext.getExtension());
assertEquals(nonPreserved.getName(), expected.getName());
assertEquals(nonPreserved.getId(), TEST_ID);
private void assertPackFilesEqual(PackFile p1, PackFile p2) {
// for test purposes, considered equal if id, name, and ext are equal
assertEquals(p1.getId(), p2.getId());
assertEquals(p1.getPackExt(), p2.getPackExt());
assertEquals(p1.getName(), p2.getName());

View File

@ -246,8 +246,8 @@ public void testDelta_FailsOver2GiB() throws Exception {
File dir = new File(repo.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory(), File dir = new File(repo.getObjectDatabase().getDirectory(),
"pack"); "pack");
File packName = new File(dir, + ".pack"); PackFile packName = new PackFile(dir, + ".pack");
File idxName = new File(dir, + ".idx"); PackFile idxName = packName.create(PackExt.INDEX);
try (FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(packName)) { try (FileOutputStream f = new FileOutputStream(packName)) {
f.write(packContents.toByteArray()); f.write(packContents.toByteArray());
@ -261,7 +261,7 @@ public void testDelta_FailsOver2GiB() throws Exception {
new PackIndexWriterV1(f).write(list, footer); new PackIndexWriterV1(f).write(list, footer);
} }
Pack pack = new Pack(packName, PackExt.INDEX.getBit()); Pack pack = new Pack(packName, null);
try { try {
pack.get(wc, b); pack.get(wc, b);
fail("expected LargeObjectException.ExceedsByteArrayLimit"); fail("expected LargeObjectException.ExceedsByteArrayLimit");

View File

@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
import; import;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.JGitTestUtil; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.JGitTestUtil;
import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository; import org.eclipse.jgit.junit.TestRepository;
@ -305,9 +306,9 @@ public void testWritePack2DeltasReuseOffsets() throws IOException {
@Test @Test
public void testWritePack2DeltasCRC32Copy() throws IOException { public void testWritePack2DeltasCRC32Copy() throws IOException {
final File packDir = db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory(); final File packDir = db.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
final File crc32Pack = new File(packDir, final PackFile crc32Pack = new PackFile(packDir,
"pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.pack"); "pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.pack");
final File crc32Idx = new File(packDir, final PackFile crc32Idx = new PackFile(packDir,
"pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.idx"); "pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.idx");
copyFile(JGitTestUtil.getTestResourceFile( copyFile(JGitTestUtil.getTestResourceFile(
"pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.idxV2"), "pack-34be9032ac282b11fa9babdc2b2a93ca996c9c2f.idxV2"),
@ -471,10 +472,8 @@ public void testWriteIndex() throws Exception {
config.setIndexVersion(2); config.setIndexVersion(2);
writeVerifyPack4(false); writeVerifyPack4(false);
File packFile = pack.getPackFile(); PackFile packFile = pack.getPackFile();
String name = packFile.getName(); PackFile indexFile = packFile.create(PackExt.INDEX);
String base = name.substring(0, name.lastIndexOf('.'));
File indexFile = new File(packFile.getParentFile(), base + ".idx");
// Validate that IndexPack came up with the right CRC32 value. // Validate that IndexPack came up with the right CRC32 value.
final PackIndex idx1 =; final PackIndex idx1 =;
@ -685,14 +684,14 @@ private static PackIndex writePack(FileRepository repo, RevWalk walk,
ObjectWalk ow = walk.toObjectWalkWithSameObjects(); ObjectWalk ow = walk.toObjectWalkWithSameObjects();
pw.preparePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, ow, want, have, NONE); pw.preparePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, ow, want, have, NONE);
String id = pw.computeName().getName();
File packdir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory(); File packdir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
File packFile = new File(packdir, "pack-" + id + ".pack"); PackFile packFile = new PackFile(packdir, pw.computeName(),
try (FileOutputStream packOS = new FileOutputStream(packFile)) { try (FileOutputStream packOS = new FileOutputStream(packFile)) {
pw.writePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, pw.writePack(NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE,
NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, packOS); NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE, packOS);
} }
File idxFile = new File(packdir, "pack-" + id + ".idx"); PackFile idxFile = packFile.create(PackExt.INDEX);
try (FileOutputStream idxOS = new FileOutputStream(idxFile)) { try (FileOutputStream idxOS = new FileOutputStream(idxFile)) {
pw.writeIndex(idxOS); pw.writeIndex(idxOS);
} }

View File

@ -22,13 +22,13 @@
import java.nio.file.Files; import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption; import java.nio.file.StandardCopyOption;
import java.time.Duration;
import java.time.Instant; import java.time.Instant;
import java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit;
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.List; import java.util.List;
import java.util.Set; import java.util.Set;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.http.HttpCookiesMatcher; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.http.HttpCookiesMatcher;
@ -48,10 +48,14 @@ public class NetscapeCookieFileTest {
private URL baseUrl; private URL baseUrl;
/** /**
* This is the expiration date that is used in the test cookie files * This is the expiration date that is used in the test cookie files.
*/ */
private static long JAN_01_2030_NOON = Instant private static final Instant TEST_EXPIRY_DATE = Instant
.parse("2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z").toEpochMilli(); .parse("2030-01-01T12:00:00.000Z");
/** Earlier than TEST_EXPIRY_DATE. */
private static final Instant TEST_DATE = TEST_EXPIRY_DATE.minus(180,
@Before @Before
public void setUp() throws IOException { public void setUp() throws IOException {
@ -102,14 +106,13 @@ public void testWriteToNewFile() throws IOException {
cookie.setPath("/"); cookie.setPath("/");
cookie.setMaxAge(1000); cookie.setMaxAge(1000);
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
Date creationDate = new Date();
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile, try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) {
NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, creationDate); NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, TEST_DATE);
} }
String expectedExpiration = String String expectedExpiration = String
.valueOf(creationDate.getTime() + (cookie.getMaxAge() * 1000)); .valueOf(TEST_DATE.getEpochSecond() + cookie.getMaxAge());
assertThat(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII), assertThat(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII),
CoreMatchers CoreMatchers
@ -128,13 +131,12 @@ public void testWriteToExistingFile() throws IOException {
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("key2", "value2"); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("key2", "value2");
cookie.setMaxAge(1000); cookie.setMaxAge(1000);
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
Date creationDate = new Date();
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile, try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) {
NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, creationDate); NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, TEST_DATE);
} }
String expectedExpiration = String String expectedExpiration = String
.valueOf(creationDate.getTime() + (cookie.getMaxAge() * 1000)); .valueOf(TEST_DATE.getEpochSecond() + cookie.getMaxAge());
assertThat(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII), assertThat(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile, StandardCharsets.US_ASCII),
CoreMatchers.equalTo( CoreMatchers.equalTo(
@ -160,6 +162,21 @@ public void testWriteWhileSomeoneIsHoldingTheLock()
} }
} }
public void testReadCookieFileWithMilliseconds() throws IOException {
try (InputStream input = this.getClass()
.getResourceAsStream("cookies-with-milliseconds.txt")) {
Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
NetscapeCookieFile cookieFile = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile,
long expectedMaxAge = Duration.between(TEST_DATE, TEST_EXPIRY_DATE)
for (HttpCookie cookie : cookieFile.getCookies(true)) {
assertEquals(expectedMaxAge, cookie.getMaxAge());
@Test @Test
public void testWriteAfterAnotherJgitProcessModifiedTheFile() public void testWriteAfterAnotherJgitProcessModifiedTheFile()
throws IOException, InterruptedException { throws IOException, InterruptedException {
@ -167,7 +184,8 @@ public void testWriteAfterAnotherJgitProcessModifiedTheFile()
.getResourceAsStream("cookies-simple1.txt")) { .getResourceAsStream("cookies-simple1.txt")) {
Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} }
NetscapeCookieFile cookieFile = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile); NetscapeCookieFile cookieFile = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile,
cookieFile.getCookies(true); cookieFile.getCookies(true);
// now modify file externally // now modify file externally
try (InputStream input = this.getClass() try (InputStream input = this.getClass()
@ -177,39 +195,19 @@ public void testWriteAfterAnotherJgitProcessModifiedTheFile()
// now try to write // now try to write
cookieFile.write(baseUrl); cookieFile.write(baseUrl);
// validate that the external changes are there as well
// due to rounding errors (conversion from ms to sec to ms)
// the expiration date might not be exact
List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(tmpFile, List<String> lines = Files.readAllLines(tmpFile,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII); StandardCharsets.US_ASCII);
assertEquals("Expected 3 lines", 3, lines.size()); assertEquals("Expected 3 lines", 3, lines.size());
assertStringMatchesPatternWithInexactNumber(lines.get(0), assertEquals(
"some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t(\\d*)\tkey1\tvalueFromSimple2", "some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t1893499200\tkey1\tvalueFromSimple2",
JAN_01_2030_NOON, 1000); lines.get(0));
assertStringMatchesPatternWithInexactNumber(lines.get(1), assertEquals(
"some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t(\\d*)\tkey3\tvalueFromSimple2", "some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t1893499200\tkey3\tvalueFromSimple2",
JAN_01_2030_NOON, 1000); lines.get(1));
assertStringMatchesPatternWithInexactNumber(lines.get(2), assertEquals(
"some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t(\\d*)\tkey2\tvalueFromSimple1", "some-domain1\tTRUE\t/some/path1\tFALSE\t1893499200\tkey2\tvalueFromSimple1",
JAN_01_2030_NOON, 1000); lines.get(2));
private static final void assertStringMatchesPatternWithInexactNumber(
String string, String pattern, long expectedNumericValue,
long delta) {
java.util.regex.Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile(pattern)
assertTrue("Given string '" + string + "' does not match '" + pattern
+ "'", matcher.matches());
// extract numeric value
Long actualNumericValue = Long.decode(;
"Value is supposed to be close to " + expectedNumericValue
+ " but is " + actualNumericValue + ".",
Math.abs(expectedNumericValue - actualNumericValue) <= delta);
} }
@Test @Test
@ -229,14 +227,13 @@ public void testWriteAndReadCycle() throws IOException {
cookie.setHttpOnly(true); cookie.setHttpOnly(true);
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
Date creationDate = new Date();
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile, try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) {
NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, creationDate); NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, TEST_DATE);
} }
Set<HttpCookie> actualCookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile, Set<HttpCookie> actualCookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile,
creationDate).getCookies(true); TEST_DATE)
assertThat(actualCookies, HttpCookiesMatcher.containsInOrder(cookies)); assertThat(actualCookies, HttpCookiesMatcher.containsInOrder(cookies));
} }
@ -246,15 +243,12 @@ public void testReadAndWriteCycle() throws IOException {
.getResourceAsStream("cookies-simple1.txt")) { .getResourceAsStream("cookies-simple1.txt")) {
Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} }
// round up to the next second (to prevent rounding errors) Set<HttpCookie> cookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile, TEST_DATE)
Date creationDate = new Date(
(System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) * 1000);
Set<HttpCookie> cookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile, creationDate)
.getCookies(true); .getCookies(true);
Path tmpFile2 = folder.newFile().toPath(); Path tmpFile2 = folder.newFile().toPath();
try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile2, try (Writer writer = Files.newBufferedWriter(tmpFile2,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) {
NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, creationDate); NetscapeCookieFile.write(writer, cookies, baseUrl, TEST_DATE);
} }
// compare original file with newly written one, they should not differ // compare original file with newly written one, they should not differ
assertEquals(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile), Files.readAllLines(tmpFile2)); assertEquals(Files.readAllLines(tmpFile), Files.readAllLines(tmpFile2));
@ -267,13 +261,13 @@ public void testReadWithEmptyAndCommentLines() throws IOException {
Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} }
Date creationDate = new Date();
Set<HttpCookie> cookies = new LinkedHashSet<>(); Set<HttpCookie> cookies = new LinkedHashSet<>();
HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("key2", "value2"); HttpCookie cookie = new HttpCookie("key2", "value2");
cookie.setDomain("some-domain2"); cookie.setDomain("some-domain2");
cookie.setPath("/some/path2"); cookie.setPath("/some/path2");
cookie.setMaxAge((JAN_01_2030_NOON - creationDate.getTime()) / 1000); cookie.setMaxAge(
Duration.between(TEST_DATE, TEST_EXPIRY_DATE).getSeconds());
cookie.setSecure(true); cookie.setSecure(true);
cookie.setHttpOnly(true); cookie.setHttpOnly(true);
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
@ -281,11 +275,12 @@ public void testReadWithEmptyAndCommentLines() throws IOException {
cookie = new HttpCookie("key3", "value3"); cookie = new HttpCookie("key3", "value3");
cookie.setDomain("some-domain3"); cookie.setDomain("some-domain3");
cookie.setPath("/some/path3"); cookie.setPath("/some/path3");
cookie.setMaxAge((JAN_01_2030_NOON - creationDate.getTime()) / 1000); cookie.setMaxAge(
Duration.between(TEST_DATE, TEST_EXPIRY_DATE).getSeconds());
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
Set<HttpCookie> actualCookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile, creationDate) Set<HttpCookie> actualCookies = new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile,
.getCookies(true); TEST_DATE).getCookies(true);
assertThat(actualCookies, HttpCookiesMatcher.containsInOrder(cookies)); assertThat(actualCookies, HttpCookiesMatcher.containsInOrder(cookies));
} }
@ -296,7 +291,7 @@ public void testReadInvalidFile() throws IOException {
Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); Files.copy(input, tmpFile, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING);
} }
new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile) assertTrue(new NetscapeCookieFile(tmpFile, TEST_DATE).getCookies(true)
.getCookies(true); .isEmpty());
} }
} }

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue; import static org.junit.Assert.assertTrue;
import java.util.List;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.junit.Test; import org.junit.Test;
public class RevWalkMergedIntoTest extends RevWalkTestCase { public class RevWalkMergedIntoTest extends RevWalkTestCase {
@ -44,4 +47,82 @@ public void testOldCommitWalk() throws Exception {
final RevCommit t = commit(n, o); final RevCommit t = commit(n, o);
assertTrue(rw.isMergedInto(b, t)); assertTrue(rw.isMergedInto(b, t));
} }
public void testGetMergedInto() throws Exception {
* i
* / \
* A o
* / \ \
* o1 o2 E
* / \ / \
* B C D
String b = "refs/heads/b";
String c = "refs/heads/c";
String d = "refs/heads/d";
String e = "refs/heads/e";
final RevCommit i = commit();
final RevCommit a = commit(i);
final RevCommit o1 = commit(a);
final RevCommit o2 = commit(a);
createBranch(commit(o1), b);
createBranch(commit(o1, o2), c);
createBranch(commit(o2), d);
createBranch(commit(commit(i)), e);
List<String> modifiedResult = rw.getMergedInto(a, getRefs())
assertTrue(modifiedResult.size() == 3);
public void testIsMergedIntoAny() throws Exception {
* i
* / \
* A o
* / \
* o C
* /
* B
String b = "refs/heads/b";
String c = "refs/heads/c";
final RevCommit i = commit();
final RevCommit a = commit(i);
createBranch(commit(commit(a)), b);
createBranch(commit(commit(i)), c);
assertTrue( rw.isMergedIntoAny(a, getRefs()));
public void testIsMergedIntoAll() throws Exception {
* A
* / \
* o1 o2
* / \ / \
* B C D
String b = "refs/heads/b";
String c = "refs/heads/c";
String d = "refs/heads/c";
final RevCommit a = commit();
final RevCommit o1 = commit(a);
final RevCommit o2 = commit(a);
createBranch(commit(o1), b);
createBranch(commit(o1, o2), c);
createBranch(commit(o2), d);
assertTrue(rw.isMergedIntoAll(a, getRefs()));
} }

View File

@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<component id="org.eclipse.jgit" version="2">
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/lib/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants">
<filter id="338755678">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ConfigConstants"/>
<message_argument value="CONFIG_REFSTORAGE_REFTREE"/>
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/revwalk/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk">
<filter id="421654647">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.ObjectWalk"/>
<message_argument value="createObjectReachabilityChecker()"/>
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/revwalk/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk">
<filter id="421654647">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevWalk"/>
<message_argument value="createReachabilityChecker()"/>
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/util/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS">
<filter id="338792546">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS"/>
<message_argument value="internalRunHookIfPresent(Repository, String, String[], PrintStream, PrintStream, String)"/>
<filter id="338792546">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS"/>
<message_argument value="runHookIfPresent(Repository, String, String[], PrintStream, PrintStream, String)"/>
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/util/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS_POSIX">
<filter id="338792546">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS_POSIX"/>
<message_argument value="runHookIfPresent(Repository, String, String[], PrintStream, PrintStream, String)"/>
<resource path="src/org/eclipse/jgit/util/" type="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS_Win32_Cygwin">
<filter id="338792546">
<message_argument value="org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS_Win32_Cygwin"/>
<message_argument value="runHookIfPresent(Repository, String, String[], PrintStream, PrintStream, String)"/>

View File

@ -139,6 +139,7 @@ configHandleMayBeLocked=config file handle may be locked by other process, {0}.
connectionFailed=connection failed connectionFailed=connection failed
connectionTimeOut=Connection time out: {0} connectionTimeOut=Connection time out: {0}
contextMustBeNonNegative=context must be >= 0 contextMustBeNonNegative=context must be >= 0
cookieFilePathRelative=git config http.cookieFile contains a relative path, should be absolute: {0}
corruptionDetectedReReadingAt=Corruption detected re-reading at {0} corruptionDetectedReReadingAt=Corruption detected re-reading at {0}
corruptObjectBadDate=bad date corruptObjectBadDate=bad date
corruptObjectBadEmail=bad email corruptObjectBadEmail=bad email
@ -743,6 +744,7 @@ unmergedPath=Unmerged path: {0}
unmergedPaths=Repository contains unmerged paths unmergedPaths=Repository contains unmerged paths
unpackException=Exception while parsing pack stream unpackException=Exception while parsing pack stream
unreadablePackIndex=Unreadable pack index: {0} unreadablePackIndex=Unreadable pack index: {0}
unrecognizedPackExtension=Unrecognized pack extension: {0}
unrecognizedRef=Unrecognized ref: {0} unrecognizedRef=Unrecognized ref: {0}
unsetMark=Mark not set unsetMark=Mark not set
unsupportedAlternates=Alternates not supported unsupportedAlternates=Alternates not supported

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.NEW; import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.NEW;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.OLD; import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.OLD;
import static;
import; import;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -97,6 +98,12 @@ private int sortOf(ChangeType changeType) {
/** Limit in the number of files to consider for renames. */ /** Limit in the number of files to consider for renames. */
private int renameLimit; private int renameLimit;
* File size threshold (in bytes) for detecting renames. Files larger
* than this size will not be processed for renames.
private int bigFileThreshold = DEFAULT_BIG_FILE_THRESHOLD;
/** Set if the number of adds or deletes was over the limit. */ /** Set if the number of adds or deletes was over the limit. */
private boolean overRenameLimit; private boolean overRenameLimit;
@ -208,6 +215,26 @@ public void setRenameLimit(int limit) {
renameLimit = limit; renameLimit = limit;
} }
* Get file size threshold for detecting renames. Files larger
* than this size will not be processed for rename detection.
* @return threshold in bytes of the file size.
* @since 5.12
public int getBigFileThreshold() { return bigFileThreshold; }
* Set the file size threshold for detecting renames. Files larger than this
* threshold will be skipped during rename detection computation.
* @param threshold file size threshold in bytes.
* @since 5.12
public void setBigFileThreshold(int threshold) {
this.bigFileThreshold = threshold;
/** /**
* Check if the detector is over the rename limit. * Check if the detector is over the rename limit.
* <p> * <p>
@ -493,6 +520,7 @@ private void findContentRenames(ContentSource.Pair reader,
d = new SimilarityRenameDetector(reader, deleted, added); d = new SimilarityRenameDetector(reader, deleted, added);
d.setRenameScore(getRenameScore()); d.setRenameScore(getRenameScore());
d.compute(pm); d.compute(pm);
overRenameLimit |= d.isTableOverflow(); overRenameLimit |= d.isTableOverflow();
deleted = d.getLeftOverSources(); deleted = d.getLeftOverSources();

View File

@ -12,6 +12,7 @@
import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.NEW; import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.NEW;
import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.OLD; import static org.eclipse.jgit.diff.DiffEntry.Side.OLD;
import static;
import; import;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -80,6 +81,12 @@ class SimilarityRenameDetector {
/** Score a pair must exceed to be considered a rename. */ /** Score a pair must exceed to be considered a rename. */
private int renameScore = 60; private int renameScore = 60;
* File size threshold (in bytes) for detecting renames. Files larger
* than this size will not be processed for renames.
private int bigFileThreshold = DEFAULT_BIG_FILE_THRESHOLD;
/** Set if any {@link SimilarityIndex.TableFullException} occurs. */ /** Set if any {@link SimilarityIndex.TableFullException} occurs. */
private boolean tableOverflow; private boolean tableOverflow;
@ -96,6 +103,10 @@ void setRenameScore(int score) {
renameScore = score; renameScore = score;
} }
void setBigFileThreshold(int threshold) {
bigFileThreshold = threshold;
void compute(ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException, CancelledException { void compute(ProgressMonitor pm) throws IOException, CancelledException {
if (pm == null) if (pm == null)
pm = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE; pm = NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE;
@ -253,6 +264,11 @@ private int buildMatrix(ProgressMonitor pm)
continue; continue;
} }
if (max > bigFileThreshold) {
if (s == null) { if (s == null) {
try { try {
s = hash(OLD, srcEnt); s = hash(OLD, srcEnt);

View File

@ -167,6 +167,7 @@ public static JGitText get() {
/***/ public String connectionFailed; /***/ public String connectionFailed;
/***/ public String connectionTimeOut; /***/ public String connectionTimeOut;
/***/ public String contextMustBeNonNegative; /***/ public String contextMustBeNonNegative;
/***/ public String cookieFilePathRelative;
/***/ public String corruptionDetectedReReadingAt; /***/ public String corruptionDetectedReReadingAt;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadDate; /***/ public String corruptObjectBadDate;
/***/ public String corruptObjectBadEmail; /***/ public String corruptObjectBadEmail;
@ -771,6 +772,7 @@ public static JGitText get() {
/***/ public String unmergedPaths; /***/ public String unmergedPaths;
/***/ public String unpackException; /***/ public String unpackException;
/***/ public String unreadablePackIndex; /***/ public String unreadablePackIndex;
/***/ public String unrecognizedPackExtension;
/***/ public String unrecognizedRef; /***/ public String unrecognizedRef;
/***/ public String unsetMark; /***/ public String unsetMark;
/***/ public String unsupportedAlternates; /***/ public String unsupportedAlternates;

View File

@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
import static; import static;
import static; import static;
import static;
import static;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -346,7 +348,7 @@ private void deleteOldPacks(Collection<Pack> oldPacks,
if (shouldLoosen) { if (shouldLoosen) {
loosen(inserter, reader, oldPack, ids); loosen(inserter, reader, oldPack, ids);
} }
prunePack(oldName); prunePack(oldPack.getPackFile());
} }
} }
@ -360,19 +362,17 @@ private void deleteOldPacks(Collection<Pack> oldPacks,
* moves the pack file to the preserved directory * moves the pack file to the preserved directory
* *
* @param packFile * @param packFile
* @param packName
* @param ext
* @param deleteOptions * @param deleteOptions
* @throws IOException * @throws IOException
*/ */
private void removeOldPack(File packFile, String packName, PackExt ext, private void removeOldPack(PackFile packFile, int deleteOptions)
int deleteOptions) throws IOException { throws IOException {
if (pconfig.isPreserveOldPacks()) { if (pconfig.isPreserveOldPacks()) {
File oldPackDir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPreservedDirectory(); File oldPackDir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPreservedDirectory();
FileUtils.mkdir(oldPackDir, true); FileUtils.mkdir(oldPackDir, true);
String oldPackName = "pack-" + packName + ".old-" + ext.getExtension(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ PackFile oldPackFile = packFile
File oldPackFile = new File(oldPackDir, oldPackName); .createPreservedForDirectory(oldPackDir);
FileUtils.rename(packFile, oldPackFile); FileUtils.rename(packFile, oldPackFile);
} else { } else {
FileUtils.delete(packFile, deleteOptions); FileUtils.delete(packFile, deleteOptions);
@ -401,27 +401,21 @@ private void prunePreserved() {
* ".index" file and when failing to delete the ".pack" file we are left * ".index" file and when failing to delete the ".pack" file we are left
* with a ".pack" file without a ".index" file. * with a ".pack" file without a ".index" file.
* *
* @param packName * @param packFile
*/ */
private void prunePack(String packName) { private void prunePack(PackFile packFile) {
PackExt[] extensions = PackExt.values();
try { try {
// Delete the .pack file first and if this fails give up on deleting // Delete the .pack file first and if this fails give up on deleting
// the other files // the other files
int deleteOptions = FileUtils.RETRY | FileUtils.SKIP_MISSING; int deleteOptions = FileUtils.RETRY | FileUtils.SKIP_MISSING;
for (PackExt ext : extensions) removeOldPack(packFile.create(PackExt.PACK), deleteOptions);
if (PackExt.PACK.equals(ext)) {
File f = nameFor(packName, "." + ext.getExtension()); //$NON-NLS-1$
removeOldPack(f, packName, ext, deleteOptions);
// The .pack file has been deleted. Delete as many as the other // The .pack file has been deleted. Delete as many as the other
// files as you can. // files as you can.
deleteOptions |= FileUtils.IGNORE_ERRORS; deleteOptions |= FileUtils.IGNORE_ERRORS;
for (PackExt ext : extensions) { for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
if (!PackExt.PACK.equals(ext)) { if (!PackExt.PACK.equals(ext)) {
File f = nameFor(packName, "." + ext.getExtension()); //$NON-NLS-1$ removeOldPack(packFile.create(ext), deleteOptions);
removeOldPack(f, packName, ext, deleteOptions);
} }
} }
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
@ -973,20 +967,21 @@ private void deleteOrphans() {
return; return;
} }
String base = null; String latestId = null;
for (String n : fileNames) { for (String n : fileNames) {
if (n.endsWith(PACK_EXT) || n.endsWith(KEEP_EXT)) { PackFile pf = new PackFile(packDir.toFile(), n);
base = n.substring(0, n.lastIndexOf('.')); PackExt ext = pf.getPackExt();
} else { if (ext.equals(PACK) || ext.equals(KEEP)) {
if (base == null || !n.startsWith(base)) { latestId = pf.getId();
try { }
Path delete = packDir.resolve(n); if (latestId == null || !pf.getId().equals(latestId)) {
FileUtils.delete(delete.toFile(), // no pack or keep for this id
FileUtils.RETRY | FileUtils.SKIP_MISSING); try {
LOG.warn(JGitText.get().deletedOrphanInPackDir, delete); FileUtils.delete(pf,
} catch (IOException e) { FileUtils.RETRY | FileUtils.SKIP_MISSING);
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e); LOG.warn(JGitText.get().deletedOrphanInPackDir, pf);
} } catch (IOException e) {
LOG.error(e.getMessage(), e);
} }
} }
} }
@ -1168,7 +1163,7 @@ private Pack writePack(@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
checkCancelled(); checkCancelled();
// create temporary files // create temporary files
String id = pw.computeName().getName(); ObjectId id = pw.computeName();
File packdir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory(); File packdir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
packdir.mkdirs(); packdir.mkdirs();
tmpPack = File.createTempFile("gc_", ".pack_tmp", packdir); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ tmpPack = File.createTempFile("gc_", ".pack_tmp", packdir); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
@ -1218,7 +1213,8 @@ private Pack writePack(@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
} }
// rename the temporary files to real files // rename the temporary files to real files
File realPack = nameFor(id, ".pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ File packDir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
PackFile realPack = new PackFile(packDir, id, PackExt.PACK);
repo.getObjectDatabase().closeAllPackHandles(realPack); repo.getObjectDatabase().closeAllPackHandles(realPack);
tmpPack.setReadOnly(); tmpPack.setReadOnly();
@ -1228,8 +1224,7 @@ private Pack writePack(@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
File tmpExt = tmpEntry.getValue(); File tmpExt = tmpEntry.getValue();
tmpExt.setReadOnly(); tmpExt.setReadOnly();
File realExt = nameFor(id, PackFile realExt = new PackFile(packDir, id, tmpEntry.getKey());
"." + tmpEntry.getKey().getExtension()); //$NON-NLS-1$
try { try {
FileUtils.rename(tmpExt, realExt, FileUtils.rename(tmpExt, realExt,
StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE); StandardCopyOption.ATOMIC_MOVE);
@ -1275,11 +1270,6 @@ private Pack writePack(@NonNull Set<? extends ObjectId> want,
} }
} }
private File nameFor(String name, String ext) {
File packdir = repo.getObjectDatabase().getPackDirectory();
return new File(packdir, "pack-" + name + ext); //$NON-NLS-1$
private void checkCancelled() throws CancelledException { private void checkCancelled() throws CancelledException {
if (pm.isCancelled() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) { if (pm.isCancelled() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) {
throw new CancelledException(JGitText.get().operationCanceled); throw new CancelledException(JGitText.get().operationCanceled);

View File

@ -17,6 +17,7 @@
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -88,6 +89,6 @@ private Pack getPackFile(String packName) throws FileNotFoundException {
private String getPackFilePath(String packName) { private String getPackFilePath(String packName) {
final File packDir = odb.getPackDirectory(); final File packDir = odb.getPackDirectory();
return new File(packDir, "pack-" + packName + ".pack").getPath(); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ return new PackFile(packDir, packName, PackExt.PACK).getPath();
} }
} }

View File

@ -11,8 +11,9 @@
package; package;
import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;
import static; import static;
import static;
import static;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -79,7 +80,7 @@ public class ObjectDirectory extends FileObjectDatabase {
private final PackDirectory packed; private final PackDirectory packed;
private final File preservedDirectory; private final PackDirectory preserved;
private final File alternatesFile; private final File alternatesFile;
@ -117,10 +118,11 @@ public ObjectDirectory(final Config cfg, final File dir,
objects = dir; objects = dir;
infoDirectory = new File(objects, "info"); //$NON-NLS-1$ infoDirectory = new File(objects, "info"); //$NON-NLS-1$
File packDirectory = new File(objects, "pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ File packDirectory = new File(objects, "pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$
preservedDirectory = new File(packDirectory, "preserved"); //$NON-NLS-1$ File preservedDirectory = new File(packDirectory, "preserved"); //$NON-NLS-1$
alternatesFile = new File(objects, Constants.INFO_ALTERNATES); alternatesFile = new File(objects, Constants.INFO_ALTERNATES);
loose = new LooseObjects(objects); loose = new LooseObjects(objects);
packed = new PackDirectory(config, packDirectory); packed = new PackDirectory(config, packDirectory);
preserved = new PackDirectory(config, preservedDirectory);
this.fs = fs; this.fs = fs;
this.shallowFile = shallowFile; this.shallowFile = shallowFile;
@ -156,7 +158,7 @@ public final File getPackDirectory() {
* @return the location of the <code>preserved</code> directory. * @return the location of the <code>preserved</code> directory.
*/ */
public final File getPreservedDirectory() { public final File getPreservedDirectory() {
return preservedDirectory; return preserved.getDirectory();
} }
/** {@inheritDoc} */ /** {@inheritDoc} */
@ -216,26 +218,26 @@ public Collection<Pack> getPacks() {
* Add a single existing pack to the list of available pack files. * Add a single existing pack to the list of available pack files.
*/ */
@Override @Override
public Pack openPack(File pack) public Pack openPack(File pack) throws IOException {
throws IOException { PackFile pf;
final String p = pack.getName(); try {
if (p.length() != 50 || !p.startsWith("pack-") || !p.endsWith(".pack")) //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ pf = new PackFile(pack);
throw new IOException(MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().notAValidPack, pack)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
throw new IOException(
// The pack and index are assumed to exist. The existence of other MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().notAValidPack, pack),
// extensions needs to be explicitly checked. e);
int extensions = PACK.getBit() | INDEX.getBit();
final String base = p.substring(0, p.length() - 4);
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
if ((extensions & ext.getBit()) == 0) {
final String name = base + ext.getExtension();
if (new File(pack.getParentFile(), name).exists())
extensions |= ext.getBit();
} }
Pack res = new Pack(pack, extensions); String p = pf.getName();
// TODO(nasserg): See if PackFile can do these checks instead
if (p.length() != 50 || !p.startsWith("pack-") //$NON-NLS-1$
|| !pf.getPackExt().equals(PACK)) {
throw new IOException(
MessageFormat.format(JGitText.get().notAValidPack, pack));
PackFile bitmapIdx = pf.create(BITMAP_INDEX);
Pack res = new Pack(pack, bitmapIdx.exists() ? bitmapIdx : null);
packed.insert(res); packed.insert(res);
return res; return res;
} }
@ -250,7 +252,13 @@ public String toString() {
@Override @Override
public boolean has(AnyObjectId objectId) { public boolean has(AnyObjectId objectId) {
return loose.hasCached(objectId) return loose.hasCached(objectId)
|| hasPackedInSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null) || hasPackedOrLooseInSelfOrAlternate(objectId)
|| (restoreFromSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null)
&& hasPackedOrLooseInSelfOrAlternate(objectId));
private boolean hasPackedOrLooseInSelfOrAlternate(AnyObjectId objectId) {
return hasPackedInSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null)
|| hasLooseInSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null); || hasLooseInSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null);
} }
@ -319,6 +327,15 @@ private void resolve(Set<ObjectId> matches, AbbreviatedObjectId id,
@Override @Override
ObjectLoader openObject(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId objectId) ObjectLoader openObject(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId objectId)
throws IOException { throws IOException {
ObjectLoader ldr = openObjectWithoutRestoring(curs, objectId);
if (ldr == null && restoreFromSelfOrAlternate(objectId, null)) {
ldr = openObjectWithoutRestoring(curs, objectId);
return ldr;
private ObjectLoader openObjectWithoutRestoring(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId objectId)
throws IOException {
if (loose.hasCached(objectId)) { if (loose.hasCached(objectId)) {
ObjectLoader ldr = openLooseObject(curs, objectId); ObjectLoader ldr = openLooseObject(curs, objectId);
if (ldr != null) { if (ldr != null) {
@ -380,8 +397,16 @@ ObjectLoader openLooseObject(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId id)
} }
@Override @Override
long getObjectSize(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId id) long getObjectSize(WindowCursor curs, AnyObjectId id) throws IOException {
throws IOException { long sz = getObjectSizeWithoutRestoring(curs, id);
if (0 > sz && restoreFromSelfOrAlternate(id, null)) {
sz = getObjectSizeWithoutRestoring(curs, id);
return sz;
private long getObjectSizeWithoutRestoring(WindowCursor curs,
AnyObjectId id) throws IOException {
if (loose.hasCached(id)) { if (loose.hasCached(id)) {
long len = loose.getSize(curs, id); long len = loose.getSize(curs, id);
if (0 <= len) { if (0 <= len) {
@ -449,6 +474,51 @@ private void selectObjectRepresentation(PackWriter packer, ObjectToPack otp,
} }
} }
private boolean restoreFromSelfOrAlternate(AnyObjectId objectId,
Set<AlternateHandle.Id> skips) {
if (restoreFromSelf(objectId)) {
return true;
skips = addMe(skips);
for (AlternateHandle alt : myAlternates()) {
if (!skips.contains(alt.getId())) {
if (alt.db.restoreFromSelfOrAlternate(objectId, skips)) {
return true;
return false;
private boolean restoreFromSelf(AnyObjectId objectId) {
Pack preservedPack = preserved.getPack(objectId);
if (preservedPack == null) {
return false;
PackFile preservedFile = new PackFile(preservedPack.getPackFile());
// Restore the index last since the set will be considered for use once
// the index appears.
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
if (!INDEX.equals(ext)) {
return true;
private boolean restore(PackFile preservedPack) {
PackFile restored = preservedPack
try {
Files.createLink(restored.toPath(), preservedPack.toPath());
} catch (IOException e) {
return false;
return true;
@Override @Override
InsertLooseObjectResult insertUnpackedObject(File tmp, ObjectId id, InsertLooseObjectResult insertUnpackedObject(File tmp, ObjectId id,
boolean createDuplicate) throws IOException { boolean createDuplicate) throws IOException {

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@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LockFailedException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LockFailedException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CoreConfig; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.CoreConfig;
@ -426,10 +427,10 @@ private PackLock renameAndOpenPack(String lockMessage)
d.update(oeBytes); d.update(oeBytes);
} }
final String name = ObjectId.fromRaw(d.digest()).name(); ObjectId id = ObjectId.fromRaw(d.digest());
final File packDir = new File(db.getDirectory(), "pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ File packDir = new File(db.getDirectory(), "pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final File finalPack = new File(packDir, "pack-" + name + ".pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ PackFile finalPack = new PackFile(packDir, id, PackExt.PACK);
final File finalIdx = new File(packDir, "pack-" + name + ".idx"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ PackFile finalIdx = finalPack.create(PackExt.INDEX);
final PackLock keep = new PackLock(finalPack, db.getFS()); final PackLock keep = new PackLock(finalPack, db.getFS());
if (!packDir.exists() && !packDir.mkdir() && !packDir.exists()) { if (!packDir.exists() && !packDir.mkdir() && !packDir.exists()) {

View File

@ -12,7 +12,6 @@
package; package;
import static;
import static; import static;
import static; import static;
@ -38,6 +37,7 @@
import; import;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
@ -51,7 +51,6 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
@ -78,13 +77,9 @@ public class Pack implements Iterable<PackIndex.MutableEntry> {
public static final Comparator<Pack> SORT = (a, b) -> b.packLastModified public static final Comparator<Pack> SORT = (a, b) -> b.packLastModified
.compareTo(a.packLastModified); .compareTo(a.packLastModified);
private final File packFile; private final PackFile packFile;
private final int extensions; private PackFile keepFile;
private File keepFile;
private volatile String packName;
final int hash; final int hash;
@ -107,7 +102,8 @@ public class Pack implements Iterable<PackIndex.MutableEntry> {
private volatile Exception invalidatingCause; private volatile Exception invalidatingCause;
private boolean invalidBitmap; @Nullable
private PackFile bitmapIdxFile;
private AtomicInteger transientErrorCount = new AtomicInteger(); private AtomicInteger transientErrorCount = new AtomicInteger();
@ -133,14 +129,14 @@ public class Pack implements Iterable<PackIndex.MutableEntry> {
* *
* @param packFile * @param packFile
* path of the <code>.pack</code> file holding the data. * path of the <code>.pack</code> file holding the data.
* @param extensions * @param bitmapIdxFile
* additional pack file extensions with the same base as the pack * existing bitmap index file with the same base as the pack
*/ */
public Pack(File packFile, int extensions) { public Pack(File packFile, @Nullable PackFile bitmapIdxFile) {
this.packFile = packFile; this.packFile = new PackFile(packFile);
this.fileSnapshot =; this.fileSnapshot =;
this.packLastModified = fileSnapshot.lastModifiedInstant(); this.packLastModified = fileSnapshot.lastModifiedInstant();
this.extensions = extensions; this.bitmapIdxFile = bitmapIdxFile;
// Multiply by 31 here so we can more directly combine with another // Multiply by 31 here so we can more directly combine with another
// value in WindowCache.hash(), without doing the multiply there. // value in WindowCache.hash(), without doing the multiply there.
@ -156,16 +152,18 @@ private PackIndex idx() throws IOException {
idx = loadedIdx; idx = loadedIdx;
if (idx == null) { if (idx == null) {
if (invalid) { if (invalid) {
throw new PackInvalidException(packFile, invalidatingCause); throw new PackInvalidException(packFile,
} }
try { try {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
idx =; PackFile idxFile = packFile.create(INDEX);
idx =;
if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
LOG.debug(String.format( LOG.debug(String.format(
"Opening pack index %s, size %.3f MB took %d ms", //$NON-NLS-1$ "Opening pack index %s, size %.3f MB took %d ms", //$NON-NLS-1$
extFile(INDEX).getAbsolutePath(), idxFile.getAbsolutePath(),
Float.valueOf(extFile(INDEX).length() Float.valueOf(idxFile.length()
/ (1024f * 1024)), / (1024f * 1024)),
Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis() Long.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()
- start))); - start)));
@ -205,7 +203,7 @@ private PackIndex idx() throws IOException {
* *
* @return the File object which locates this pack on disk. * @return the File object which locates this pack on disk.
*/ */
public File getPackFile() { public PackFile getPackFile() {
return packFile; return packFile;
} }
@ -225,16 +223,7 @@ public PackIndex getIndex() throws IOException {
* @return name extracted from {@code pack-*.pack} pattern. * @return name extracted from {@code pack-*.pack} pattern.
*/ */
public String getPackName() { public String getPackName() {
String name = packName; return packFile.getId();
if (name == null) {
name = getPackFile().getName();
if (name.startsWith("pack-")) //$NON-NLS-1$
name = name.substring("pack-".length()); //$NON-NLS-1$
if (name.endsWith(".pack")) //$NON-NLS-1$
name = name.substring(0, name.length() - ".pack".length()); //$NON-NLS-1$
packName = name;
return name;
} }
/** /**
@ -261,8 +250,9 @@ public boolean hasObject(AnyObjectId id) throws IOException {
* @return true if a .keep file exist. * @return true if a .keep file exist.
*/ */
public boolean shouldBeKept() { public boolean shouldBeKept() {
if (keepFile == null) if (keepFile == null) {
keepFile = extFile(KEEP); keepFile = packFile.create(KEEP);
return keepFile.exists(); return keepFile.exists();
} }
@ -1132,26 +1122,28 @@ private long findEndOffset(long startOffset)
} }
synchronized PackBitmapIndex getBitmapIndex() throws IOException { synchronized PackBitmapIndex getBitmapIndex() throws IOException {
if (invalid || invalidBitmap) if (invalid || bitmapIdxFile == null) {
return null; return null;
if (bitmapIdx == null && hasExt(BITMAP_INDEX)) { }
if (bitmapIdx == null) {
final PackBitmapIndex idx; final PackBitmapIndex idx;
try { try {
idx =, idx(), idx =, idx(),
getReverseIdx()); getReverseIdx());
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
// Once upon a time this bitmap file existed. Now it // Once upon a time this bitmap file existed. Now it
// has been removed. Most likely an external gc has // has been removed. Most likely an external gc has
// removed this packfile and the bitmap // removed this packfile and the bitmap
invalidBitmap = true; bitmapIdxFile = null;
return null; return null;
} }
// At this point, idx() will have set packChecksum. // At this point, idx() will have set packChecksum.
if (Arrays.equals(packChecksum, idx.packChecksum)) if (Arrays.equals(packChecksum, idx.packChecksum)) {
bitmapIdx = idx; bitmapIdx = idx;
else } else {
invalidBitmap = true; bitmapIdxFile = null;
} }
return bitmapIdx; return bitmapIdx;
} }
@ -1187,17 +1179,6 @@ private void setCorrupt(long offset) {
} }
} }
private File extFile(PackExt ext) {
String p = packFile.getName();
int dot = p.lastIndexOf('.');
String b = (dot < 0) ? p : p.substring(0, dot);
return new File(packFile.getParentFile(), b + '.' + ext.getExtension());
private boolean hasExt(PackExt ext) {
return (extensions & ext.getBit()) != 0;
@SuppressWarnings("nls") @SuppressWarnings("nls")
@Override @Override
public String toString() { public String toString() {

View File

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
package; package;
import static;
import static;
import static; import static;
import; import;
@ -20,13 +22,14 @@
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.EnumMap;
import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List; import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set; import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicReference;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.CorruptObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackInvalidException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackInvalidException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackMismatchException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.PackMismatchException;
@ -121,21 +124,36 @@ public String toString() {
* *
* @param objectId * @param objectId
* identity of the object to test for existence of. * identity of the object to test for existence of.
* @return true if the specified object is stored in this PackDirectory. * @return {@code true} if the specified object is stored in this PackDirectory.
*/ */
boolean has(AnyObjectId objectId) { boolean has(AnyObjectId objectId) {
return getPack(objectId) != null;
* Get the {@link} for the
* specified object if it is stored in this PackDirectory.
* @param objectId
* identity of the object to find the Pack for.
* @return {@link} which
* contains the specified object or {@code null} if it is not stored
* in this PackDirectory.
Pack getPack(AnyObjectId objectId) {
PackList pList; PackList pList;
do { do {
pList = packList.get(); pList = packList.get();
for (Pack p : pList.packs) { for (Pack p : pList.packs) {
try { try {
if (p.hasObject(objectId)) { if (p.hasObject(objectId)) {
return true; return p;
} }
} catch (IOException e) { } catch (IOException e) {
// The hasObject call should have only touched the index, // The hasObject call should have only touched the index, so
// so any failure here indicates the index is unreadable // any failure here indicates the index is unreadable by
// by this process, and the pack is likewise not readable. // this process, and the pack is likewise not readable.
LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format( LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format(
JGitText.get().unableToReadPackfile, JGitText.get().unableToReadPackfile,
p.getPackFile().getAbsolutePath()), e); p.getPackFile().getAbsolutePath()), e);
@ -143,7 +161,7 @@ boolean has(AnyObjectId objectId) {
} }
} }
} while (searchPacksAgain(pList)); } while (searchPacksAgain(pList));
return false; return null;
} }
/** /**
@ -398,43 +416,29 @@ private PackList scanPacks(PackList original) {
private PackList scanPacksImpl(PackList old) { private PackList scanPacksImpl(PackList old) {
final Map<String, Pack> forReuse = reuseMap(old); final Map<String, Pack> forReuse = reuseMap(old);
final FileSnapshot snapshot =; final FileSnapshot snapshot =;
final Set<String> names = listPackDirectory(); Map<String, Map<PackExt, PackFile>> packFilesByExtById = getPackFilesByExtById();
final List<Pack> list = new ArrayList<>(names.size() >> 2); List<Pack> list = new ArrayList<>(packFilesByExtById.size());
boolean foundNew = false; boolean foundNew = false;
for (String indexName : names) { for (Map<PackExt, PackFile> packFilesByExt : packFilesByExtById
// Must match "pack-[0-9a-f]{40}.idx" to be an index. .values()) {
// PackFile packFile = packFilesByExt.get(PACK);
if (indexName.length() != 49 || !indexName.endsWith(".idx")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ if (packFile == null || !packFilesByExt.containsKey(INDEX)) {
final String base = indexName.substring(0, indexName.length() - 3);
int extensions = 0;
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
if (names.contains(base + ext.getExtension())) {
extensions |= ext.getBit();
if ((extensions & PACK.getBit()) == 0) {
// Sometimes C Git's HTTP fetch transport leaves a // Sometimes C Git's HTTP fetch transport leaves a
// .idx file behind and does not download the .pack. // .idx file behind and does not download the .pack.
// We have to skip over such useless indexes. // We have to skip over such useless indexes.
// // Also skip if we don't have any index for this id
continue; continue;
} }
final String packName = base + PACK.getExtension(); Pack oldPack = forReuse.get(packFile.getName());
final File packFile = new File(directory, packName);
final Pack oldPack = forReuse.get(packName);
if (oldPack != null if (oldPack != null
&& !oldPack.getFileSnapshot().isModified(packFile)) { && !oldPack.getFileSnapshot().isModified(packFile)) {
forReuse.remove(packName); forReuse.remove(packFile.getName());
list.add(oldPack); list.add(oldPack);
continue; continue;
} }
list.add(new Pack(packFile, extensions)); list.add(new Pack(packFile, packFilesByExt.get(BITMAP_INDEX)));
foundNew = true; foundNew = true;
} }
@ -487,18 +491,42 @@ private static Map<String, Pack> reuseMap(PackList old) {
return forReuse; return forReuse;
} }
private Set<String> listPackDirectory() { /**
* Scans the pack directory for
* {@link}s and returns them
* organized by their extensions and their pack ids
* Skips files in the directory that we cannot create a
* {@link} for.
* @return a map of {@link}s
* and {@link}s keyed
* by pack ids
private Map<String, Map<PackExt, PackFile>> getPackFilesByExtById() {
final String[] nameList = directory.list(); final String[] nameList = directory.list();
if (nameList == null) { if (nameList == null) {
return Collections.emptySet(); return Collections.emptyMap();
} }
final Set<String> nameSet = new HashSet<>(nameList.length << 1); Map<String, Map<PackExt, PackFile>> packFilesByExtById = new HashMap<>(
nameList.length / 2); // assume roughly 2 files per id
for (String name : nameList) { for (String name : nameList) {
if (name.startsWith("pack-")) { //$NON-NLS-1$ try {
nameSet.add(name); PackFile pack = new PackFile(directory, name);
if (pack.getPackExt() != null) {
Map<PackExt, PackFile> packByExt = packFilesByExtById
if (packByExt == null) {
packByExt = new EnumMap<>(PackExt.class);
packFilesByExtById.put(pack.getId(), packByExt);
packByExt.put(pack.getPackExt(), pack);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
} }
} }
return nameSet; return packFilesByExtById;
} }
static final class PackList { static final class PackList {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
* Copyright (c) 2021 Qualcomm Innovation Center, Inc.
* and other copyright owners as documented in the project's IP log.
* This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the
* terms of the Eclipse Distribution License v. 1.0 which is available at
* SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
import java.text.MessageFormat;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
* A pack file (or pack related) File.
* Example: "pack-0123456789012345678901234567890123456789.idx"
public class PackFile extends File {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private static final String PREFIX = "pack-"; //$NON-NLS-1$
private final String base; // PREFIX + id i.e.
// pack-0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
private final String id; // i.e. 0123456789012345678901234567890123456789
private final boolean hasOldPrefix;
private final PackExt packExt;
private static String createName(String id, PackExt extension) {
return PREFIX + id + '.' + extension.getExtension();
* Create a PackFile for a pack or related file.
* @param file
* File pointing to the location of the file.
public PackFile(File file) {
this(file.getParentFile(), file.getName());
* Create a PackFile for a pack or related file.
* @param directory
* Directory to create the PackFile in.
* @param id
* the {@link ObjectId} for this pack
* @param ext
* the <code>packExt</code> of the name.
public PackFile(File directory, ObjectId id, PackExt ext) {
this(directory,, ext);
* Create a PackFile for a pack or related file.
* @param directory
* Directory to create the PackFile in.
* @param id
* the <code>id</code> (40 Hex char) section of the pack name.
* @param ext
* the <code>packExt</code> of the name.
public PackFile(File directory, String id, PackExt ext) {
this(directory, createName(id, ext));
* Create a PackFile for a pack or related file.
* @param directory
* Directory to create the PackFile in.
* @param name
* Filename (last path section) of the PackFile
public PackFile(File directory, String name) {
super(directory, name);
int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.');
if (dot < 0) {
base = name;
hasOldPrefix = false;
packExt = null;
} else {
base = name.substring(0, dot);
String tail = name.substring(dot + 1); // ["old-"] + extension
packExt = getPackExt(tail);
String old = tail.substring(0,
tail.length() - getExtension().length());
hasOldPrefix = old.equals(getExtPrefix(true));
id = base.startsWith(PREFIX) ? base.substring(PREFIX.length()) : base;
* Getter for the field <code>id</code>.
* @return the <code>id</code> (40 Hex char) section of the name.
public String getId() {
return id;
* Getter for the field <code>packExt</code>.
* @return the <code>packExt</code> of the name.
public PackExt getPackExt() {
return packExt;
* Create a new similar PackFile with the given extension instead.
* @param ext
* PackExt the extension to use.
* @return a PackFile instance with specified extension
public PackFile create(PackExt ext) {
return new PackFile(getParentFile(), getName(ext));
* Create a new similar PackFile in the given directory.
* @param directory
* Directory to create the new PackFile in.
* @return a PackFile in the given directory
public PackFile createForDirectory(File directory) {
return new PackFile(directory, getName(false));
* Create a new similar preserved PackFile in the given directory.
* @param directory
* Directory to create the new PackFile in.
* @return a PackFile in the given directory with "old-" prefixing the
* extension
public PackFile createPreservedForDirectory(File directory) {
return new PackFile(directory, getName(true));
private String getName(PackExt ext) {
return base + '.' + getExtPrefix(hasOldPrefix) + ext.getExtension();
private String getName(boolean isPreserved) {
return base + '.' + getExtPrefix(isPreserved) + getExtension();
private String getExtension() {
return packExt == null ? "" : packExt.getExtension(); //$NON-NLS-1$
private static String getExtPrefix(boolean isPreserved) {
return isPreserved ? "old-" : ""; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$
private static PackExt getPackExt(String endsWithExtension) {
for (PackExt ext : PackExt.values()) {
if (endsWithExtension.endsWith(ext.getExtension())) {
return ext;
throw new IllegalArgumentException(MessageFormat.format(
JGitText.get().unrecognizedPackExtension, endsWithExtension));

View File

@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.LargeObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.MissingObjectException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AbbreviatedObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
@ -273,16 +274,16 @@ public void flush() throws IOException {
} }
Collections.sort(objectList); Collections.sort(objectList);
File tmpIdx = idxFor(tmpPack); File tmpIdx = idxFor(tmpPack); // TODO(nasserg) Use PackFile?
writePackIndex(tmpIdx, packHash, objectList); writePackIndex(tmpIdx, packHash, objectList);
File realPack = new File(db.getPackDirectory(), PackFile realPack = new PackFile(db.getPackDirectory(),
"pack-" + computeName(objectList).name() + ".pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ computeName(objectList), PackExt.PACK);
db.closeAllPackHandles(realPack); db.closeAllPackHandles(realPack);
tmpPack.setReadOnly(); tmpPack.setReadOnly();
FileUtils.rename(tmpPack, realPack, ATOMIC_MOVE); FileUtils.rename(tmpPack, realPack, ATOMIC_MOVE);
File realIdx = idxFor(realPack); PackFile realIdx = realPack.create(PackExt.INDEX);
tmpIdx.setReadOnly(); tmpIdx.setReadOnly();
try { try {
FileUtils.rename(tmpIdx, realIdx, ATOMIC_MOVE); FileUtils.rename(tmpIdx, realIdx, ATOMIC_MOVE);

View File

@ -13,66 +13,26 @@
/** /**
* A pack file extension. * A pack file extension.
*/ */
public class PackExt { public enum PackExt {
private static volatile PackExt[] VALUES = new PackExt[] {};
/** A pack file extension. */ /** A pack file extension. */
public static final PackExt PACK = newPackExt("pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$ PACK("pack"), //$NON-NLS-1$
/** A pack index file extension. */ /** A pack index file extension. */
public static final PackExt INDEX = newPackExt("idx"); //$NON-NLS-1$ INDEX("idx"), //$NON-NLS-1$
/** A keep pack file extension. */ /** A keep pack file extension. */
public static final PackExt KEEP = newPackExt("keep"); //$NON-NLS-1$ KEEP("keep"), //$NON-NLS-1$
/** A pack bitmap index file extension. */ /** A pack bitmap index file extension. */
public static final PackExt BITMAP_INDEX = newPackExt("bitmap"); //$NON-NLS-1$ BITMAP_INDEX("bitmap"), //$NON-NLS-1$
/** A reftable file. */ /** A reftable file. */
public static final PackExt REFTABLE = newPackExt("ref"); //$NON-NLS-1$ REFTABLE("ref"); //$NON-NLS-1$
* Get all of the PackExt values.
* @return all of the PackExt values.
public static PackExt[] values() {
return VALUES;
* Returns a PackExt for the file extension and registers it in the values
* array.
* @param ext
* the file extension.
* @return the PackExt for the ext
public static synchronized PackExt newPackExt(String ext) {
PackExt[] dst = new PackExt[VALUES.length + 1];
for (int i = 0; i < VALUES.length; i++) {
PackExt packExt = VALUES[i];
if (packExt.getExtension().equals(ext))
return packExt;
dst[i] = packExt;
if (VALUES.length >= 32)
throw new IllegalStateException(
"maximum number of pack extensions exceeded"); //$NON-NLS-1$
PackExt value = new PackExt(ext, VALUES.length);
dst[VALUES.length] = value;
VALUES = dst;
return value;
private final String ext; private final String ext;
private final int pos; private PackExt(String ext) {
private PackExt(String ext, int pos) {
this.ext = ext; this.ext = ext;
this.pos = pos;
} }
/** /**
@ -85,12 +45,12 @@ public String getExtension() {
} }
/** /**
* Get the position of the extension in the values array. * Get the position of the extension in the enum declaration.
* *
* @return the position of the extension in the values array. * @return the position of the extension in the enum declaration.
*/ */
public int getPosition() { public int getPosition() {
return pos; return ordinal();
} }
/** /**

View File

@ -22,11 +22,12 @@
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.Path; import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.text.MessageFormat; import java.text.MessageFormat;
import java.time.Instant;
import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.LinkedHashSet;
import java.util.Set; import java.util.Set;
import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.NonNull; import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.NonNull;
import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable; import org.eclipse.jgit.annotations.Nullable;
@ -53,6 +54,7 @@
* In general this class is not thread-safe. So any consumer needs to take care * In general this class is not thread-safe. So any consumer needs to take care
* of synchronization! * of synchronization!
* *
* @see <a href="">Cookie file format</a>
* @see <a href="">Netscape Cookie File * @see <a href="">Netscape Cookie File
* Format</a> * Format</a>
* @see <a href= * @see <a href=
@ -92,7 +94,7 @@ public final class NetscapeCookieFile {
private byte[] hash; private byte[] hash;
final Date creationDate; private final Instant createdAt;
private Set<HttpCookie> cookies = null; private Set<HttpCookie> cookies = null;
@ -104,13 +106,13 @@ public final class NetscapeCookieFile {
* where to find the cookie file * where to find the cookie file
*/ */
public NetscapeCookieFile(Path path) { public NetscapeCookieFile(Path path) {
this(path, new Date()); this(path,;
} }
NetscapeCookieFile(Path path, Date creationDate) { NetscapeCookieFile(Path path, Instant createdAt) {
this.path = path; this.path = path;
this.snapshot = FileSnapshot.DIRTY; this.snapshot = FileSnapshot.DIRTY;
this.creationDate = creationDate; this.createdAt = createdAt;
} }
/** /**
@ -142,7 +144,7 @@ public Set<HttpCookie> getCookies(boolean refresh) {
if (cookies == null || refresh) { if (cookies == null || refresh) {
try { try {
byte[] in = getFileContentIfModified(); byte[] in = getFileContentIfModified();
Set<HttpCookie> newCookies = parseCookieFile(in, creationDate); Set<HttpCookie> newCookies = parseCookieFile(in, createdAt);
if (cookies != null) { if (cookies != null) {
cookies = mergeCookies(newCookies, cookies); cookies = mergeCookies(newCookies, cookies);
} else { } else {
@ -168,9 +170,9 @@ public Set<HttpCookie> getCookies(boolean refresh) {
* *
* @param input * @param input
* the file content to parse * the file content to parse
* @param creationDate * @param createdAt
* the date for the creation of the cookies (used to calculate * cookie creation time; used to calculate the maxAge based on
* the maxAge based on the expiration date given within the file) * the expiration date given within the file
* @return the set of parsed cookies from the given file (even expired * @return the set of parsed cookies from the given file (even expired
* ones). If there is more than one cookie with the same name in * ones). If there is more than one cookie with the same name in
* this file the last one overwrites the first one! * this file the last one overwrites the first one!
@ -180,7 +182,7 @@ public Set<HttpCookie> getCookies(boolean refresh) {
* if the given file does not have a proper format * if the given file does not have a proper format
*/ */
private static Set<HttpCookie> parseCookieFile(@NonNull byte[] input, private static Set<HttpCookie> parseCookieFile(@NonNull byte[] input,
@NonNull Date creationDate) @NonNull Instant createdAt)
throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException { throws IOException, IllegalArgumentException {
String decoded = RawParseUtils.decode(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, input); String decoded = RawParseUtils.decode(StandardCharsets.US_ASCII, input);
@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ private static Set<HttpCookie> parseCookieFile(@NonNull byte[] input,
new StringReader(decoded))) { new StringReader(decoded))) {
String line; String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
HttpCookie cookie = parseLine(line, creationDate); HttpCookie cookie = parseLine(line, createdAt);
if (cookie != null) { if (cookie != null) {
cookies.add(cookie); cookies.add(cookie);
} }
@ -200,7 +202,7 @@ private static Set<HttpCookie> parseCookieFile(@NonNull byte[] input,
} }
private static HttpCookie parseLine(@NonNull String line, private static HttpCookie parseLine(@NonNull String line,
@NonNull Date creationDate) { @NonNull Instant createdAt) {
if (line.isEmpty() || (line.startsWith("#") //$NON-NLS-1$ if (line.isEmpty() || (line.startsWith("#") //$NON-NLS-1$
&& !line.startsWith(HTTP_ONLY_PREAMBLE))) { && !line.startsWith(HTTP_ONLY_PREAMBLE))) {
return null; return null;
@ -236,7 +238,12 @@ private static HttpCookie parseLine(@NonNull String line,
cookie.setSecure(Boolean.parseBoolean(cookieLineParts[3])); cookie.setSecure(Boolean.parseBoolean(cookieLineParts[3]));
long expires = Long.parseLong(cookieLineParts[4]); long expires = Long.parseLong(cookieLineParts[4]);
long maxAge = (expires - creationDate.getTime()) / 1000; // Older versions stored milliseconds. This heuristic to detect that
// will cause trouble in the year 33658. :-)
if (cookieLineParts[4].length() == 13) {
expires = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(expires);
long maxAge = expires - createdAt.getEpochSecond();
if (maxAge <= 0) { if (maxAge <= 0) {
return null; // skip expired cookies return null; // skip expired cookies
} }
@ -245,7 +252,7 @@ private static HttpCookie parseLine(@NonNull String line,
} }
/** /**
* Read the underying file and return its content but only in case it has * Read the underlying file and return its content but only in case it has
* been modified since the last access. * been modified since the last access.
* <p> * <p>
* Internally calculates the hash and maintains {@link FileSnapshot}s to * Internally calculates the hash and maintains {@link FileSnapshot}s to
@ -333,7 +340,7 @@ public void write(URL url) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
path); path);
// reread new changes if necessary // reread new changes if necessary
Set<HttpCookie> cookiesFromFile = NetscapeCookieFile Set<HttpCookie> cookiesFromFile = NetscapeCookieFile
.parseCookieFile(cookieFileContent, creationDate); .parseCookieFile(cookieFileContent, createdAt);
this.cookies = mergeCookies(cookiesFromFile, cookies); this.cookies = mergeCookies(cookiesFromFile, cookies);
} }
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) { } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
@ -343,7 +350,7 @@ public void write(URL url) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(output, try (Writer writer = new OutputStreamWriter(output,
StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) { StandardCharsets.US_ASCII)) {
write(writer, cookies, url, creationDate); write(writer, cookies, url, createdAt);
} }
LockFile lockFile = new LockFile(path.toFile()); LockFile lockFile = new LockFile(path.toFile());
for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < LOCK_ACQUIRE_MAX_RETRY_COUNT; retryCount++) { for (int retryCount = 0; retryCount < LOCK_ACQUIRE_MAX_RETRY_COUNT; retryCount++) {
@ -377,24 +384,23 @@ public void write(URL url) throws IOException, InterruptedException {
* @param url * @param url
* the url for which to write the cookie (to derive the default * the url for which to write the cookie (to derive the default
* values for certain cookie attributes) * values for certain cookie attributes)
* @param creationDate * @param createdAt
* the date when the cookie has been created. Important for * cookie creation time; used to calculate a cookie's expiration
* calculation the cookie expiration time (calculated from * time
* cookie's maxAge and this creation time)
* @throws IOException * @throws IOException
* if an I/O error occurs * if an I/O error occurs
*/ */
static void write(@NonNull Writer writer, static void write(@NonNull Writer writer,
@NonNull Collection<HttpCookie> cookies, @NonNull URL url, @NonNull Collection<HttpCookie> cookies, @NonNull URL url,
@NonNull Date creationDate) throws IOException { @NonNull Instant createdAt) throws IOException {
for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) { for (HttpCookie cookie : cookies) {
writeCookie(writer, cookie, url, creationDate); writeCookie(writer, cookie, url, createdAt);
} }
} }
private static void writeCookie(@NonNull Writer writer, private static void writeCookie(@NonNull Writer writer,
@NonNull HttpCookie cookie, @NonNull URL url, @NonNull HttpCookie cookie, @NonNull URL url,
@NonNull Date creationDate) throws IOException { @NonNull Instant createdAt) throws IOException {
if (cookie.getMaxAge() <= 0) { if (cookie.getMaxAge() <= 0) {
return; // skip expired cookies return; // skip expired cookies
} }
@ -422,7 +428,7 @@ private static void writeCookie(@NonNull Writer writer,
final String expirationDate; final String expirationDate;
// whenCreated field is not accessible in HttpCookie // whenCreated field is not accessible in HttpCookie
expirationDate = String expirationDate = String
.valueOf(creationDate.getTime() + (cookie.getMaxAge() * 1000)); .valueOf(createdAt.getEpochSecond() + cookie.getMaxAge());
writer.write(expirationDate); writer.write(expirationDate);
writer.write(COLUMN_SEPARATOR); writer.write(COLUMN_SEPARATOR);
writer.write(cookie.getName()); writer.write(cookie.getName());

View File

@ -32,10 +32,13 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AsyncObjectLoaderQueue; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AsyncObjectLoaderQueue;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.MutableObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.MutableObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.NullProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdOwnerMap; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectIdOwnerMap;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectLoader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ObjectReader;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.ProgressMonitor;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Ref;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Repository;
import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter; import org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.filter.RevFilter;
import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter; import org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk.filter.TreeFilter;
@ -181,6 +184,12 @@ public class RevWalk implements Iterable<RevCommit>, AutoCloseable {
boolean shallowCommitsInitialized; boolean shallowCommitsInitialized;
private enum GetMergedIntoStrategy {
/** /**
* Create a new revision walker for a given repository. * Create a new revision walker for a given repository.
* *
@ -424,6 +433,145 @@ public boolean isMergedInto(RevCommit base, RevCommit tip)
} }
} }
* Determine the Refs into which a commit is merged.
* <p>
* A commit is merged into a ref if we can find a path of commits that leads
* from that specific ref and ends at <code>commit</code>.
* <p>
* @param commit
* commit the caller thinks is reachable from <code>refs</code>.
* @param refs
* refs to start iteration from, and which is most likely a
* descendant (child) of <code>commit</code>.
* @return list of refs that are reachable from <code>commit</code>.
* @throws
* a pack file or loose object could not be read.
* @since 5.12
public List<Ref> getMergedInto(RevCommit commit, Collection<Ref> refs)
throws IOException{
return getMergedInto(commit, refs, NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE);
* Determine the Refs into which a commit is merged.
* <p>
* A commit is merged into a ref if we can find a path of commits that leads
* from that specific ref and ends at <code>commit</code>.
* <p>
* @param commit
* commit the caller thinks is reachable from <code>refs</code>.
* @param refs
* refs to start iteration from, and which is most likely a
* descendant (child) of <code>commit</code>.
* @param monitor
* the callback for progress and cancellation
* @return list of refs that are reachable from <code>commit</code>.
* @throws
* a pack file or loose object could not be read.
* @since 5.12
public List<Ref> getMergedInto(RevCommit commit, Collection<Ref> refs,
ProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException{
return getMergedInto(commit, refs,
* Determine if a <code>commit</code> is merged into any of the given
* <code>refs</code>.
* @param commit
* commit the caller thinks is reachable from <code>refs</code>.
* @param refs
* refs to start iteration from, and which is most likely a
* descendant (child) of <code>commit</code>.
* @return true if commit is merged into any of the refs; false otherwise.
* @throws
* a pack file or loose object could not be read.
* @since 5.12
public boolean isMergedIntoAny(RevCommit commit, Collection<Ref> refs)
throws IOException {
return getMergedInto(commit, refs,
NullProgressMonitor.INSTANCE).size() > 0;
* Determine if a <code>commit</code> is merged into all of the given
* <code>refs</code>.
* @param commit
* commit the caller thinks is reachable from <code>refs</code>.
* @param refs
* refs to start iteration from, and which is most likely a
* descendant (child) of <code>commit</code>.
* @return true if commit is merged into all of the refs; false otherwise.
* @throws
* a pack file or loose object could not be read.
* @since 5.12
public boolean isMergedIntoAll(RevCommit commit, Collection<Ref> refs)
throws IOException {
return getMergedInto(commit, refs,
== refs.size();
private List<Ref> getMergedInto(RevCommit needle, Collection<Ref> haystacks,
Enum returnStrategy, ProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException {
List<Ref> result = new ArrayList<>();
RevFilter oldRF = filter;
TreeFilter oldTF = treeFilter;
try {
filter = RevFilter.ALL;
treeFilter = TreeFilter.ALL;
for (Ref r: haystacks) {
if (monitor.isCancelled()) {
return result;
RevObject o = parseAny(r.getObjectId());
if (!(o instanceof RevCommit)) {
RevCommit c = (RevCommit) o;
boolean commitFound = false;
RevCommit next;
while ((next = next()) != null) {
if (References.isSameObject(next, needle)) {
if (returnStrategy == GetMergedIntoStrategy.RETURN_ON_FIRST_FOUND) {
return result;
commitFound = true;
if (returnStrategy == GetMergedIntoStrategy.RETURN_ON_FIRST_NOT_FOUND) {
return result;
} finally {
reset(~freeFlags & APP_FLAGS);
filter = oldRF;
treeFilter = oldTF;
return result;
/** /**
* Pop the next most recent commit. * Pop the next most recent commit.
* *

View File

@ -159,15 +159,12 @@ public static List<Ref> findBranchesReachableFrom(RevCommit commit,
// Make sure commit is from the same RevWalk // Make sure commit is from the same RevWalk
commit = revWalk.parseCommit(commit.getId()); commit = revWalk.parseCommit(commit.getId());
revWalk.reset(); revWalk.reset();
List<Ref> result = new ArrayList<>(); List<Ref> filteredRefs = new ArrayList<>();
monitor.beginTask(JGitText.get().searchForReachableBranches, monitor.beginTask(JGitText.get().searchForReachableBranches,
refs.size()); refs.size());
final int SKEW = 24*3600; // one day clock skew final int SKEW = 24*3600; // one day clock skew
for (Ref ref : refs) { for (Ref ref : refs) {
if (monitor.isCancelled())
return result;
RevObject maybehead = revWalk.parseAny(ref.getObjectId()); RevObject maybehead = revWalk.parseAny(ref.getObjectId());
if (!(maybehead instanceof RevCommit)) if (!(maybehead instanceof RevCommit))
continue; continue;
@ -179,9 +176,9 @@ public static List<Ref> findBranchesReachableFrom(RevCommit commit,
if (headCommit.getCommitTime() + SKEW < commit.getCommitTime()) if (headCommit.getCommitTime() + SKEW < commit.getCommitTime())
continue; continue;
if (revWalk.isMergedInto(commit, headCommit)) filteredRefs.add(ref);
} }
List<Ref> result = revWalk.getMergedInto(commit, filteredRefs, monitor);
monitor.endTask(); monitor.endTask();
return result; return result;
} }

View File

@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -53,8 +54,6 @@
import; import;
import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets;
import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException; import java.nio.file.InvalidPathException;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.nio.file.Paths;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
@ -101,6 +100,7 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnection; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnection;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnectionFactory; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnectionFactory;
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnectionFactory2; import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.http.HttpConnectionFactory2;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.FS;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.HttpSupport; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.HttpSupport;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.IO; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.IO;
import org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils; import org.eclipse.jgit.util.RawParseUtils;
@ -1157,17 +1157,28 @@ IOException wrongContentType(String expType, String actType) {
return new TransportException(uri, why); return new TransportException(uri, why);
} }
private static NetscapeCookieFile getCookieFileFromConfig( private NetscapeCookieFile getCookieFileFromConfig(
HttpConfig config) { HttpConfig config) {
if (!StringUtils.isEmptyOrNull(config.getCookieFile())) { String path = config.getCookieFile();
if (!StringUtils.isEmptyOrNull(path)) {
try { try {
Path cookieFilePath = Paths.get(config.getCookieFile()); FS fs = local != null ? local.getFS() : FS.DETECTED;
File f;
if (path.startsWith("~/")) { //$NON-NLS-1$
f = fs.resolve(fs.userHome(), path.substring(2));
} else {
f = new File(path);
if (!f.isAbsolute()) {
f = fs.resolve(null, path);
JGitText.get().cookieFilePathRelative, f));
return NetscapeCookieFileCache.getInstance(config) return NetscapeCookieFileCache.getInstance(config)
.getEntry(cookieFilePath); .getEntry(f.toPath());
} catch (InvalidPathException e) { } catch (InvalidPathException e) {
LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format( LOG.warn(MessageFormat.format(
JGitText.get().couldNotReadCookieFile, JGitText.get().couldNotReadCookieFile, path), e);
config.getCookieFile()), e);
} }
} }
return null; return null;

View File

@ -13,6 +13,7 @@
import static org.eclipse.jgit.transport.WalkRemoteObjectDatabase.ROOT_DIR; import static org.eclipse.jgit.transport.WalkRemoteObjectDatabase.ROOT_DIR;
import; import;
import; import;
import; import;
import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.ArrayList;
@ -26,6 +27,8 @@
import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException; import org.eclipse.jgit.errors.TransportException;
import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText; import org.eclipse.jgit.internal.JGitText;
import; import;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.AnyObjectId;
import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants; import org.eclipse.jgit.lib.Constants;
@ -189,9 +192,8 @@ public void close() {
private void sendpack(final List<RemoteRefUpdate> updates, private void sendpack(final List<RemoteRefUpdate> updates,
final ProgressMonitor monitor) throws TransportException { final ProgressMonitor monitor) throws TransportException {
String pathPack = null; PackFile pack = null;
String pathIdx = null; PackFile idx = null;
try (PackWriter writer = new PackWriter(transport.getPackConfig(), try (PackWriter writer = new PackWriter(transport.getPackConfig(),
local.newObjectReader())) { local.newObjectReader())) {
@ -217,31 +219,33 @@ private void sendpack(final List<RemoteRefUpdate> updates,
for (String n : dest.getPackNames()) for (String n : dest.getPackNames())
packNames.put(n, n); packNames.put(n, n);
final String base = "pack-" + writer.computeName().name(); //$NON-NLS-1$ File packDir = new File("pack"); //$NON-NLS-1$
final String packName = base + ".pack"; //$NON-NLS-1$ pack = new PackFile(packDir, writer.computeName(),
pathPack = "pack/" + packName; //$NON-NLS-1$ PackExt.PACK);
pathIdx = "pack/" + base + ".idx"; //$NON-NLS-1$ //$NON-NLS-2$ idx = pack.create(PackExt.INDEX);
if (packNames.remove(packName) != null) { if (packNames.remove(pack.getName()) != null) {
// The remote already contains this pack. We should // The remote already contains this pack. We should
// remove the index before overwriting to prevent bad // remove the index before overwriting to prevent bad
// offsets from appearing to clients. // offsets from appearing to clients.
// //
dest.writeInfoPacks(packNames.keySet()); dest.writeInfoPacks(packNames.keySet());
dest.deleteFile(pathIdx); dest.deleteFile(idx.getPath());
} }
// Write the pack file, then the index, as readers look the // Write the pack file, then the index, as readers look the
// other direction (index, then pack file). // other direction (index, then pack file).
// //
String wt = "Put " + base.substring(0, 12); //$NON-NLS-1$ String wt = "Put " + pack.getName().substring(0, 12); //$NON-NLS-1$
try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(
dest.writeFile(pathPack, monitor, wt + "..pack"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ dest.writeFile(pack.getPath(), monitor,
wt + "." + pack.getPackExt().getExtension()))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
writer.writePack(monitor, monitor, os); writer.writePack(monitor, monitor, os);
} }
try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream( try (OutputStream os = new BufferedOutputStream(
dest.writeFile(pathIdx, monitor, wt + "..idx"))) { //$NON-NLS-1$ dest.writeFile(idx.getPath(), monitor,
wt + "." + idx.getPackExt().getExtension()))) { //$NON-NLS-1$
writer.writeIndex(os); writer.writeIndex(os);
} }
@ -250,22 +254,22 @@ private void sendpack(final List<RemoteRefUpdate> updates,
// and discover the most recent objects there. // and discover the most recent objects there.
// //
final ArrayList<String> infoPacks = new ArrayList<>(); final ArrayList<String> infoPacks = new ArrayList<>();
infoPacks.add(packName); infoPacks.add(pack.getName());
infoPacks.addAll(packNames.keySet()); infoPacks.addAll(packNames.keySet());
dest.writeInfoPacks(infoPacks); dest.writeInfoPacks(infoPacks);
} catch (IOException err) { } catch (IOException err) {
safeDelete(pathIdx); safeDelete(idx);
safeDelete(pathPack); safeDelete(pack);
throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().cannotStoreObjects, err); throw new TransportException(uri, JGitText.get().cannotStoreObjects, err);
} }
} }
private void safeDelete(String path) { private void safeDelete(File path) {
if (path != null) { if (path != null) {
try { try {
dest.deleteFile(path); dest.deleteFile(path.getPath());
} catch (IOException cleanupFailure) { } catch (IOException cleanupFailure) {
// Ignore the deletion failure. We probably are // Ignore the deletion failure. We probably are
// already failing and were just trying to pick // already failing and were just trying to pick