Don't prefix output from jgit status with '# '

C Git does not do it anymore

Bug: 439937
Change-Id: I20bdb787a00bba3e4adf269fd64ec6296bdc2a66
This commit is contained in:
Robin Rosenberg 2014-07-19 13:27:00 +02:00
parent 48544e27ae
commit fd58cbcdee
2 changed files with 76 additions and 76 deletions

View File

@ -63,16 +63,16 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
writeTrashFile("untracked", "untracked");
// Test untracked
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ",//
"# \tstagedDeleted", //
"# \tstagedModified", //
"# \tstagedNew", //
"# \ttracked", //
"# \ttrackedDeleted", //
"# \ttrackedModified", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Untracked files:", //
"\tstagedDeleted", //
"\tstagedModified", //
"\tstagedNew", //
"\ttracked", //
"\ttrackedDeleted", //
"\ttrackedModified", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Add to index
@ -83,30 +83,30 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
// Test staged count
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Changes to be committed:", //
"# ", //
"# \tnew file: stagedDeleted", //
"# \tnew file: stagedModified", //
"# \tnew file: tracked", //
"# \tnew file: trackedDeleted", //
"# \tnew file: trackedModified", //
"# ", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tstagedNew", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Changes to be committed:", //
"", //
"\tnew file: stagedDeleted", //
"\tnew file: stagedModified", //
"\tnew file: tracked", //
"\tnew file: trackedDeleted", //
"\tnew file: trackedModified", //
"", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tstagedNew", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Commit
git.commit().setMessage("initial commit")
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tstagedNew", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tstagedNew", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Make some changes and stage them
@ -119,21 +119,21 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
// Test staged/not-staged status
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Changes to be committed:", //
"# ", //
"# \tdeleted: stagedDeleted", //
"# \tmodified: stagedModified", //
"# \tnew file: stagedNew", //
"# ", //
"# Changes not staged for commit:", //
"# ", //
"# \tdeleted: trackedDeleted", //
"# \tmodified: trackedModified", //
"# ", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Changes to be committed:", //
"", //
"\tdeleted: stagedDeleted", //
"\tmodified: stagedModified", //
"\tnew file: stagedNew", //
"", //
"Changes not staged for commit:", //
"", //
"\tdeleted: trackedDeleted", //
"\tmodified: trackedModified", //
"", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Create unmerged file
@ -144,20 +144,20 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
git.commit().setMessage("commit before branching").call();
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Checkout new branch
// Test branch status
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch test", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch test", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Commit change and checkout master again
@ -166,10 +166,10 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
RevCommit testBranch = git.commit()
.setMessage("changed unmerged in test branch").call();
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch test", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch test", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
@ -178,38 +178,38 @@ public void testStatus() throws Exception {
git.commit().setMessage("changed unmerged in master branch").call();
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Merge test branch into master
// Test unmerged status
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# On branch master", //
"# Unmerged paths:", //
"# ", //
"# \tboth modified: unmerged", //
"# ", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"On branch master", //
"Unmerged paths:", //
"", //
"\tboth modified: unmerged", //
"", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //
// Test detached head
String commitId = db.getRef(Constants.MASTER).getObjectId().name();
assertArrayOfLinesEquals(new String[] { // git status output
"# Not currently on any branch.", //
"# Unmerged paths:", //
"# ", //
"# \tboth modified: unmerged", //
"# ", //
"# Untracked files:", //
"# ", //
"# \tuntracked", //
"Not currently on any branch.", //
"Unmerged paths:", //
"", //
"\tboth modified: unmerged", //
"", //
"Untracked files:", //
"", //
"\tuntracked", //
"" //
}, execute("git status")); //

View File

@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ fromURI=From {0}
initializedEmptyGitRepositoryIn=Initialized empty Git repository in {0}
invalidHttpProxyOnlyHttpSupported=Invalid http_proxy: {0}: Only http supported.
jgitVersion=jgit version {0}
lineFormat=# {0}
listeningOn=Listening on {0}
mergeConflict=CONFLICT(content): Merge conflict in {0}
mergeCheckoutConflict=error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by merge: