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/* Aggregates rivers by name and proximity. */
drop function if exists aggregate_rivers;
create function aggregate_rivers() returns table(osm_id bigint, name text, way geometry) as $$
c record;
cc record;
changed boolean;
while (select count(1) from agg_tmp_objects) > 0 loop
select * from agg_tmp_objects limit 1 into c;
delete from agg_tmp_objects a where a.osm_id = c.osm_id;
changed = true;
while changed loop
changed = false;
for cc in (select * from agg_tmp_objects a where a.name = c.name and st_dwithin(a.way, c.way, 500)) loop
c.way = st_linemerge(st_union(c.way, cc.way));
delete from agg_tmp_objects a where a.osm_id = cc.osm_id;
changed = true;
end loop;
end loop; -- while changed
return query select c.osm_id, c.name, c.way;
end loop; -- count(1) from agg_tmp_objects > 0
$$ language plpgsql;
create temporary table agg_tmp_objects (osm_id bigint, name text, way geometry);
create index agg_tmp_objects_id on agg_tmp_objects(osm_id);
create index agg_tmp_objects_gix on agg_tmp_objects using gist(way) include(name);
insert into agg_tmp_objects
select p.osm_id, p.name, p.way from planet_osm_line p
where waterway in ('river', 'stream', 'canal') and :where;
drop table if exists agg_rivers;
create table agg_rivers as (select * from aggregate_rivers());
drop table agg_tmp_objects;