diff --git a/IV/mj-msc.tex b/IV/mj-msc.tex index 812c76b..b7853cf 100644 --- a/IV/mj-msc.tex +++ b/IV/mj-msc.tex @@ -24,6 +24,7 @@ \usepackage{float} \usepackage{numprint} \usepackage{tikz} +\usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric,arrows,positioning} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{layouts} %\usepackage{charter} @@ -600,6 +601,43 @@ example reference for anyone willing to start using the algorithm. \subsection{Implementation workflow} +\tikzset{ + startstop/.style={trapezium,text centered,minimum height=2em, + trapezium left angle=70,trapezium right angle=110,draw=black,fill=red!20}, + proc/.style={rectangle,minimum height=2em,text centered,draw=black, + fill=orange!20}, + decision/.style={diamond,minimum height=2em,text centered,aspect=3, + draw=black,fill=green!20}, + arrow/.style={thick,->,>=stealth}, +} + +\begin{figure}[h] + \centering + \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=2cm,auto] + \node (start) [startstop] {Read \textsc{linestring}}; + \node (detect) [proc,below of=start] {Detect bends}; + \node (inflections) [proc,below of=detect] {Fix gentle inflections}; + \node (selfcrossing) [proc,below of=inflections] {Eliminate self-crossing}; + \node (mutated1) [decision,below of=selfcrossing] {Mutated?}; + \node (bendattrs) [proc,below of=mutated1] {Compute bend attributes}; + \node (exaggeration) [proc,below of=bendattrs] {Exaggeration}; + \node (mutated2) [decision,below of=exaggeration] {Mutated?}; + + \coordinate [right of=mutated1,node distance=5cm] (mutated1yes) {}; + \coordinate [right of=mutated2,node distance=5cm] (mutated2yes) {}; + + \draw [arrow] (start) -- (detect); + \draw [arrow] (detect) -- (inflections); + \draw [arrow] (inflections) -- (selfcrossing); + \draw [arrow] (selfcrossing) -- (mutated1); + \draw [arrow] (mutated1) -| node [near start] {Yes} (mutated1yes) |- (detect); + \draw [arrow] (mutated1) -- node[anchor=west] {No} (bendattrs); + \draw [arrow] (bendattrs) -- (exaggeration); + \draw [arrow] (mutated2) -| node [near start] {Yes} (mutated2yes) |- (detect); + + \end{tikzpicture} +\end{figure} + TODO: list most of the functions defined in the algorithm and draw how they interact. Similar to "Flow chart of the prototype system" in the original paper.