useful commands: - distance/measuregeom/dim - zoom ext - line - trim: pirma žymėti ribą, tada -- po truputį, ką kiripti - offset - "signature": sketch - donut - xline: for coordinate axis (infinite lines) - aeclayerorder - multiline (ml) -- dvi lygiagrečios linijos - polyline - vientisa kampuota linija. - boundary - specify boundary. - f8: perpendicular - f2: console - rotate - scale: by reference -- turint palyginimo objektą. - hatch: štrichavimas. - draworder: bring to front/back. - re: Regenerate screen - circle: 2p/3p/ttr. Liestinės. - ucs: user coordinate system. - ptype: point type - div -- divide line in equal parts - me (measure) - add points or blocks by the line regions: - uni(on) / in(tersection) / su(btract) blocks: - wb - save block - i - insert block - b - create block