Countour line generator from LIDAR data --------------------------------------- Usage: 1. Download contour lines in format `6062999.75,584000.75,88.07`: coordinate pair and height (in meters) to `` files. 2. Adjust `BOUNDS` in the Makefile. 3. Run `make -j$(nproc) smooth_.gpkg`. This will output a geo-package with contour lines every `X` meters. X can be fractional (e.g. `smooth_2.5.gpkg`). 4. Optional: you may generate a raster image with ``. Dependencies: - postgis - gdal-bin - unzip TODO: 1. Replace `managedb` stack with postgis-over-docker. This will lead to a less fragile postgis setup. 2. Accept `BOUNDS` in a way that does not require to change the Makefile. Example ------- ![Užupis]( License ------- Code in this directory is public domain.