\documentclass[a4paper]{article} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usepackage[american]{babel} \usepackage[utf8]{inputenc} \usepackage{fvextra} \usepackage[autostyle,english=american]{csquotes} \MakeOuterQuote{"} \usepackage[ maxbibnames=99, style=numeric, sorting=none, alldates=iso, seconds=true ]{biblatex} \addbibresource{bib.bib} \usepackage[ pdfusetitle, pdfkeywords={Line Generalization,Line Simplification,Wang--Mueller}, pdfborderstyle={/S/U/W 0} % /S/U/W 1 to enable reasonable decorations ]{hyperref} \usepackage{enumitem} \usepackage[toc,page,title]{appendix} \usepackage{caption} \usepackage{subcaption} \usepackage{dcolumn} \usepackage{gensymb} \usepackage{units} \usepackage{varwidth} \usepackage{tabularx} \usepackage{float} \usepackage{numprint} \usepackage{tikz} \usetikzlibrary{shapes.geometric,arrows,positioning} \usepackage{fancyvrb} \usepackage{layouts} \usepackage{minted} %\usepackage{charter} %\usepackage{setspace} %\doublespacing \input{version.inc} \input{vars.inc} \newcommand{\onpage}[1]{\ref{#1} on page~\pageref{#1}} \newcommand{\titlecite}[1]{\citetitle{#1}\cite{#1}} \newcommand{\titleciteauthor}[1]{\citetitle{#1} by \citeauthor{#1}\cite{#1}} \newcommand{\DP}{Douglas \& Peucker} \newcommand{\VW}{Visvalingam--Whyatt} \newcommand{\WM}{Wang--M{\"u}ller} \newcommand{\WnM}{Wang and M{\"u}ller} % {\WM} algoritmo realizacija kartografinei upių generalizacijai \newcommand{\MYTITLE}{{\WM} algorithm realization for cartographic line generalization} \newcommand{\MYTITLENOCAPS}{wang--m{\"u}ller algorithm realization for cartographic line generalization} \newcommand{\MYAUTHOR}{Motiejus Jakštys} \newcommand{\inputcode}[2]{\inputminted[fontsize=\small]{#1}{#2}} \title{\MYTITLE} \author{\MYAUTHOR} \date{\VCDescribe} \begin{document} \begin{titlepage} \begin{center} \includegraphics[width=0.2\textwidth]{vu.pdf} \\[4ex] \large \textbf{\textsc{ vilnius university \\ faculty of chemistry and geosciences \\ department of cartography and geoinformatics }} \\[8ex] \textbf{\MYAUTHOR} \\[8ex] \normalsize A thesis presented for the degree of Master in Cartography \\[8ex] \LARGE \textbf{\textsc{\MYTITLENOCAPS}} \vfill \normalsize Supervisor Dr. Andrius Balčiūnas \\[16ex] \VCDescribe \end{center} \end{titlepage} \begin{abstract} \label{sec:abstract} Currently available line simplification algorithms are rooted in mathematics and geometry, and are unfit for bendy map features like rivers and coastlines. {\WnM} observed how cartographers simplify these natural features and created an algorithm. We implemented this algorithm and documented it in great detail. Our implementation makes {\WM} algorithm freely available in PostGIS, and this paper explains it. \end{abstract} \newpage \tableofcontents \newpage \listoffigures \listoftables \newpage \section{Introduction} \label{sec:introduction} \iffalse NOTICE: this value should be copied to layer2img.py:TEXTWIDTH, so dimensions of inline images are reasonable. Textwidth in cm: {\printinunitsof{cm}\prntlen{\textwidth}} \fi When creating small-scale maps, often the detail of the data source is greater than desired for the map. While many features can be removed or simplified, it is more tricky with natural features that have many bends, like coastlines, rivers or forest boundaries. To create a small-scale map from a large-scale data source, features need to be simplified, i.e., detail should be reduced. While performing the simplification, it is important to retain the "defining" shape of the original feature. Otherwise, if the simplified feature looks too different than the original, the result will look unrealistic. For example, if a river is nearly straight, it should remain such after simplification. An overly straightened river will look like a canal, and the other way around --- too curvy would not reflect the natural shape. Conversely, if the river originally is highly wiggly, the number of bends should be reduced, but not removed altogether. Simplification problem for other objects can often be solved by other non-geometric means: \begin{itemize} \item Towns and cities can be filtered by number of inhabitants. \item Roads can be eliminated by the road length, number of lanes, or classification of the road (local, regional, international). \end{itemize} To sum up, natural line simplification problem can be viewed as a task of finding a delicate balance between two competing goals: \begin{itemize} \item Reduce detail by removing or simplifying "less important" features. \item Retain enough detail, so the original is still recognize-able. \end{itemize} Given the discussed complexities, a fine line between under-simplification (leaving object as-is) and over-simplification (making a straight line) needs to be found. Therein lies the complexity of simplification algorithms: all have different trade-offs. The purpose of the thesis is to implement a river generalization algorithm on the basis of {\WM} algorithm using open-source software. Tasks of the thesis: \begin{itemize} \item Evaluate existing line simplification algorithms. \item Identify main river generalization problems using classical line simplification algorithms. \item Define methods of the {\WM} technical implementation. \item Realize {\WM} algorithm technically, explaining the geometric transformations in detail. \item Apply the created algorithm for different datasets and compare the results with national data sets. \end{itemize} Scientific relevance of this work --- the simplification processes (steps) described by the {\WM} algorithm are analyzed in detail, practically implemented and the implementation --- described. That expands the knowledge of cartographic theory about the generalization of natural objects' boundaries after their natural defining properties. In the original {\WM} article introducing the algorithm, the steps are not detailed in a way that can be put into practice for specific data; steps are specified in this work. Practically this work makes it possible to use open source software to perform cartographic line generalization. The developed specialized cartographic line simplification algorithm can be applied by cartographers to implement automatic data generalization solutions. Given the open-source nature of this work, the algorithm implementation can be modified freely. \section{Literature Review and Problematic} \label{sec:literature-review-problematic} \subsection{Available algorithms} This section reviews the classical line simplification algorithms, which, besides being around for a long time, offer easily accessible implementations, as well as more modern ones, which only theorize, but do not provide an implementation. \subsubsection{{\DP}, {\VW} and Chaikin's} \label{sec:dp-vw-chaikin} {\DP}\cite{douglas1973algorithms} and {\VW}\cite{visvalingam1993line} are "classical" line simplification computer graphics algorithms. They are relatively simple to implement, require few runtime resources. Both of them accept a single parameter, based on desired scale of the map, which makes them straightforward to adjust for different scales. Both algorithms are part of PostGIS, a free-software GIS suite: \begin{itemize} \item {\DP} via \href{https://postgis.net/docs/ST_Simplify.html}{PostGIS \textsc{st\_simplify}}. \item {\VW} via \href{https://postgis.net/docs/ST_SimplifyVW.html}{PostGIS \textsc{st\_simplifyvw}}. \end{itemize} It may be worthwhile to post-process those through a widely available Chaikin's line smoothing algorithm\cite{chaikin1974algorithm} via \href{https://postgis.net/docs/ST_ChaikinSmoothing.html}{PostGIS \textsc{st\_chaikinsmoothing}}. To use in generalization examples, we will use two rivers: Šalčia and Visinčia. These rivers were chosen, because they have both large and small bends, and thus convenient to analyze for both small and large scale generalization. Figure~\onpage{fig:salvis-25} illustrates the original two rivers without any simplification. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-25k} \caption{Example rivers for visual tests (1:{\numprint{25000}}).} \label{fig:salvis-25} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-50k} \caption{Example scaled 1:\numprint{50000}.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \centering \includegraphics[width=.2\textwidth]{salvis-250k} \caption{Example scaled 1:\numprint{250000}.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Down-scaled original river.} \label{fig:salvis-50-250} \end{figure} Same rivers, unprocessed, but in higher scales (1:\numprint{50000} and 1:\numprint{250000}) are depicted in figure~\onpage{fig:salvis-50-250}. Some river features are so compact that a reasonably thin line depicting the river is touching itself, creating a thicker line. We can assume that some simplification for scale 1:\numprint{50000} and especially for 1:\numprint{250000} are worthwhile. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-douglas-64-50k} \caption{Using {\DP}.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-visvalingam-64-50k} \caption{Using {\VW}.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Simplified using classical algorithms (1:\numprint{50000}).} \label{fig:salvis-generalized-50k} \end{figure} Figure~\onpage{fig:salvis-generalized-50k} illustrates the same river bend, but simplified using {\DP} and {\VW} algorithms. The resulting lines are jagged, thus the resulting line looks unlike a real river. To smoothen the jaggedness, traditionally, Chaikin's\cite{chaikin1974algorithm} is applied after generalization, illustrated in figure~\onpage{fig:salvis-generalized-chaikin-50k}. % andriub: Šios iliustracijos turėtų būti Available algorithms skyriuje. O čia turėtų WM pavyzdžių iliustracijos (galima įdėti ir referuoti iš originalaus straipsnio) \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-douglas-64-chaikin-50k} \caption{{\DP} and Chaikin's.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-visvalingam-64-chaikin-50k} \caption{{\VW} and Chaikin's.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Simplified and smoothened river (1:\numprint{50000}).} \label{fig:salvis-generalized-chaikin-50k} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht!] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-overlaid-douglas-64-chaikin-50k} \caption{{\DP} and Chaikin's.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{salvis-overlaid-visvalingam-64-chaikin-50k} \caption{{\VW} and Chaikin's.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Zoomed-in simplified and smoothened river and original.} \label{fig:salvis-overlaid-generalized-chaikin-50k} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[b!] \centering \includegraphics[width=.9\textwidth]{amalgamate1} \caption{Narrow bends amalgamating into large unintelligible blobs.} \label{fig:pixel-amalgamation} \end{figure} The resulting simplified and smoothened example (figure~\onpage{fig:salvis-generalized-chaikin-50k}) yields a more aesthetically pleasing result, however, it obscures natural river features. Given the absence of rocks, the only natural features that influence the river direction are topographic: \begin{itemize} \item Relatively straight river (completely straight or with small-angled bends over a relatively long distance) implies greater slope, more water, and/or faster flow. \item Bendy river, on the contrary, implies slower flow, slighter slope, and/or less water. \end{itemize} Both {\VW} and {\DP} have a tendency to remove the small bends altogether, a valuable characterization of the river. Sometimes low-water rivers in slender slopes have many bends next to each other. In low resolutions (either in small-DPI screens or paper, or when the river is sufficiently zoomed out, or both), the small bends will amalgamate to a unintelligible blob. Figure~\onpage{fig:pixel-amalgamation} illustrates two real-world examples where a bendy river, normally 1 or 2 pixels wide, creates a wide area, of which the shapes of the bend are unintelligible. In this example, classical algorithms would remove these bends altogether. A cartographer would retain a few of those distinctive bends, but would increase the distance between the bends, remove some of the bends, or both. For the reasons discussed in this section, the "classical" {\DP} and {\VW} are not well suited for natural river generalization, and a more robust line generalization algorithm is worthwhile for to look for. \subsubsection{Modern approaches} % TODO: % https://pdfs.semanticscholar.org/e80b/1c64345583eb8f7a6c53834d1d40852595d5.pdf % A New Algorithm for Cartographic Simplification of Streams and Lakes Using % Deviation Angles and Error Bands Due to their simplicity and ubiquity, {\DP} and {\VW} have been established as go-to algorithms for line generalization. During recent years, alternatives have emerged. These modern replacements fall into roughly two categories: \begin{itemize} \item Cartographic knowledge was encoded to an algorithm (bottom-up approach). One among these are \titlecite{wang1998line}, also known as {\WM}'s algorithm. \item Mathematical shape transformation which yields a more cartographic result. E.g., \titlecite{jiang2003line}, \titlecite{dyken2009simultaneous}, \titlecite{mustafa2006dynamic}, \titlecite{nollenburg2008morphing}. \end{itemize} Authors of most of the aforementioned articles have implemented the generalization algorithm, at least to generate the illustrations in the articles. However, code is not available for evaluation with a desired data set, much less for use as a basis for creating new maps. To author's knowledge, {\WM}\cite{wang1998line} is available in a commercial product, but requires a purchase of the commercial product suite, without a way to license the standalone algorithm. {\WM} algorithm was created by encoding professional cartographers' knowledge into a computer algorithm. It has a few main properties which make it especially suitable for generalization of natural linear features: \begin{itemize} \item Small bends are not always removed, but either combined (for example, 3 bends into 2), exaggerated, or removed, depending on the neighboring bends. \item Long and gentle bends are not straightened, but kept as-is. \end{itemize} \begin{figure}[h] \centering \includegraphics[width=.8\textwidth]{wang125} \caption{Originally figure 12.5: cartographic line generalization example.} \label{fig:wang125} \end{figure} As a result of these properties, {\WM} algorithm retains the defining properties of the natural features; high-current rivers keep their appearance as such, instead of becoming canals; low-stream bendy rivers retain their frequent small bends. Figure~\ref{fig:wang125} (from the original \titlecite{wang1998line}) illustrates the {\WM} algorithm (the figure labeled "proposed method"). % DONE: [Šioje vietoje turi būti WM algoritmo pristatymas su iliustracijomis. Turi būti bent minimalus, ne sakinio, paaiškinimas, kodėl algoritmas tinkamas kartografijai. Kodėl jis pasirinktas realizuoti - o čia ir Tomas ir aš buvome parašę email: išlaikant raiškius naturalių objektų kontūrus, generalizacijos rezultatas žemėlapyje geriau atspindi gamtinės aplinkos savybes, pvz. upių vingiuotumą, kuris gali atspindėti reljefo bei kitas paviršiaus savybes ir pan.] \subsection{Problematic with generalization of rivers} % DONE subscection: andriub: Į šį skyrių turi būti perkeltas tekstas iš From Simplification to Generalization ir mano pakomentuota dalis iš Modern approaches skyriaus. % DONE: [Skyriaus pradžioje pateikiama bendra informacija: Upių generalizavimo problemą galima skaidyti į dvi dalis: egzistuojantys algoritmai skirti geometrijos supaprastinimui, tačiau neturi kartografinės logikos; egzistuojantys sprendimai nėra laisvai prieinami. Atitinkamai tuomet seka tekstas iš From Simplification to Generalization skyriaus, o toliau - dalis iš Modern approaches skyriaus. This section introduces the reader to simplification and generalization, and discusses two main problems with current-day cartographic line generalization: \begin{itemize} \item Currently available line simplification algorithms were created to simplify geometries, but have no cartographical knowledge. \item Existing cartographic line generalization algorithms are not freely accessible. \end{itemize} \subsubsection{Simplification versus Generalization} It is important to note the distinction between simplification, line generalization and cartographic generalization. Simplification reduces object's detail in isolation, not taking object's natural properties or surrounding objects into account. For example, if a river is simplified, it may have an approximate shape of the original river, but lose some shapes that define it. For example: \begin{itemize} \item Low-water rivers in slender slopes have many small bends next to each other. A non-cartographic line simplification may remove all of them, thus losing an important river's characteristic feature: after such simplification, it will be hard to tell that the original river was low-water in a slender slope. \item Low-angle river bend river over a long distance differs significantly from a completely straight canal. Non-cartographic line simplification may replace a that bend with a straight line, making the river more similar to a canal than a river. \end{itemize} In other words, simplification processes the line ignoring its geographic features. It is works well when the features are man-made (e.g., roads, administrative boundaries, buildings). There is a number of freely available non-cartographic line simplification algorithms, which this paper will review. Contrary to line simplification, Cartographic Generalization does not focus into a single feature class (e.g., rivers), but the whole map. For example, line simplification may change river bends in a way that bridges (and roads to the bridges) become misplaced. While line simplification is limited to a single feature class, cartographic generalization is not. Fully automatic cartographic generalization is not yet a solved problem . Cartographic line generalization falls in between the two: it does more than line simplification, and less than cartographic generalization. Cartographic line generalization deals with a single feature class, but takes into account its geographic properties. This paper examines {\WM}'s \titlecite{wang1998line}, a cartographic line generalization algorithm. \subsubsection{Availablility of generalization algorithms} Lack of robust openly available generalization algorithm implementations poses a problem for map creation with free software: there is not a similar high-quality simplification algorithm to create down-scaled maps, so any cartographic work, which uses line generalization as part of its processing, will be of sub-par quality. We believe that availability of high-quality open-source tools is an important foundation for future cartographic experimentation and development, thus it it benefits the cartographic society as a whole. {\WM}'s commercial availability signals something about the value of the algorithm: at least the authors of the commercial software suite deemed it worthwhile to include it. However, not everyone has access to the commercial software suite, access to funds to buy the commercial suite, or access to the operating system required to run the commercial suite. PostGIS, in contrast, is free on itself, and runs on free platforms. Therefore, algorithm implementations that run on PostGIS or other free platforms are useful to a wider cartographic society than proprietary ones. \subsubsection{Unfitness of line simplification algorithms} Section~\ref{sec:dp-vw-chaikin} illustrates the current gaps with Line Simplification algorithms for real rivers. To sum up, we highlight the following cartographic problems from our examples: \begin{description} \item[Long bends] should remain as long bends, instead of become fully straight lines. \item[Many small bends] should not be removed. To retain river's character, the algorithm should retain some small bends, and, when they are too small to be visible, should be combined or exaggerated. \end{description} We are limiting the problem to cartographic line generalization. That is, full cartographic generalization, which takes topology and other feature classes into account, is out of scope. Figure~\onpage{fig:wang125} illustrates {\WM} algorithm from their original paper. Note how the long bends retain curvy, and how some small bends got exaggerated. \section{Methodology} \label{sec:methodology} % TODO DONE % 3.1 Main geometry elements used by algorithm % 3.2 Algorithm implementation process % 3.3 Technical implementation (naujas poskyris) % 3.4 Automated tests % 3.5 Reproducibility (dabartinis Reproducing generalizations <...>) The original {\WM}'s algorithm \cite{wang1998line} leaves something to be desired for a practical implementation: it is not straightforward to implement the algorithm from the paper alone. Explanations in this document are meant to expand, rather than substitute, the original description in {\WM}. Therefore familiarity with the original paper is assumed, and, for some sections, having the original close-by is necessary to meaningfully follow this document. This paper describes {\WM} in detail that is more useful for anyone who wishes to follow the algorithm implementation more closely: each section is expanded with additional commentary, and richer illustrations for non-obvious steps. In many cases, corner cases are discussed and clarified. Assume Euclidean geometry throughout this document, unless noted otherwise. \subsection{Main geometry elements used by algorithm} \label{sec:vocab} This section defines and explains the geometry elements that are used throughout this paper and the implementation. \begin{description} \item[Vertex] is a point on a plane, can be expressed by a pair of $(x,y)$ coordinates. \item[Line Segment] or \textsc{segment} joins two vertices by a straight line. A segment can be expressed by two coordinate pairs: $(x_1, y_1)$ and $(x_2, y_2)$. Line Segment and Segment are used interchangeably. \item[Line] or \textsc{linestring}, represents a single linear feature. For example, a river or a coastline. Geometrically, A line is a series of connected line segments, or, equivalently, a series of connected vertices. Each vertex connects to two other vertices, except those vertices at either ends of the line: these two connect to a single other vertex. \item[Multiline] or \textsc{multilinestring} is a collection of linear features. Throughout this implementation this is used rarely (normally, a river is a single line), but can be valid when, for example, a river has an island. \item[Bend] is a subset of a line that humans perceive as a curve. The geometric definition is complex and is discussed in section~\ref{sec:definition-of-a-bend}. \item[Baseline] is a line between bend's first and last vertices. \item[Sum of inner angles] TBD. \item[Algorithmic Complexity] also called \textsc{big o notation}, is a relative measure to explain how long will the algorithm runs depending on it's input. It is widely used in computing science when discussing the efficiency of a given algorithm. For example, given $n$ objects and time complexity of $O(log(n))$, the time it takes to execute the algorithm is logarithmic to $n$. Conversely, if complexity is $O(n^2)$, then the time it takes to execute the algorithm grows quadratically with input. Importantly, if the input size doubles, the time it takes to run the algorithm quadruples. $O$ notation was first suggested by Bachmann\cite{bachmann1894analytische} and Landau\cite{landau1911} in late \textsc{xix} century, and clarified and popularized for computing science by Donald Knuth\cite{knuth1976big} in the 1970s. \end{description} \subsection{Algorithm implementation process} \tikzset{ startstop/.style={trapezium,text centered,minimum height=2em, trapezium left angle=70,trapezium right angle=110,draw=black,fill=red!20}, proc/.style={rectangle,minimum height=2em,text centered,draw=black, fill=orange!20}, decision/.style={diamond,minimum height=2em,text centered,aspect=3, draw=black,fill=green!20}, arrow/.style={thick,->,>=stealth}, } \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[node distance=1.5cm,auto] \node (start) [startstop] {Read \textsc{linestring}}; \node (detect) [proc,below of=start] {Detect bends}; \node (inflections) [proc,below of=detect] {Fix gentle inflections}; \node (selfcrossing) [proc,below of=inflections] {Eliminate self-crossing}; \node (mutated1) [decision,below of=selfcrossing] {Mutated?}; \node (bendattrs) [proc,below of=mutated1] {Compute bend attributes}; \node (exaggeration) [proc,below of=bendattrs] {Exaggeration}; \node (mutated2) [decision,below of=exaggeration] {Mutated?}; \node (elimination) [proc,below of=mutated2] {Elimination}; \node (mutated3) [decision,below of=elimination] {Mutated?}; \node (stop) [startstop,below of=mutated3] {Stop}; \coordinate [right of=mutated1,node distance=5cm] (mutated1y) {}; \coordinate [right of=mutated2,node distance=5cm] (mutated2y) {}; \coordinate [right of=mutated3,node distance=5cm] (mutated3y) {}; \draw [arrow] (start) -- (detect); \draw [arrow] (detect) -- (inflections); \draw [arrow] (inflections) -- (selfcrossing); \draw [arrow] (selfcrossing) -- (mutated1); \draw [arrow] (mutated1) -| node [near start] {Yes} (mutated1y) |- (detect); \draw [arrow] (mutated1) -- node[anchor=west] {No} (bendattrs); \draw [arrow] (bendattrs) -- (exaggeration); \draw [arrow] (exaggeration) -- (mutated2); \draw [arrow] (mutated2) -| node [near start] {Yes} (mutated2y) |- (detect); \draw [arrow] (mutated2) -- node[anchor=west] {No} (elimination); \draw [arrow] (mutated3) -| node [near start] {Yes} (mutated3y) |- (detect); \draw [arrow] (mutated3) -- node[anchor=west] {No} (stop); \draw [arrow] (elimination) -- (mutated3); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Flow chart of the implementation workflow.} \label{fig:flow-chart} \end{figure} Figure~\ref{fig:flow-chart} visualizes the algorithm steps for each line. \textsc{multilinestring} features are split to \textsc{linestring} features and executed in order. Judging from {\WM} prototype flow chart (depicted in figure 11 of the original paper), their approach is iterative for the line: it will process the line in sequence, doing all steps, before moving on to the next step. We will call this approach "streaming", because it does not require to have the full line to process it. We have taken a different approach: process each step fully for the line, before moving to the next step. This way provides the following advantages: \begin{itemize} \item \textsc{eliminate self-crossing}, when finds a bend with the right sum of inflection angles, it checks the full line for self-crossings. This is impossible with streaming, because it requires having the full line in memory. It could be optimized by, for example, looking for a fixed number of neighboring bends (say, 10), but that would complicate the implementation. \item \textsc{fix gentle inflections} is iterating the same line twice from opposite directions. That could be re-written to streaming fashion, but that complicates the implementation too. \end{itemize} On the other hand, comparing to the {\WM} prototype flow chart, our implementation uses more memory (because it needs to have the full line before processing), and some steps are unnecessarily repeated, like re-computing the bend's attributes. \subsection{Technical implementation} \label{sec:technical-implementation} % TODO DONE: [3.3 Technical implementation. Šiame skyriuje turėtum trumpai % pristatyti, kokiai programinei įrangai realizavai sprendimą, kokią % programavimo kalbą ir kodėl naudojai, kokia sprendimo architektūra (sukurtas % funkcijų rinkinys iškviečiamas postgis aplinkoje, pernaudojama dalis postgis % aplinkoje esančios geometrijos apdorojimo funkcijos), pažymėti, kad % realizuotas techninis sprendimas gali būti pernaudotas ir kituos sprendimui, % nes yra universalus (SQL Procedural Language)] Technical algorithm realization was created in \titlecite{postgis311}. PostGIS is a PostgreSQL extension for working with spatial data. PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database, widely used in industry and academia. PostgreSQL can be interfaced from nearly any programming language, therefore solutions written in PostgreSQL (and their extensions) are very universal. Other than that, PostGIS has implements a rich set of functions\cite{postgisref} for working with geometric and geographic objects. Due to its wide applicability and rich set of functions, I choise PostGIS as the {\WM} algorithm implementation language. The main algorithm consists of the "entrypoint" function \textsc{st\_simplifywm}: \begin{minted}[fontsize=\small]{sql} create function ST_SimplifyWM( geom geometry, dhalfcircle float, intersect_patience integer default 10, dbgname text default null ) returns geometry \end{minted} This function accepts the following parameters: \begin{description} \item[\normalfont\texttt{geom}] is the input geometry. Either \textsc{linestring} or \textsc{multilinestring}. \item[\normalfont\texttt{dhalfcircle}] is the diameter of the half-circle. Explained in section~\ref{sec:bend-scaling-and-dimensions}. \item[\normalfont\texttt{intersect\_patience}] is an optional parameter to exaggeration operator, explained in section~\ref{sec:exaggeration-operator}. \item[\normalfont\texttt{dbgname}] is an optional human-readable name of the figure. Explained in section~\ref{sec:debugging}. \end{description} The function \texttt{ST\_SimplifyWM} calls into helper functions, which detect, transform or remove bends. These helper functions are also defined in the implementation and are part of the algorithm technical realization, and heavily use geometry manipulation functions provided by PostGIS. \subsection{Automated tests} \label{sec:automated-tests} As part of the algorithm realization, an automated test suite has been developed. Shapes to test each function have been hand-crafted and expected results have been manually calculated. The test suite executes parts of the algorithm against a predefined set of geometries, and asserts that the output matches the resulting hand-calculated geometry. The full set of test geometries is visualized in figure~\ref{fig:test-figures}. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{test-figures} \caption{Geometries for automated test cases.} \label{fig:test-figures} \end{figure} The full test suite can be executed with a single command, and completes in about a second Having an easily accessible test suite boosts confidence that no unexpected bugs have snug in while modifying the algorithm. We will explain two instances on when automated tests were very useful during the implementation: \begin{itemize} \item Created a function \textsc{wm\_exaggeration}, which exaggerates bends following the rules. It worked well over simple geometries, but, due to a subtle bug, created a self-crossing bend in Visinčia. We copied the offending bend to the automated test suite and fixed the bug. The test suite has the bend itself (a hook-looking bend on the right-hand side of figure~\ref{fig:test-figures}) and code to verify that it was correctly exaggerated. Later, while adding a feature to exaggeration code, I introduced a different bug, which was automatically captured by the same bend. \item During algorithm development, I run automated tests about once a minute. They quickly find logical and syntax errors. In contrast, running the algorithm with real rivers takes a few minutes, which is increases the feedback loop, and takes longer to fix the "simple" errors. \end{itemize} Whenever I find and fix a bug, I aim to create an automated test case for it, so the same bug is not re-introduced by whoever works next on the same piece of code. Besides testing for specific cases, an automated test suite ensures future stability and longevity of the implementation itself: when new contributors start changing code, they have higher assurance they have not broken already-working code. \subsection{Reproducibility} \label{sec:reproducing-the-paper} % TODO done: andriub: Turi būti aiškiai nurodytos instrukcijos, kaip atkartoti % veiksmus. Tam gali įdėti trumpą tekstą, kad rezultatais pasidalinta github, % projekto pasileidimui reikalavimai nurodyti programinio kodo readme apraše. It is widely believed that the ability to reproduce the results of a published study is important to the scientific community. In practice, however, it is often hard to impossible: research methodologies, as well as algorithms themselves, are explained in prose, which, due to the nature of the non-machine language, lends itself to inexact interpretations. This article, besides explaining the algorithm in prose, includes the program of the algorithm in a way that can be executed on reader's workstation. On top of it, all the illustrations in this paper are generated using that algorithm, from a predefined list of test geometries (test geometries were explained in section~\ref{sec:automated-tests}). Besides embedded in this document, this article itself, and code for this article are accessible on github as of 2021-05-21\cite{wmsql}. Instructions how to re-generate all the visualizations are found in appendix~\ref{sec:code-regenerate}. The visualization code serves as a good example reference for anyone willing to start using the algorithm. \section{Algorithm implementation} Like alluded in section~\ref{sec:introduction}, {\WM} paper skims over certain details, which are important to implement the algorithm. This section goes through each algorithm stage, illustrating the intermediate steps and explaining the author's desiderata for a more detailed description. Illustrations of the following sections are extracted from the automated test cases, which were written during the algorithm implementation (as discussed in section~\onpage{sec:automated-tests}). Illustrated lines are black. Bends themselves are linear features. Discriminating between bends in illustrations might be tricky, because sometimes a single \textsc{line segment} can belong to two bends. Given that, there is another way to highlight bends in a schematic drawing: by converting them to polygons and by altering their background colors. It works as follows: \begin{itemize} \item Join the first and last vertices of the bend, creating a polygon. \item Color the polygons using distinct colors. \end{itemize} This type of illustration works quite well, since polygons created from bends are almost never overlapping, and discriminating different backgrounds is easier than discriminating different line shapes or colors. \subsection{Debugging} \label{sec:debugging} NOTE: this will explain how intermediate debugging tables (\textsc{wm\_debug}) work. This is not related to the algorithm, but the only the implementation itself (probably should come together with paper's regeneration and unit tests). \subsection{Merging pieces of the river into one} NOTE: explain how different river segments are merged into a single line. This is not explained in the {\WM} paper, but is a necessary prerequisite. This is implemented in \textsc{aggregate-rivers.sql}. \subsection{Bend scaling and dimensions} \label{sec:bend-scaling-and-dimensions} {\WM} accepts a single input parameter: the diameter of a half-circle. If the bend's adjusted size (explained in detail in section~\onpage{sec:shape-of-a-bend}) is greater than the area of the half-circle, then the bend will be left untouched. If the bend's adjusted size is smaller than the area of the provided half-circle, the bend will be simplified: either exaggerated, combined or eliminated. The half-circle's diameter depends on the desired scale of the target map: it should be small enough to retain small but visible bends, The extent of line simplification depends on the desired target scale. Simplification should be more aggressive for smaller target scales, and less aggressive for larger scales. This section goes through the process of finding the correct variable to {\WM} algorithm. What is the minimal, but still eligible figure that can should be displayed on the map? According to \titlecite{cartoucheMinimalDimensions}, the map is typically held at a distance of 30cm. Recommended minimum symbol size given viewing distance of 45cm (1.5 feet) is 1.5mm, as analyzed in \titlecite{mappingunits}. In our case, our target is line bend, rather than a symbol. Assume 1.5mm is a diameter of the bend. A semi-circle of 1.5mm diameter is depicted in figure~\ref{fig:half-circle}. In other words, a bend of this size or larger, when adjusted to scale, will not be simplified. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[x=1mm,y=1mm] \draw[] (-10, 0) -- (-.75,0) arc (225:-45:.75) -- (10, 0); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Smallest feature that will be not simplified (to scale).} \label{fig:half-circle} \end{figure} {\WM} algorithm does not have a notion of scale, but it does have a notion of distance: it accepts a single parameter $D$, the half-circle's diameter. Assuming measurement units in projected coordinate system are meters (for example, \titlecite{epsg3857}), values of some popular scales is highlighted in table~\ref{table:scale-halfcirlce-diameter}. \begin{table}[ht] \centering \begin{tabular}{ c D{.}{.}{1} } Scale & \multicolumn{1}{c}{$D(m)$} \\ \hline 1:\numprint{10000} & 15 \\ 1:\numprint{15000} & 22.5 \\ 1:\numprint{25000} & 37.5 \\ 1:\numprint{50000} & 75 \\ 1:\numprint{250000} & 375 \\ \end{tabular} \caption{{\WM} half-circle diameter $D$ for popular scales.} \label{table:scale-halfcirlce-diameter} \end{table} Sometimes, when working with {\WM}, it is useful to convert between half-circle's diameter $D$ and adjusted size $A_{adj}$. These easily derive from circle's area formula $A = 2\pi \frac{D}{2}^2$: \[ D = 2\sqrt{\frac{2 A_{adj}}{\pi}} \] In reverse, adjusted size $A_{adj}$ from half-circle's diameter: \[ A_{adj} = \frac{\pi D^2}{8} \] \subsection{Definition of a Bend} \label{sec:definition-of-a-bend} The original article describes a bend as: \begin{displaycquote}{wang1998line} A bend can be defined as that part of a line which contains a number of subsequent vertices, with the inflection angles on all vertices included in the bend being either positive or negative and the inflection of the bend's two end vertices being in opposite signs. \end{displaycquote} While it gives a good intuitive understanding of what the bend is, this section provides more technical details. Here are some non-obvious characteristics that are necessary when writing code to detect the bends: \begin{itemize} \item End segments of each line should also belong to bends. That way, all segments belong to 1 or 2 bends. \item First and last segments of each bend (except for the two end-line segments) are also the first vertex of the next bend. \end{itemize} Properties above may be apparent when looking at illustrations at this article or reading here, but they are nowhere as such when looking at the original article. Figure~\ref{fig:fig8-definition-of-a-bend} illustrates article's figure 8, but with bends colored as polygons: each color is a distinctive bend. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig8-definition-of-a-bend} \caption{Originally figure 8: detected bends are highlighted.} \label{fig:fig8-definition-of-a-bend} \end{figure} \subsection{Gentle Inflection at End of a Bend} The gist of the section is in the original article: \begin{displaycquote}{wang1998line} But if the inflection that marks the end of a bend is quite small, people would not recognize this as the bend point of a bend \end{displaycquote} Figure~\ref{fig:fig5-gentle-inflection} visualizes original paper's figure 5, when a single vertex is moved outwards the end of the bend. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig5-gentle-inflection-before} \caption{Before applying the inflection rule.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig5-gentle-inflection-after} \caption{After applying the inflection rule.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Originally figure 5: gentle inflections at the ends of the bend.} \label{fig:fig5-gentle-inflection} \end{figure} The illustration for this section was clear, but insufficient: it does not specify how many vertices should be included when calculating the end-of-bend inflection. The iterative approach was chosen --- as long as the angle is "right" and the distance is decreasing, the algorithm should keep re-assigning vertices to different bends; practically not having an upper bound on the number of iterations. To prove that the algorithm implementation is correct for multiple vertices, additional example was created, and illustrated in figure~\ref{fig:inflection-1-gentle-inflection}: the rule re-assigns two vertices to the next bend. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before} \caption{Before applying the inflection rule.} \end{subfigure} \hfill \begin{subfigure}[b]{.49\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after} \caption{After applying the inflection rule.} \end{subfigure} \caption{Gentle inflection at the end of the bend with multiple vertices.} \label{fig:inflection-1-gentle-inflection} \end{figure} Note that to find and fix the gentle bends' inflections, the algorithm should run twice, both ways. Otherwise, if it is executed only one way, the steps will fail to match some bends that should be adjusted. Current implementation works as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Run the algorithm from beginning to the end. \item \label{rev1} Reverse the line and each bend. \item Run the algorithm again. \item \label{rev2} Reverse the line and each bend. \item Return result. \end{enumerate} Reversing the line and its bends is straightforward to implement, but costly: the two reversal steps cost additional time and memory. The algorithm could be made more optimal with a similar version of the algorithm, but the one which goes backwards. In this case, steps \ref{rev1} and \ref{rev2} could be spared, that way saving memory and computation time. The "quite small angle" was arbitrarily chosen to $\smallAngle$. \subsection{Self-line Crossing When Cutting a Bend} When bend's baseline crosses another bend, it is called self-crossing. Self-crossing is undesirable for the upcoming bend manipulation operators, thus should be removed. There are a few rules on when and how they should be removed --- this section explains them in higher detail, discusses their time complexity and applied optimizations. Figure~\ref{fig:fig6-selfcrossing} is copied from the original article. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{fig6-selfcrossing} \caption{Originally figure 6: bend's baseline (orange) is crossing a neighboring bend.} \label{fig:fig6-selfcrossing} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{selfcrossing-1} \caption{Bends baseline (orange) is crossing a non-neighboring bend.} \label{fig:selfcrossing-1-non-neighbor} \end{figure} Looking at the {\WM} paper alone, it may seem like self-crossing may happen only with the neighboring bend. This would mean an efficient $O(n)$ implementation\footnote{where $n$ is the number of bends in a line. See explanation of \textsc{algorithmic complexity} in section~\ref{sec:vocab}.}. However, as one can see in figure~\ref{fig:selfcrossing-1-non-neighbor}, it may not be the case: any other bend in the line may be crossing it. If one translates the requirements to code in a straightforward way, it would be quite computationally expensive: naively implemented, complexity of checking every bend with every bend is $O(n^2)$. In other words, the time it takes to run the algorithm grows quadratically with the with the number of vertices. It is possible to optimize this step and skip checking a large number of bends. Only bends whose sum of inner angles is larger than $180^\circ$ can ever self-cross. That way, only a fraction of bends need to be checked. The worst-case complexity is still $O(n^2)$, when all bends' inner angles are larger than $180^\circ$. Having this optimization, the algorithmic complexity (as a result, the time it takes to execute the algorithm) is drops by the fraction of bends whose sum of inner angles is smaller than $180^\circ$. \subsection{Attributes of a Single Bend} \textsc{compactness index} is "the ratio of the area of the polygon over the circle whose circumference length is the same as the length of the circumference of the polygon" \cite{wang1998line}. Given a bend, its compactness index is calculated as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Construct a polygon by joining first and last vertices of the bend. \item Calculate area of the polygon $A_{p}$. \item Calculate perimeter $P$ of the polygon. The same value is the circumference of the circle: $C = P$. \item Given circle's circumference $C$, circle's area $A_{c}$ is: \[ A_{circle} = \frac{C^2}{4\pi} \] \item Compactness index $c$ is are of the polygon divided by the area of the circle: \[ c = \frac{A_{p}}{A_{c}} = \frac{A_{p}}{ \frac{C^2}{4\pi} } = \frac{4\pi A_{p}}{C^2} \] \end{enumerate} Other than that, once this section is implemented, each bend will have a list of properties, upon which actions later will be performed. \subsection{Shape of a Bend} \label{sec:shape-of-a-bend} This section introduces \textsc{adjusted size} $A_{adj}$, which trivially derives from \textsc{compactness index} $c$ and "polygonized" bend's area $A_{p}$: \[ A_{adj} = \frac{0.75 A_{p}}{c} \] Adjusted size becomes necessary later to compare bends with each other, and decide if the bend is within the simplification threshold. Sometimes it is useful to convert adjusted size to half-circle's diameter $D$, which comes as a parameter to the {\WM} algorithm: \subsection{Isolated Bend} Bend itself and its "isolation" can be described by \textsc{average curvature}, which is \textcquote{wang1998line}{geometrically defined as the ratio of inflection over the length of a curve.} Two conditions must be true to claim that a bend is isolated: \begin{enumerate} \item \textsc{average curvature} of neighboring bends, should be larger than the "candidate" bend's curvature. The article did not offer a value, this implementation arbitrarily chose $\isolationThreshold$. \item Bends on both sides of the "candidate" should be longer than a certain value. This implementation does not (yet) define such a constraint and will only follow the average curvature constraint above. \end{enumerate} \subsection{The Context of a Bend: Isolated and Similar Bends} To find out whether two bends are similar, they are compared by 3 components: \begin{enumerate} \item \textsc{adjusted size} $A_{adj}$. \item \textsc{compactness index} $c$. \item \textsc{baseline length} $l$. \end{enumerate} Components 1, 2 and 3 represent a point in a 3-dimensional space, and Euclidean distance $d(p,q)$ between those is calculated to differentiate bends $p$ and $q$: \[ d(p,q) = \sqrt{(A_{adj(p)}-A_{adj(q)})^2 + (c_p-c_q)^2 + (l_p-l_q)^2} \] The smaller the distance $d$, the more similar the bends are. \subsection{Elimination Operator} Figure~\ref{fig:elimination-through-iterations} illustrates steps of figure 8 from the original paper. There is not much to add to the original description beyond repeating the elimination steps in an illustrated example. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \begin{subfigure}[b]{.7\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig8-elimination-gen1} \caption{Original} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}[b]{.7\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig8-elimination-gen2} \caption{Iteration 1} \end{subfigure} \begin{subfigure}[b]{.7\textwidth} \includegraphics[width=\textwidth]{fig8-elimination-gen3} \caption{Iteration 2 (result)} \end{subfigure} \caption{Originally figure 8: bend elimination through iterations.} \label{fig:elimination-through-iterations} \end{figure} \subsection{Combination Operator} Combination operator was not implemented in this version. \subsection{Exaggeration Operator} \label{sec:exaggeration-operator} Exaggeration operator finds bends of which \textsc{adjusted size} is smaller than the \textsc{diameter of the half-circle}. Once a target bend is found, it will be exaggerated it in increments until either becomes true: \begin{itemize} \item \textsc{adjusted size} of the exaggerated bend is larger than area of the half-circle. \item The exaggerated bend starts intersecting with a neighboring bend. Then exaggeration aborts, and the bend remains as if it were one step before the intersection. \end{itemize} Exaggeration operator uses a hardcoded parameter \textsc{exaggeration step} $s \in (1,2]$. It was arbitrarily picked to {\exaggerationEnthusiasm} for this implementation. A single exaggeration increment is done as follows: \begin{enumerate} \item Find a candidate bend. \item Find the bend's baseline. \item Find \textsc{midpoint}, the center of the bend's baseline. \item Find \textsc{midbend}, the center of the bend. Distance from one baseline vertex to \textsc{midbend} should be the same as from \textsc{midbend} to the other baseline vertex. \item Mark each bend's vertex with a number between $[1,s]$. The number is derived with elements linearly interpolated between the start vertex and \textsc{midbend}. The other half of the bend, from \textsc{midbend} to the final vertex, is linearly interpolated between $[s,1]$. \item Each point (except the beginning and end vertices of the bend) will be placed farther away from the baseline. The length of misplacement is the marked value in the previous step. \end{enumerate} Figure~\ref{fig:exaggerating-a-single-bend} illustrates the details of the exaggeration. Figure~\ref{fig:isolated-1-exaggerated} illustrates an exaggerated bend with the algorithm. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{isolated-1-exaggerated} \caption{Example exaggerated isolated bend.} \label{fig:isolated-1-exaggerated} \end{figure} \begin{figure}[!ht] \centering \begin{tikzpicture}[scale=.5] \draw (-8,0) -- (0,0) -- (2,3) -- (8,0) -- (16,0); \end{tikzpicture} \caption{Exaggerating a single bend (WIP)} \label{fig:exaggerating-a-single-bend} \end{figure} \section{Results} % TODO done: andriub: 5, 6 skyriai turėtų būti išvadų skyriai. % Matyčiau tokią struktūrą: % 5. Results % 5.1 Generalization Results of Analyzed Rivers % 5.2 Comparison of generalization results with national spatial datasets % 5.3 Testing Results Online NOTE: this should provide a higher-level overview of the written code: \begin{itemize} \item State machine (which functions call when). \item Algorithmic complexity. \item Expected runtime given the number of bends/vertices, some performance experiments. \end{itemize} \subsection{Generalization results of Analyzed Rivers} Figure~\ref{fig:salvis-wm-24-50k} visualizes the generalization result for Šalčia and Visinčia. The generalized feature is orange. As can be seen, some isolated bends are exaggerated, and some small bends are removed. % TODO: replace 24 to 75. \begin{figure}[ht] \centering \includegraphics[width=.5\textwidth]{salvis-wm-24-50k} \caption{{\WM}-generalized river (1:{\numprint{50000}}).} \label{fig:salvis-wm-24-50k} \end{figure} \subsection{Generalization result comparison with national spatial data sets} % TODO: GDR50LT and GDR250LT \subsection{Testing results online} % TODO: [Siūlau įdėti nuorodą į web app, kur būtų galima interaktyviai % pastestuoti rezultatus. Jeigu planuotum dėti, tuomet galima nedidelį poskyrį % pridėti Testing Results] \section{Conclusions} \label{sec:conclusions} NOTE: write when all the sections before this are be complete. \section{Related Work and future suggestions} \label{sec:related_work} NOTE: write after section~\ref{sec:conclusions} is complete. \printbibliography \begin{appendices} \section{Code listings} This section contains code listings of a subset of files tightly related to the {\WM} algorithm. \subsection{Re-generating this paper} \label{sec:code-regenerate} Like explained in section~\ref{sec:reproducing-the-paper}, illustrations in this paper are generated from a small list of sample geometries. To observe the source geometries or regenerate this paper, run this script (assuming name of this document is \textsc{mj-msc-full.pdf}). This script will extract the source files from the \textsc{mj-msc-full.pdf} to a temporary directory, run the top-level \textsc{make} command, and display the generated document. Source code for the algorithm, as well as other supporting files, can be found in the temporary directory. \inputcode{bash}{extract-and-generate} \subsection{Function \textsc{st\_simplifywv}} %\inputcode{postgresql}{wm.sql} \subsection{Function \textsc{aggregate\_rivers}} %\inputcode{postgresql}{aggregate-rivers.sql} \end{appendices} \end{document}