Motiejus Jakštys 2111a2e217 koeficientai
2019-11-28 22:34:47 +02:00

174 lines
5.1 KiB
Executable File

#!/usr/bin/env python3
from collections import namedtuple
from decimal import Decimal as Dec
from math import sin, cos, pi
def normalize(ang):
while ang > 180:
ang -= 360
while ang <= -180:
ang += 360
return ang
def guess(inp):
if isinstance(inp, str) and '-' in inp:
deg, mm, ss = inp.split('-')
ddeg, dmm, dss = Dec(deg), Dec(mm), Dec(ss)
return ddeg + dmm/60 + dss/3600
return Dec(instr)
class Point(namedtuple('Point', ['acadx', 'acady'])):
def lksx(self):
return self.acady
def lksy(self):
return self.acadx
class Vertex:
def __init__(self, point, length, angle, dirang=Dec(), coords = Point(Dec(), Dec())):
self.point = point
self.len = length
self.ang = angle
self.dirang = dirang
self.coords = coords
def xy(self):
"""xy returns a tuple of lksx and lksy coordinates"""
return (self.coords.lksx, self.coords.lksy)
# Kategorijos
KAT1, KAT2, KAT3, KAT4 = range(4,0,-1)
A = Dec('6.094')
B = Dec('-2.923')
C = Dec('-13.462')
N = Dec('9.512')
L1 = Dec('16.321')
# === Kelias A-05 ===
L2 = Dec('9.109')
L3 = Dec('4.819')
# === Kelias A-08 ===
L4 = Dec('2.675')
L5 = Dec('2.059')
L6 = Dec('1.262')
L7 = Dec('4.170')
L8 = Dec('6.005')
L9 = Dec('6.453')
# === Griovys G-11 ===
L10 = Dec('4.882')
L11 = Dec('3.305')
L12 = Dec('2.210')
L13 = Dec('4.381')
# this is incorrect
#A05_plotis = L2 + L3
#A08_plotis = sum([L4,L5,L6,L7,L8,L9])
#G11_plotis = sum([L10,L11,L12,L13])
A03_plotis = Dec('17.401') + A
A05_plotis = Dec('13.705') + B
A08_plotis = Dec('29.006') + C
G11_plotis = Dec('14.776') + N
# Directional coords + angle
X11 = Dec('6091968.055')
Y11 = Dec('485944.146')
A11_2 = guess('70-16-17')
vertices = [
# point len angle dirangle coords
Vertex(11, Dec('164.126'), guess('103-03-03'), A11_2, Point(X11, Y11)),
Vertex(2, Dec('149.851'), guess('218-27-42')),
Vertex(19, Dec('82.384' ), guess('211-44-30')),
Vertex(3, Dec('259.022'), guess('67-26-49' )),
Vertex(24, Dec('319.331'), guess('67-33-06' )),
Vertex(12, Dec('74.764' ), guess('279-03-59')),
Vertex(13, Dec('81.640' ), guess('278-54-55')),
Vertex(14, Dec('31.888' ), guess('119-27-45')),
Vertex(15, Dec('84.073' ), guess('160-50-28')),
Vertex(16, Dec('70.072' ), guess('207-42-31')),
Vertex(17, Dec('73.378' ), guess('206-18-01')),
Vertex(10, Dec('66.625' ), guess('90-55-10' )),
Vertex(18, Dec('97.003' ), guess('100-18-10')),
Vertex(9, Dec('121.003'), guess('148-30-56')),
Vertex(8, Dec('131.915'), guess('285-20-57')),
Vertex(23, Dec('102.086'), guess('29-44-22' )),
Vertex(22, Dec('158.324'), guess('276-33-49')),
Vertex(7, Dec('72.157' ), guess('82-07-47' )),
Vertex(6, Dec('107.938'), guess('104-15-46')),
Vertex(21, Dec('104.082'), guess('234-17-37')),
Vertex(5, Dec('154.332'), guess('283-30-57')),
Vertex(20, Dec('68.972' ), guess('152-15-58')),
Vertex(1, Dec('151.531'), guess('101-20-01')),
Vertex(4, Dec('179.336'), guess('150-15-41')),
angle_sum = Dec(0)
for v in vertices:
angle_sum += v.ang
theoretical_angle_sum = Dec(int((len(vertices)-2)*180))
for i, v in enumerate(vertices[1:]):
prev = vertices[i]
v.dirang = prev.dirang + 180 - v.ang
dx = Dec(float(prev.len) * cos(float(prev.dirang) * pi/180))
dy = Dec(float(prev.len) * sin(float(prev.dirang) * pi/180))
v.coords = Point(prev.coords.acadx + dx, prev.coords.acady + dy)
Kelio A-03 plotis = 17.401 + A =
Kelio A-05 plotis = 13.705 + B =
Kelio A-08 plotis = 29.006 + C =
Griovio G-11 plotis = 14.776 + N =
KA03_plotis = Dec('17.401') + A
KA05_plotis = Dec('13.705') + B
KA08_plotis = Dec('29.006') + C
G11_plotis = Dec('14.776') + N
# 9-kampio krastine D1
D1 = Dec('174.667') + C
# Daugiakampio pasukimo kampas (K1)
K1 = Dec('13.147') + B
# Atstumas iki tikrosios uzliejimo zonos (A1) (0.001 tikslumu)
A1 = Dec('67.536') + B
# Points is vertice map by id
Points = {}
for v in vertices:
Points[v.point] = v
if __name__ == '__main__':
print("angle sum %.4f, theoretical angle sum %d" % \
(angle_sum, theoretical_angle_sum))
for i, v in enumerate(vertices):
nxt = vertices[0 if i == len(vertices) - 1 else i+1]
pts = "%d-%d" % (v.point, nxt.point)
draw = "@%.3f<%.4f" % (v.len, normalize(90 - v.dirang))
print("%5s: %19s acadcoords:(%.3f,%.3f)" % \
(pts, draw, v.coords.acadx, v.coords.acady))
Kelio A-03 plotis = 17.401 + A = %.3f""" % KA03_plotis + """
Kelio A-05 plotis = 13.705 + B = %.3f""" % KA05_plotis + """
Kelio A-08 plotis = 29.006 + C = %.3f""" % KA08_plotis + """
Griovio G-11 plotis = 14.776 + N = %.3f""" % G11_plotis + """
Prognozuojamo uzliejimo zona, tai taisyklingas 9-kampis
9-kampio krastine D1 = %.3f""" % D1 + """
Daugiakampio pasukimo kampas (K1) (0.0001 laipsnio tikslumu)
K1 = %.4f""" % K1 + """
Tikroji uzliejimo zona, tai taisyklingas apskritimas, kurio centras TURI SUTAPTI su daugiakampio centru.
Atstumas iki tikrosios uzliejimo zonos (A1) (0.001 tikslumu)
A1 = %.3f""" % A1 + """