Fork 0

fix non-packed iterator

This commit is contained in:
Motiejus Jakštys 2022-02-22 06:44:58 +02:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent ab0562950c
commit 26fbfc5f08
1 changed files with 86 additions and 49 deletions

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@ -19,17 +19,33 @@ pub const PackedUser = packed struct {
// blobSize returns the length of the blob storing string values.
pub fn blobLength(self: *const PackedUser) usize {
var result: usize = self.home_len;
var result: usize = self.realHomeLen();
if (!self.name_is_a_suffix) {
result += self.name_len;
result += self.realNameLen();
result += self.gecos_len;
result += self.realGecosLen();
if (self.shell_here) {
result += self.shell_len_or_idx;
result += self.realShellLen();
return result;
pub fn realHomeLen(self: *const PackedUser) usize {
return self.home_len + 1;
pub fn realNameLen(self: *const PackedUser) usize {
return self.name_len + 1;
pub fn realShellLen(self: *const PackedUser) usize {
return self.shell_len_or_idx + 1;
pub fn realGecosLen(self: *const PackedUser) usize {
return self.gecos_len;
const PackedUserAlignmentBits = 3;
@ -135,9 +151,9 @@ pub const UserReader = struct {
const startBlob = endUser + 1;
const startBlob = endUser;
const endBlob = startBlob + packedUser.blobLength();
it.index = pad.roundUp(usize, PackedUserAlignmentBits, endBlob + 1);
it.index = pad.roundUp(usize, PackedUserAlignmentBits, endBlob);
return PackedEntry{
.packed_user = packedUser,
.blob = it.ur.blob[startBlob..endBlob],
@ -150,41 +166,43 @@ pub const UserReader = struct {
pub const Iterator = struct {
pit: *PackedIterator,
pit: PackedIterator,
shellIndex: shellIndexProto,
pub fn next(it: *Iterator) ?User {
const entry = it.next() orelse return null;
const home = entry.blob[0..entry.packed_user.home_len];
const entry = it.pit.next() orelse return null;
const u = entry.packed_user;
const home = entry.blob[0..u.realHomeLen()];
var name: []const u8 = undefined;
var pos: usize = undefined;
//var name_start: usize = 0;
//var name_end: usize = 0;
if (entry.packed_user.name_is_a_suffix) {
const name_start = entry.packed_user.home_len - entry.packed_user.name_len;
name = entry.blob[name_start..entry.packed_user.home_len];
pos = entry.packed_user.home_len + 1;
if (u.name_is_a_suffix) {
const name_start = u.realHomeLen() - u.realNameLen();
name = entry.blob[name_start..u.realHomeLen()];
pos = u.home_len + 1;
} else {
const name_start = entry.packed_user.home_len + 1;
name = entry.blob[name_start .. name_start + entry.packed_user.name_len];
pos = name_start + entry.packed_user.name_len + 1;
const name_start = u.realHomeLen();
name = entry.blob[name_start .. name_start + u.realNameLen()];
pos = name_start + u.realNameLen();
const gecos = entry.blob[pos .. pos + u.realGecosLen()];
pos += u.realGecosLen();
var shell: []const u8 = undefined;
if (entry.packed_user.shell_here) {
shell = entry.blob[pos .. pos + entry.packed_user.shell_len_or_idx];
pos += entry.packed_user.shell_len_or_idx + 1;
if (u.shell_here) {
shell = entry.blob[pos .. pos + u.realShellLen()];
} else {
shell = it.shellIndex(entry.packed_user.shell_len_or_idx);
shell = it.shellIndex(u.shell_len_or_idx);
return User{
.uid = entry.packed_user.uid,
.gid = entry.packed_user.gid,
.name = undefined,
.uid = u.uid,
.gid = u.gid,
.name = name,
.gecos = gecos,
.home = home,
.shell = shell,
@ -236,33 +254,52 @@ test "construct PackedUser blob" {
defer buf.deinit();
var writer = UserWriter.init(&buf, testShellIndex);
const users = [_]User{
.uid = 1000,
.gid = 1000,
.name = "vidmantas",
.gecos = "Vidmantas Kaminskas",
.home = "/home/vidmantas",
.shell = "/bin/bash",
.uid = 1001,
.gid = 1001,
.name = "svc-foo",
.gecos = "Service Account",
.home = "/home/service1",
.shell = "/usr/bin/nologin",
const users = [_]User{ User{
.uid = 1000,
.gid = 1000,
.name = "vidmantas",
.gecos = "Vidmantas Kaminskas",
.home = "/home/vidmantas",
.shell = "/bin/bash",
}, User{
.uid = 1001,
.gid = 1001,
.name = "svc-foo",
.gecos = "Service Account",
.home = "/home/service1",
.shell = "/usr/bin/nologin",
}, User{
.uid = 1002,
.gid = 1002,
.name = "user-account",
.gecos = "",
.home = "/a",
.shell = "/bin/zsh",
} };
for (users) |user| {
try writer.appendUser(user);
var rd = UserReader.init(buf.items);
var it = rd.packedIterator();
var i: u32 = 0;
while (it.next()) |entry| : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].uid, entry.packed_user.uid);
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].gid, entry.packed_user.gid);
var it = rd.packedIterator();
var i: u32 = 0;
while (it.next()) |entry| : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].uid, entry.packed_user.uid);
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].gid, entry.packed_user.gid);
var it = rd.iterator(testShell);
var i: u32 = 0;
while (it.next()) |user| : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].uid, user.uid);
try testing.expectEqual(users[i].gid, user.gid);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(users[i].name, user.name);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(users[i].gecos, user.gecos);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(users[i].home, user.home);
try testing.expectEqualStrings(users[i].shell, user.shell);