#include #include // Create minimal perfect hash function from in-memory vector int main(int argc, char **argv) { // Creating a filled vector unsigned int i = 0; const char *vector[] = {"aaaaaaaaaa", "bbbbbbbbbb", "cccccccccc", "dddddddddd", "eeeeeeeeee", "ffffffffff", "gggggggggg", "hhhhhhhhhh", "iiiiiiiiii", "jjjjjjjjjj"}; unsigned int nkeys = 10; FILE* mphf_fd = fopen("temp.mph", "w"); // Source of keys cmph_io_adapter_t *source = cmph_io_vector_adapter((char **)vector, nkeys); //Create minimal perfect hash function using the default (chm) algorithm. cmph_config_t *config = cmph_config_new(source); cmph_config_set_algo(config, CMPH_BRZ); cmph_config_set_mphf_fd(config, mphf_fd); cmph_t *hash = cmph_new(config); cmph_config_destroy(config); cmph_dump(hash, mphf_fd); cmph_destroy(hash); fclose(mphf_fd); //Find key mphf_fd = fopen("temp.mph", "r"); hash = cmph_load(mphf_fd); while (i < nkeys) { const char *key = vector[i]; unsigned int id = cmph_search(hash, key, (cmph_uint32)strlen(key)); fprintf(stderr, "key:%s -- hash:%u\n", key, id); i++; } //Destroy hash cmph_destroy(hash); cmph_io_vector_adapter_destroy(source); fclose(mphf_fd); return 0; }