% Time-stamp: \vspace{-3mm} \section{Notation and terminology} \vspace{-2mm} \label{sec:notation} \enlargethispage{2\baselineskip} The essential notation and terminology used throughout this paper are as follows. \begin{itemize} \item $U$: key universe. $|U| = u$. \item $S$: actual static key set. $S \subset U$, $|S| = n \ll u$. \item $h: U \to M$ is a hash function that maps keys from a universe $U$ into a given range $M = \{0,1,\dots,m-1\}$ of integer numbers. \item $h$ is a perfect hash function if it is one-to-one on~$S$, i.e., if $h(k_1) \not = h(k_2)$ for all $k_1 \not = k_2$ from $S$. \item $h$ is a minimal perfect hash function (MPHF) if it is one-to-one on~$S$ and $n=m$. \end{itemize}