#include #include #include #include #include #include "bm_common.h" #include "stringpiece.h" #include "mph_index.h" using namespace cxxmph; using std::string; using std::unordered_map; class BM_MPHIndexCreate : public UrlsBenchmark { public: BM_MPHIndexCreate(const std::string& urls_file) : UrlsBenchmark(urls_file) { } protected: virtual void Run() { SimpleMPHIndex index; index.Reset(urls_.begin(), urls_.end()); } }; class BM_STLIndexCreate : public UrlsBenchmark { public: BM_STLIndexCreate(const std::string& urls_file) : UrlsBenchmark(urls_file) { } protected: virtual void Run() { unordered_map index; int idx = 0; for (auto it = urls_.begin(); it != urls_.end(); ++it) { index.insert(make_pair(*it, idx++)); } } }; class BM_MPHIndexSearch : public SearchUrlsBenchmark { public: BM_MPHIndexSearch(const std::string& urls_file, int nsearches) : SearchUrlsBenchmark(urls_file, nsearches, 0) { } virtual void Run() { for (auto it = random_.begin(); it != random_.end(); ++it) { auto idx = index_.index(*it); // Collision check to be fair with STL // if (strcmp(urls_[idx].c_str(), it->data()) != 0) idx = -1; } } protected: virtual bool SetUp () { if (!SearchUrlsBenchmark::SetUp()) return false; index_.Reset(urls_.begin(), urls_.end()); return true; } SimpleMPHIndex index_; }; class BM_CmphIndexSearch : public SearchUrlsBenchmark { public: BM_CmphIndexSearch(const std::string& urls_file, int nsearches) : SearchUrlsBenchmark(urls_file, nsearches, 0) { } ~BM_CmphIndexSearch() { if (index_) cmph_destroy(index_); } virtual void Run() { for (auto it = random_.begin(); it != random_.end(); ++it) { auto idx = cmph_search(index_, it->data(), it->length()); // Collision check to be fair with STL if (strcmp(urls_[idx].c_str(), it->data()) != 0) idx = -1; } } protected: virtual bool SetUp() { if (!SearchUrlsBenchmark::SetUp()) { cerr << "Parent class setup failed." << endl; return false; } FILE* f = fopen(urls_file_.c_str(), "r"); if (!f) { cerr << "Faied to open " << urls_file_ << endl; return false; } cmph_io_adapter_t* source = cmph_io_nlfile_adapter(f); if (!source) { cerr << "Faied to create io adapter for " << urls_file_ << endl; return false; } cmph_config_t* config = cmph_config_new(source); if (!config) { cerr << "Failed to create config" << endl; return false; } cmph_config_set_algo(config, CMPH_BDZ); cmph_t* mphf = cmph_new(config); if (!mphf) { cerr << "Failed to create mphf." << endl; return false; } cmph_config_destroy(config); cmph_io_nlfile_adapter_destroy(source); fclose(f); index_ = mphf; return true; } cmph_t* index_; }; class BM_STLIndexSearch : public SearchUrlsBenchmark { public: BM_STLIndexSearch(const std::string& urls_file, int nsearches) : SearchUrlsBenchmark(urls_file, nsearches, 0) { } virtual void Run() { for (auto it = random_.begin(); it != random_.end(); ++it) { auto idx = index_.find(*it); } } protected: virtual bool SetUp () { if (!SearchUrlsBenchmark::SetUp()) return false; unordered_map index; int idx = 0; for (auto it = urls_.begin(); it != urls_.end(); ++it) { index.insert(make_pair(*it, idx++)); } index.swap(index_); return true; } unordered_map index_; }; int main(int argc, char** argv) { Benchmark::Register(new BM_MPHIndexCreate("URLS100k")); Benchmark::Register(new BM_STLIndexCreate("URLS100k")); Benchmark::Register(new BM_MPHIndexSearch("URLS100k", 10*1000*1000)); Benchmark::Register(new BM_STLIndexSearch("URLS100k", 10*1000*1000)); Benchmark::Register(new BM_CmphIndexSearch("URLS100k", 10*1000*1000)); Benchmark::RunAll(); return 0; }