CHM Algorithm %!includeconf: CONFIG.t2t ---------------------------------------- ==The Algorithm== The algorithm is presented in [[1,2,3 #papers]]. ---------------------------------------- ==Memory Consumption== Now we detail the memory consumption to generate and to store minimal perfect hash functions using the CHM algorithm. The structures responsible for memory consumption are in the following: - Graph: + **first**: is a vector that stores //cn// integer numbers, each one representing the first edge (index in the vector edges) in the list of edges of each vertex. The integer numbers are 4 bytes long. Therefore, the vector first is stored in //4cn// bytes. + **edges**: is a vector to represent the edges of the graph. As each edge is compounded by a pair of vertices, each entry stores two integer numbers of 4 bytes that represent the vertices. As there are //n// edges, the vector edges is stored in //8n// bytes. + **next**: given a vertex [figs/img139.png], we can discover the edges that contain [figs/img139.png] following its list of edges, which starts on first[[figs/img139.png]] and the next edges are given by next[...first[[figs/img139.png]]...]. Therefore, the vectors first and next represent the linked lists of edges of each vertex. As there are two vertices for each edge, when an edge is iserted in the graph, it must be inserted in the two linked lists of the vertices in its composition. Therefore, there are //2n// entries of integer numbers in the vector next, so it is stored in //4*2n = 8n// bytes. - Other auxiliary structures + **visited**: is a vector of //cn// bits, where each bit indicates if the g value of a given vertex was already defined. Therefore, the vector visited is stored in //cn/8// bytes. + **function //g//**: is represented by a vector of //cn// integer numbers. As each integer number is 4 bytes long, the function //g// is stored in //4cn// bytes. Thus, the total memory consumption of CHM algorithm for generating a minimal perfect hash function (MPHF) is: //(8.125c + 16)n + O(1)// bytes. As the value of constant //c// must be at least 2.09 we have: || //c// | Memory consumption to generate a MPHF | | 2.09 | //33.00n + O(1)// | | **Table 1:** Memory consumption to generate a MPHF using the CHM algorithm. Now we present the memory consumption to store the resulting function. We only need to store the //g// function. Thus, we need //4cn// bytes. Again we have: || //c// | Memory consumption to store a MPHF | | 2.09 | //8.36n// | | **Table 2:** Memory consumption to store a MPHF generated by the CHM algorithm. ---------------------------------------- ==Experimental Results== [CHM x BMZ comparison.html] ---------------------------------------- ==Papers==[papers] + Z.J. Czech, G. Havas, and B.S. Majewski. [An optimal algorithm for generating minimal perfect hash functions. papers/chm92.pdf], Information Processing Letters, 43(5):257-264, 1992. + Z.J. Czech, G. Havas, and B.S. Majewski. Fundamental study perfect hashing. Theoretical Computer Science, 182:1-143, 1997. + B.S. Majewski, N.C. Wormald, G. Havas, and Z.J. Czech. A family of perfect hashing methods. The Computer Journal, 39(6):547--554, 1996. %!include: ALGORITHMS.t2t %!include: FOOTER.t2t %!include(html): ''GOOGLEANALYTICS.t2t''