@inproceedings{bpz07, author = {F.C. Botelho and R. Pagh and N. Ziviani}, title = {Simple and Space-Efficient Minimal Perfect Hash Functions}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Algorithms and Data Structures (WADs'07)}, publisher = {Springer LNCS vol. 4619}, pages = {139-150}, Moth = August, location = {Halifax, Canada}, year = 2007, key = {author} } @PhdThesis{b08, author = {F. C. Botelho}, title = {Near-Optimal Space Perfect Hashing Algorithms}, school = {Federal University of Minas Gerais}, year = {2008}, OPTkey = {}, OPTtype = {}, OPTaddress = {}, month = {September}, note = {Supervised by Nivio Ziviani, \url{http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/pos/cursos/defesas/255D.PDF}}, OPTannote = {}, OPTurl = {http://www.dcc.ufmg.br/pos/cursos/defesas/255D.PDF}, OPTdoi = {}, OPTissn = {}, OPTlocalfile = {}, OPTabstract = {} } @Article{mwhc96, author = {B.S. Majewski and N.C. Wormald and G. Havas and Z.J. Czech}, title = {A family of perfect hashing methods}, journal = {The Computer Journal}, year = {1996}, volume = {39}, number = {6}, pages = {547-554}, key = {author} } @inproceedings{ckrt04, author = {B. Chazelle and J. Kilian and R. Rubinfeld and A. Tal}, title = {The Bloomier Filter: An Efficient Data Structure for Static Support Lookup Tables}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 15th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms (SODA'04)}, year = {2004}, isbn = {0-89871-558-X}, pages = {30--39}, location = {New Orleans, Louisiana}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, optpublisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics} } @Article{j97, author = {B. Jenkins}, title = {Algorithm Alley: Hash Functions}, journal = {Dr. Dobb's Journal of Software Tools}, volume = {22}, number = {9}, month = {september}, year = {1997}, note = {Extended version available at \url{http://burtleburtle.net/bob/hash/doobs.html}} } @Article{e87, author = {J. Ebert}, title = {A Versatile Data Structure for Edges Oriented Graph Algorithms}, journal = {Communication of The ACM}, year = {1987}, OPTkey = {}, OPTvolume = {}, number = {30}, pages = {513-519}, OPTmonth = {}, OPTnote = {}, OPTannote = {} } @article {dict-jour, AUTHOR = {R. Pagh}, TITLE = {Low Redundancy in Static Dictionaries with Constant Query Time}, OPTJOURNAL = sicomp, JOURNAL = fsicomp, VOLUME = {31}, YEAR = {2001}, NUMBER = {2}, PAGES = {353--363}, } @inproceedings{sg06, author = {K. Sadakane and R. Grossi}, title = {Squeezing succinct data structures into entropy bounds}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 17th annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms (SODA'06)}, year = {2006}, pages = {1230--1239} } @inproceedings{gn06, author = {R. Gonzalez and G. Navarro}, title = {Statistical Encoding of Succinct Data Structures}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 19th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching (CPM'06)}, year = {2006}, pages = {294--305} } @inproceedings{fn07, author = {K. Fredriksson and F. Nikitin}, title = {Simple Compression Code Supporting Random Access and Fast String Matching}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Efficient and Experimental Algorithms (WEA'07)}, year = {2007}, pages = {203--216} } @inproceedings{os07, author = {D. Okanohara and K. Sadakane}, title = {Practical Entropy-Compressed Rank/Select Dictionary}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Workshop on Algorithm Engineering and Experiments (ALENEX'07)}, year = {2007}, location = {New Orleans, Louisiana, USA} } @inproceedings{rrr02, author = {R. Raman and V. Raman and S. S. Rao}, title = {Succinct indexable dictionaries with applications to encoding k-ary trees and multisets}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the thirteenth annual ACM-SIAM symposium on Discrete algorithms (SODA'02)}, year = {2002}, isbn = {0-89871-513-X}, pages = {233--242}, location = {San Francisco, California}, publisher = {Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics}, address = {Philadelphia, PA, USA}, }