CMPH FAQ - How do I define the ids of the keys? - You don't. The ids will be assigned by the algorithm creating the minimal perfect hash function. If the algorithm creates an **ordered** minimal perfect hash function, the ids will be the indices of the keys in the input. Otherwise, you have no guarantee of the distribution of the ids. - Why I always get the error "Unable to create minimum perfect hashing function"? - The algorithms do not guarantee that a minimal perfect hash function can be created. In practice, it will always work if your input is big enough (>100 keys). The error is probably because you have duplicated keys in the input. You must guarantee that the keys are unique in the input. If you are using a UN*X based OS, try doing ``` #sort input.txt | uniq > input_uniq.txt and run cmph with input_uniq.txt ---------------------------------------- [Home index.html] ---------------------------------------- Davi de Castro Reis Fabiano Cupertino Botelho