CHM Algorithm %!includeconf: CONFIG.t2t ---------------------------------------- **History** **The Algorithm** **Papers** + Z.J. Czech, G. Havas, and B.S. Majewski. [An optimal algorithm for generating minimal perfect hash functions. papers/chm92.pdf], Information Processing Letters, 43(5):257-264, 1992. + Z.J. Czech, G. Havas, and B.S. Majewski. Fundamental study perfect hashing. Theoretical Computer Science, 182:1-143, 1997. + B.S. Majewski, N.C. Wormald, G. Havas, and Z.J. Czech. A family of perfect hashing methods. The Computer Journal, 39(6):547--554, 1996. ---------------------------------------- [Home index.html] ---------------------------------------- %!include: FOOTER.t2t