Turbo NSS --------- Turbonss is a plugin for GNU Name Service Switch (NSS) functionality of GNU C Library (glibc). Turbonss implements lookup for `user` and `passwd` database entries (i.e. system users, groups, and group memberships). It's main goal is performance, with focus on making [`id(1)`][id] run as fast as possible. Turbonss is optimized for reading. If the data changes in any way, the whole file will need to be regenerated (and tooling only supports only full generation). It was created, and best suited, for environments that have a central user & group database which then needs to be distributed to many servers/services. To understand more about name service switch, start with [`nsswitch.conf(5)`][nsswitch]. Design & constraints -------------------- To be fast, the user/group database (later: DB) has to be small ([background][data-oriented-design]). It encodes user & group information in a way that minimizes the DB size, and reduces jumping across the DB ("chasing pointers and thrashing CPU cache"). To understand how this is done efficiently, let's analyze the [`getpwnam_r(3)`][getpwnam_r] in high level. This API call accepts a username and returns the following user information: ``` struct passwd { char *pw_name; /* username */ char *pw_passwd; /* user password */ uid_t pw_uid; /* user ID */ gid_t pw_gid; /* group ID */ char *pw_gecos; /* user information */ char *pw_dir; /* home directory */ char *pw_shell; /* shell program */ }; ``` Turbonss, among others, implements this call, and takes the following steps to resolve a username to a `struct passwd*`: - Open the DB (using `mmap`) and interpret it's first 40 bytes as a `struct Header`. The header stores offsets to the sections of the file. This needs to be done once, when the NSS library is loaded (or on the first call). - Hash the username using a perfect hash function. Perfect hash function returns a number `n ∈ [0,N-1]`, where N is the total number of users. - Jump to the `n`'th location in the `idx_name2user` section (by pointer arithmetic), which contains the index `i` to the user's information. - Jump to the location `i` of section `Users` (again, using pointer arithmetic) which stores the full user information. - Decode the user information (which is all in a continuous memory block) and return it to the caller. In total, that's one hash for the username (~150ns), two pointer jumps within the group file (to sections `idx_name2user` and `Users`), and, now that the user record is found, `memcpy` for each field. The turbonss DB file is be `mmap`-ed, making it simple to implement pointer arithmetic and jumping across the file. This also reduces memory usage, especially across multiple concurrent invocations of the `id` command. The consumed heap space for each separate turbonss instance will be minimal. Tight packing places some constraints on the underlying data: - Maximum database size: 4GB. - Permitted length of username and groupname: 1-32 bytes. - Permitted length of shell and home: 1-64 bytes. - Permitted comment ("gecos") length: 0-255 bytes. - User name, groupname and gecos must be utf8-encoded. Checking out and building ------------------------- ``` $ git clone --recursive https://git.sr.ht/~motiejus/turbonss ``` Alternatively, if you forgot `--recursive`: ``` $ git submodule update --init ``` And run tests: ``` $ zig build test ``` Other commands will be documented as they are implemented. This project uses [git subtrac][git-subtrac] for managing dependencies. They work just like regular submodules, except all the refs of the submodules are in this repository. Repeat after me: all the submodules are in this repository. So if you have a copy of this repo, dependencies will not disappear. remarks on `id(1)` ------------------ A known implementation runs id(1) at ~250 rps sequentially on ~20k users and ~10k groups. Our target is 10k id/s for the same payload. To better reason about the trade-offs, it is useful to understand how `id(1)` is implemented, in rough terms: - lookup user by name. - get all additional gids (an array attached to a member). - for each additional gid, get the group information (`struct group*`). Assuming a member is in ~100 groups on average, that's 1M group lookups per second. We need to convert gid to a group index, and group index to a group gid/name quickly. Caveat: `struct group` contains an array of pointers to names of group members (`char **gr_mem`). However, `id` does not use that information, resulting in read amplification. Therefore, if `argv[0] == "id"`, our implementation of `getgrid(3)` returns the `struct group*` without the members. This speeds up `id` by about 10x on a known NSS implementation. Relatedly, because `getgrid(3)` does not need the group members, the group members are stored in a different DB sectoin, making the `Groups` section smaller, thus more CPU-cache-friendly in the hot path. Indices ------- Now that we've sketched the implementation of `id(3)`, it's clearer to understand which operations need to be fast; in order of importance: 1. lookup gid -> group info (this is on hot path in id) without members. 2. lookup username -> user's groups. 3. lookup uid -> user. 4. lookup groupname -> group. 5. lookup username -> user. These indices can use perfect hashing like [bdz from cmph][cmph]: a perfect hash hashes a list of bytes to a sequential list of integers. Perfect hashing algorithms require some space, and take some time to calculate ("hashing duration"). I've tested BDZ, which hashes [][]u8 to a sequential list of integers (not preserving order) and CHM, preserves order. BDZ accepts an optional argument `3 <= b <= 10`. * BDZ algorithm requires (b=3, 900KB, b=7, 338KB, b=10, 306KB) for 1M values. * Latency to resolve 1M keys: (170ms, 180ms, 230ms, respectively). * Packed vs non-packed latency differences are not meaningful. CHM retains order, however, 1M keys weigh 8MB. 10k keys are ~20x larger with CHM than with BDZ, eliminating the benefit of preserved ordering: we can just have a separate index. Turbonss header --------------- The turbonss header looks like this: ``` OFFSET TYPE NAME DESCRIPTION 0 [4]u8 magic always 0xf09fa4b7 4 u8 version now `0` 5 u16 bom 0x1234 u8 num_shells max value: 63. Padding is strange on little endian. 8 u32 num_users number of passwd entries 12 u32 num_groups number of group entries 16 u32 offset_bdz_uid2user 20 u32 offset_bdz_groupname2group 24 u32 offset_bdz_name2user 28 u32 offset_idx offset to the first idx_ section 32 u32 offset_groups 36 u32 offset_users 40 u32 offset_groupmembers 44 u32 offset_additional_gids ``` `magic` is 0xf09fa4b7, and `version` must be `0`. All integers are native-endian. `bom` is a byte-order-mark. It must resolve to `0x1234` (4460). If that's not true, the file is consumed in a different endianness than it was created at. Turbonss files cannot be moved across different-endianness computers. If that happens, turbonss will refuse to read the file. Offsets are indices to further sections of the file, with zero being the first block (pointing to the `magic` field). As all blobs are 64-byte aligned, the offsets are always pointing to the beginning of an 64-byte "block". Therefore, all `offset_*` values could be `u26`. As `u32` is easier to visualize with xxd, and the header block fits to 64 bytes anyway, we are keeping them as u32 now. Sections whose lengths can be calculated do not have a corresponding `offset_*` header field. For example, `bdz_gid2group` comes immediately after the header, and `idx_groupname2group` comes after `idx_gid2group`, whose offset is `offset_idx`, and size can be calculated. `num_shells` would fit to u6; however, we would need 2 bits of padding (all other fields are byte-aligned). If we instead do `u2` followed by `u6`, the byte would look very unusual on a little-endian architecture. Therefore we will just refuse loading the file if the number of shells exceeds 63. Primitive types --------------- `User` and `Group` entries are sorted by name, ordered by their unicode codepoints. They are byte-aligned (8bits). All `User` and `Group` entries are referred by their byte offset in the `Users` and `Groups` section relative to the beginning of the section. ``` const Group = struct { gid: u32, // index to a separate structure with a list of members. The memberlist is // always 2^5-byte aligned (32b), this is an index there. members_offset: u27, groupname_len: u5, // a groupname_len-sized string groupname []u8; } const User = struct { uid: u32, gid: u32, // pointer to a separate structure that contains a list of gids additional_gids_offset: u29, // shell is a different story, documented elsewhere. shell_here: bool, shell_len_or_idx: u6, home_len: u6, name_is_a_suffix: bool, name_len: u5, gecos_len: u8, // a variable-sized array that will be stored immediately after this // struct. stringdata []u8; } ``` `stringdata` contains a few string entries: - home. - name. - gecos. - shell (optional). First byte of the home is stored right after the `gecos_len` field, and it's length is `home_len`. The same logic applies to all the `stringdata` fields: there is a way to calculate their relative position from the length of the fields before them. Additionally, two optimizations for special fields are made: - shells are often shared across different users, see the "Shells" section. - name is frequently a suffix of the home. For example, `/home/motiejus` and `motiejus`. In which case storing both name and home strings is wasteful. For that cases, name has two options: 1. `name_is_a_suffix=true`: name is a suffix of the home dir. In that case, the name starts at the `home_len - name_len`'th byte of the home, and ends at the same place as the home. 2. `name_is_a_suffix=false`: name is stored separately. In that case, it begins one byte after home, and it's length is `name_len`. Shells ------ Normally there is a limited number of shells even in the huge user databases. A few examples: `/bin/bash`, `/usr/bin/nologin`, `/bin/zsh` among others. Therefore, "shells" have an optimization: they can be pointed by in the external list, or reside among the user's data. 63 most popular shells (i.e. referred to by at least two User entries) are stored externally in "Shells" area. The less popular ones are stored with userdata. There are two "Shells" areas: the index and the blob. The index is a list of structs which point to a location in the "blob" area: ``` const ShellIndex = struct { offset: u10, len: u6, }; ``` In the user's struct the `shell_here=true` bit signifies that the shell is stored with userdata. `false` means it is stored in the `Shells` section. If the shell is stored "here", it is the first element in `stringdata`, and it's length is `shell_len_or_idx`. If it is stored externally, the latter variable points to it's index in the ShellIndex area. Shells in the external storage are sorted by their weight, which is `length*frequency`. Variable-length integers (varints) ---------------------------------- Varint is an efficiently encoded integer (packed for small values). Same as [protocol buffer varints][varint], except the largest possible value is `u64`. They compress integers well. Group memberships ----------------- There are two group memberships at play: 1. given a username, resolve user's group gids (for `initgroups(3)`). 2. given a group (gid/name), resolve the members' names (e.g. `getgrgid`). When user's groups are resolved in (1), the additional userdata is not requested (there is no way to return it). Therefore, it is reasonable to store the user's memberships completely out-of-bound, keyed by the hash of the username. When group's memberships are resolved in (2), the same call also requires other group information: gid and group name. Therefore it makes sense to store a pointer to the group members in the group information itself. However, the memberships are not *always* necessary (see remarks about `id(1)` in this document), therefore the memberships will be stored separately, outside of the groups section. `groupmembers` and `additional_gids` store group and user memberships respectively: for each group, a list of pointers (offsets) to User records, and for each user — a list of pointers to Group records. These fields are always used in their entirety — not necessitating random access, thus suitable for tight packing. An entry of `groupmembers` and `additional_gids` looks like this piece of pseudo-code: ``` const PackedList = struct { length: varint, members: [length]varint, } const Groupmembers = PackedList; const AdditionalGids = PackedList; ``` A packed list is a list of varints. Section `AdditionalGidsIndex` stores an index from `hash(username)` to `offset` in AdditionalGids. Complete file structure ----------------------- `idx_*` sections are of type `[]PackedIntArray(u29)` and are pointing to the respective `Groups` and `Users` entries (from the beginning of the respective section). Since User and Group records are 8-byte aligned, 3 bits can be saved from every element. However, since the header easily fits to 64 bytes, we are storing plain `u32` for easier inspection. Each section is padded to 64 bytes. ``` SECTION SIZE DESCRIPTION Header 48 see "Turbonss header" section bdz_gid2group ? gid->group bdz bdz_uid2user ? uid->user bdz bdz_groupname2group ? groupname->group bdz bdz_name2user ? username->user bdz idx_gid2group len(group)*32 bdz->offset gid2group idx_groupname2group len(group)*32 bdz->offset groupname2group idx_uid2user len(user)*32 bdz->offset uid2user idx_name2user len(user)*32 bdz->offset name2user idx_username2gids len(user)*32 Per-user gidlist index ShellIndex len(shells)*2 Shell index array ShellBlob <= 4032 Shell data blob (max 63*64 bytes) Groups ? packed Group entries (8b padding) Users ? packed User entries (8b padding) Groupmembers ? per-group memberlist (32b padding) AdditionalGids ? Per-user gidlist entries ``` [git-subtrac]: https://apenwarr.ca/log/20191109 [cmph]: http://cmph.sourceforge.net/ [id]: https://linux.die.net/man/1/id [nsswitch]: https://linux.die.net/man/5/nsswitch.conf [data-oriented-design]: https://media.handmade-seattle.com/practical-data-oriented-design/ [getpwnam_r]: https://linux.die.net/man/3/getpwnam_r [varint]: https://developers.google.com/protocol-buffers/docs/encoding#varints