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% Nivio: 29/jan/06
% Time-stamp: <Monday 30 Jan 2006 04:01:40am EDT yoshi@ime.usp.br>
{\small %\scriptsize
\raisebox{-0.7em}{$n$} & \multicolumn{3}{c|}{\raisebox{-1mm}{b=128}} &
\cline{2-4} \cline{5-7}
& \raisebox{-0.5mm}{Worst Case} & \raisebox{-0.5mm}{Average} &\raisebox{-0.5mm}{Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs})}
& \raisebox{-0.5mm}{Worst Case} & \raisebox{-0.5mm}{Average} &\raisebox{-0.5mm}{Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs})} \\
$1.0 \times 10^6$ & 177 & 172.0 & 176 & 232 & 226.6 & 230 \\
%$2.0 \times 10^6$ & 179 & 174.0 & 178 & 236 & 228.5 & 232 \\
$4.0 \times 10^6$ & 182 & 177.5 & 179 & 241 & 231.8 & 234 \\
%$8.0 \times 10^6$ & 186 & 181.6 & 181 & 238 & 234.2 & 236 \\
$1.6 \times 10^7$ & 184 & 181.6 & 183 & 241 & 236.1 & 238 \\
%$3.2 \times 10^7$ & 191 & 183.9 & 184 & 240 & 236.6 & 240 \\
$6.4 \times 10^7$ & 195 & 185.2 & 186 & 244 & 239.0 & 242 \\
%$1.28 \times 10^8$ & 193 & 187.7 & 187 & 244 & 239.7 & 244 \\
$5.12 \times 10^8$ & 196 & 191.7 & 190 & 251 & 246.3 & 247 \\
$1.0 \times 10^9$ & 197 & 191.6 & 192 & 253 & 248.9 & 249 \\
\caption{Values for $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$: worst case and average case obtained in the experiments and using Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}),
considering $b=128$ and $b=175$ for different number $n$ of keys in $S$.}
The partitioning step can be viewed as the well known ``balls into bins''
problem~\cite{ra98,dfm02} where~$n$ keys (the balls) are placed independently and
uniformly into $\lceil n/b\rceil$ buckets (the bins). The main question related to that problem we are interested
in is: what is the maximum number of keys in any bucket?
In fact, we want to get the maximum value for $b$ that makes the maximum number of keys in any bucket
no greater than 256 with high probability.
This is important, as we wish to use 8 bits per entry in the vector $g_i$ of
each $\mathrm{MPHF}_i$,
where $0 \leq i < \lceil n/b\rceil$.
Let $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$ be the maximum number of keys in any bucket.
Clearly, $\BSmax$ is the maximum
of~$\lceil n/b\rceil$ random variables~$Z_i$, each with binomial
distribution~$\Bi(n,p)$ with parameters~$n$ and~$p=1/\lceil n/b\rceil$.
However, the~$Z_i$ are not independent. Note that~$\Bi(n,p)$ has mean and
variance~$\simeq b$. To give an upper estimate for the probability of the
event~$\BSmax\geq \gamma$, we can estimate the probability that we have~$Z_i\geq \gamma$
for a fixed~$i$, and then sum these estimates over all~$i$.
Let~$\gamma=b+\sigma\sqrt{b\ln(n/b)}$, where~$\sigma=\sqrt2$.
Approximating~$\Bi(n,p)$ by the normal distribution with mean and
variance~$b$, we obtain the
estimate~$(\sigma\sqrt{2\pi\ln(n/b)})^{-1}\times\exp(-(1/2)\sigma^2\ln(n/b))$ for
the probability that~$Z_i\geq \gamma$ occurs, which, summed over all~$i$, gives
that the probability that~$\BSmax\geq \gamma$ occurs is at
most~$1/(\sigma\sqrt{2\pi\ln(n/b)})$, which tends to~$0$ as~$n\to\infty$.
Thus, we have shown that, with high probability,
\BSmax\leq b+\sqrt{2b\ln{n\over b}}.
% The traditional approach used to estimate $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$ with high probability is
% to consider $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$ as a random variable that follows a binomial distribution
% that can be approximated by a poisson distribution. This yields a good approximation
% when the number of balls is lower than or equal to the number of bins~\cite{g81}. In our case,
% the number of balls is greater than the number of buckets.
% % and that is why we have used more recent works to estimate $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$.
% As $b > \ln (n/b)$, we can use the result by Raab and Steger~\cite{ra98} to estimate
% $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$ with high probability.
% The following equation gives the estimation, where $\sigma=\sqrt{2}$:
% \begin{eqnarray} \label{eq:maxbs}
% \mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}} = b + O \left( \sqrt{b\ln\frac{n}{b}} \right) = b + \sigma \times \left(\sqrt{b\ln\frac{n}{b}} \right)
% \end{eqnarray}
% In order to estimate the suitable constant $\sigma$ we did a linear
% regression suppressing the constant term.
% We use the equation $BS_{max} - b = \sigma \times \sqrt{b\ln (n/b)}$
% in the linear regression considering $y=BS_{max} - b$ and $x=\sqrt{b\ln (n/b)}$.
% In order to obtain data to be used in the linear regression we set
% b=128 and ran the new algorithm ten times
% for n equal to 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 512, 1000 million keys.
% Taking a confidence level equal to 95\% we got
% $\sigma = 2.11 \pm 0.03$.
% The coefficient of determination was $99.6\%$, which means that the linear
% regression explains $99.6\%$ of the data variation and only $0.4\%$
% is due to experimental errors.
% Therefore, Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}) with $\sigma = 2.11 \pm 0.03$ and $b=128$
% makes a very good estimation of the maximum number of keys in any bucket.
% Repeating the same experiments for $b$ equals to $175$ and
% a confidence level of $95\%$ we got $\sigma = 2.07 \pm 0.03$.
% Again we verified that Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}) with $\sigma = 2.07 \pm 0.03$ and $b=175$ is
% a very good estimation of the maximum number of keys in any bucket once the
% coefficient of determination obtained was $99.7 \%$ and $\sigma$ is in a very narrow range.
In our algorithm the maximum number of keys in any bucket must be at most 256.
Table~\ref{tab:comparison} presents the values for $\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}$
obtained experimentally and using Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}).
The table presents the worst case and the average case,
considering $b=128$, $b=175$ and Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}),
for several numbers~$n$ of keys in $S$.
The estimation given by Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}) is very close to the experimental
Now we estimate the biggest problem our algorithm is able to solve for
a given $b$.
Using Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}) considering $b=128$, $b=175$ and imposing
the sizes of the biggest key set our algorithm
can deal with are $10^{30}$ keys and $10^{10}$ keys, respectively.
%It is also important to have $b$ as big as possible, once its value is
%related to the space required to store the resultant MPHF, as shown later on.
%Table~\ref{tab:bp} shows the biggest problem the algorithm can solve.
% The values were obtained from Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}),
% considering $b=128$ and~$b=175$ and imposing
% that~$\mathit{BS}_{\mathit{max}}\leq256$.
% We set $\sigma=2.14$ because it was the greatest value obtained for $\sigma$
% in the two linear regression we did.
% \vspace{-3mm}
% \begin{table}[htb]
% \begin{center}
% {\small %\scriptsize
% \begin{tabular}{|c|c|}
% \hline
% b & Problem size ($n$) \\
% \hline
% 128 & $10^{30}$ keys \\
% 175 & $10^{10}$ keys \\
% \hline
% \end{tabular}
% \vspace{-1mm}
% }
% \end{center}
% \caption{Using Eq.~(\ref{eq:maxbs}) to estimate the biggest problem our algorithm can solve.}
% %considering $\sigma=\sqrt{2}$.}
% \label{tab:bp}
% \vspace{-14mm}
% \end{table}