Fork 0

202 lines
5.6 KiB

const std = @import("std");
const pad = @import("padding.zig");
const validate = @import("validate.zig");
const compress = @import("compress.zig");
const InvalidRecord = validate.InvalidRecord;
const mem = std.mem;
const Allocator = mem.Allocator;
const ArrayList = std.ArrayList;
const BufSet = std.BufSet;
pub const Group = struct {
gid: u32,
name: []const u8,
members: BufSet,
pub fn clone(self: *const Group, allocator: Allocator) Allocator.Error!Group {
var name = try allocator.dupe(u8, self.name);
return Group{
.gid = self.gid,
.name = name,
.members = try self.members.cloneWithAllocator(allocator),
pub fn deinit(self: *Group, allocator: Allocator) void {
self.* = undefined;
pub const GroupStored = struct {
gid: u32,
name: []const u8,
members_offset: u64,
pub const PackedGroup = struct {
pub const alignment_bits = 3;
const Inner = packed struct {
gid: u32,
padding: u3 = 0,
groupname_len: u5,
pub fn groupnameLen(self: *const Inner) usize {
return @as(usize, self.groupname_len) + 1;
inner: *const Inner,
groupdata: []const u8,
members_offset: u64,
pub const Entry = struct {
group: PackedGroup,
next: ?[]const u8,
pub fn fromBytes(bytes: []const u8) error{Overflow}!Entry {
const inner = mem.bytesAsValue(Inner, bytes[0..@sizeOf(Inner)]);
const start_blob = @sizeOf(Inner);
const end_strings = @sizeOf(Inner) + inner.groupnameLen();
const members_offset = try compress.uvarint(bytes[end_strings..]);
const end_blob = end_strings + members_offset.bytes_read;
const next_start = pad.roundUp(usize, alignment_bits, end_blob);
var next: ?[]const u8 = null;
if (next_start < bytes.len)
next = bytes[next_start..];
return Entry{
.group = PackedGroup{
.inner = inner,
.groupdata = bytes[start_blob..end_strings],
.members_offset = members_offset.value,
.next = next,
fn validateUtf8(s: []const u8) InvalidRecord!void {
if (!std.unicode.utf8ValidateSlice(s))
return error.InvalidRecord;
pub const Iterator = struct {
section: ?[]const u8,
pub fn next(it: *Iterator) error{Overflow}!?PackedGroup {
if (it.section) |section| {
const entry = try fromBytes(section);
it.section = entry.next;
return entry.group;
return null;
pub fn iterator(section: []const u8) Iterator {
return Iterator{ .section = section };
pub fn gid(self: *const PackedGroup) u32 {
return self.inner.gid;
pub fn membersOffset(self: *const PackedGroup) u64 {
return self.members_offset;
pub fn name(self: *const PackedGroup) []const u8 {
return self.groupdata;
pub fn packTo(
arr: *ArrayList(u8),
group: GroupStored,
) error{ InvalidRecord, OutOfMemory }!void {
std.debug.assert(arr.items.len & 7 == 0);
try validate.utf8(group.name);
const len = try validate.downCast(u5, group.name.len - 1);
const inner = Inner{ .gid = group.gid, .groupname_len = len };
try arr.*.appendSlice(mem.asBytes(&inner));
try arr.*.appendSlice(group.name);
try compress.appendUvarint(arr, group.members_offset);
const testing = std.testing;
// someMembers constructs a bufset from an allocator and a list of strings.
pub fn someMembers(
allocator: Allocator,
members: []const []const u8,
) Allocator.Error!BufSet {
var bufset = BufSet.init(allocator);
errdefer bufset.deinit();
for (members) |member|
try bufset.insert(member);
return bufset;
test "PackedGroup alignment" {
try testing.expectEqual(@sizeOf(PackedGroup) * 8, @bitSizeOf(PackedGroup));
test "construct PackedGroups" {
var buf = ArrayList(u8).init(testing.allocator);
defer buf.deinit();
const groups = [_]GroupStored{
.gid = 1000,
.name = "sudo",
.members_offset = 1,
.gid = std.math.maxInt(u32),
.name = "Name" ** 8, // 32
.members_offset = std.math.maxInt(u64),
for (groups) |group| {
try PackedGroup.packTo(&buf, group);
try pad.arrayList(&buf, PackedGroup.alignment_bits);
var i: u29 = 0;
var it = PackedGroup.iterator(buf.items);
while (try it.next()) |group| : (i += 1) {
try testing.expectEqual(groups[i].gid, group.gid());
try testing.expectEqualStrings(groups[i].name, group.name());
try testing.expectEqual(groups[i].members_offset, group.membersOffset());
try testing.expectEqual(groups.len, i);
test "Group.clone" {
var allocator = testing.allocator;
var arena = std.heap.ArenaAllocator.init(allocator);
defer arena.deinit();
var members = BufSet.init(allocator);
try members.insert("member1");
try members.insert("member2");
defer members.deinit();
var cloned = try members.cloneWithAllocator(arena.allocator());
try cloned.insert("member4");
try testing.expect(members.contains("member1"));
try testing.expect(!members.contains("member4"));
try testing.expect(!cloned.contains("member1"));
try testing.expect(cloned.contains("member4"));