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const meta = @import("std").meta;
// All string fields are 0-terminated, but that's not part of the type.
// members field is null-terminated, but that's also not part of the type.
// Making it part of the type crashes zig compiler in pre-0.10.
// https://github.com/ziglang/zig/issues/7517
pub const CGroup = struct {
gid: u32,
// should be [*:0]const u8
name: []const u8,
// Should be [*:null]align(1) const ?[*:0]const u8
members: []align(1) const ?[*:0]const u8,
pub fn ptr(self: *const CGroup) CGroupPtr {
return CGroupPtr{
.gid = self.gid,
.name = self.name.ptr,
.members = @intToPtr([*]const u8, @ptrToInt(self.members.ptr)),
// size of the pointer to a single member.
pub const ptr_size = @sizeOf(meta.Child(meta.fieldInfo(CGroup, .members).field_type));
// a workaround of not having sentinel-terminated `name` and `members`.
pub const CGroupPtr = extern struct {
gid: u32,
name: [*]const u8,
members: [*]const u8,