load("@rules_pkg//:pkg.bzl", "pkg_tar")

_undocker_cli = attr.label(
    doc = "undocker cli; private and may not be overridden",
    cfg = "host",
    default = Label("//src/undocker:undocker"),
    allow_single_file = True,
    executable = True,
_input_container = attr.label(
    doc = "Input container tarball",
    mandatory = True,
    allow_single_file = [".tar"],

def _rootfs_impl(ctx):
    out = ctx.outputs.out
    if out == None:
        out = ctx.actions.declare_file(ctx.attr.name + ".tar")
        outputs = [out],
        inputs = ctx.files.src,
        executable = ctx.executable._undocker,
        arguments = [
        mnemonic = "RootFS",
    return DefaultInfo(
        files = depset([out]),
        runfiles = ctx.runfiles(files = ctx.files.src),

rootfs = rule(
    doc = "Generate a rootfs from a docker container image",
    attrs = {
        "src": _input_container,
        "_undocker": _undocker_cli,
        "out": attr.output(),