nicer tests.sql

Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:49 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent 08572023fd
commit 0130eeee14
1 changed files with 18 additions and 16 deletions

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@ -32,27 +32,29 @@ create table wm_figures (name text, way geometry);
-- ogr2ogr -update -f PostgreSQL PG:"host= user=osm password=osm dbname=osm" fig8.gpkg
-- to "normalize" a new line when it's in `f`:
-- select st_astext(st_snaptogrid(st_transscale(geometry, -19.5, .016, 4000, 4000), 1)) from f;
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig3','LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0,60 0)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig3-1','LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig5','LINESTRING(0 39,19 52,27 77,26 104,41 115,49 115,65 103,65 75,53 45,63 15,91 0)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig6','LINESTRING(84 47,91 59,114 64,122 80,116 92,110 93,106 106,117 118,136 107,135 76,120 45,125 39,141 39,147 32)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig6-rev',ST_Reverse(ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='fig6'), 60, 0)));
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig6-combi',
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values
('fig3', 'LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0,60 0)'::geometry),
('fig3-1', 'LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)'::geometry),
('fig5', 'LINESTRING(0 39,19 52,27 77,26 104,41 115,49 115,65 103,65 75,53 45,63 15,91 0)'::geometry),
('fig6', 'LINESTRING(84 47,91 59,114 64,122 80,116 92,110 93,106 106,117 118,136 107,135 76,120 45,125 39,141 39,147 32)'::geometry),
('fig8', 'LINESTRING(173 12,174 10,180 8,186 8,186 13,191 11,189 6,201 5,203 11,216 16,216 6,222 6,229 3,236 2,239 6,243 8,248 6)'::geometry),
('inflection-1', 'LINESTRING(110 24,114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 8,123 10,114 10,111 2)'::geometry),
('multi-island', 'MULTILINESTRING((-15 10,-10 10,-5 11,0 11,5 11,10 10,11 9,13 10,15 9),(-5 11,-2 15,0 16,2 15,5 11))'::geometry),
('selfcrossing-1','LINESTRING(-27 180,-20 166,-21 142,-18 136,55 136,55 136,71 145,44 165,37 146,22 145,14 164,11 164,3 146,-12 146,-13 176,-18 184)'::geometry),
('isolated-1', 'LINESTRING(-56 103,-54 102,-30 103,-31 105,-31 108,-27 108,-26 103,0 103,2 104)'::geometry),
('isolated-2', 'LINESTRING(250 100,246 104,234 105,230 106,225 101,224 93,217 78,206 69)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig6-rev',ST_Reverse(
ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='fig6'), 60, 0)));
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('fig6-combi', ST_Union(
ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='fig6'), 0, 90),
ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='fig6'), 80, 90)
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values('fig8', 'LINESTRING(173 12,174 10,180 8,186 8,186 13,191 11,189 6,201 5,203 11,216 16,216 6,222 6,229 3,236 2,239 6,243 8,248 6)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('inflection-1','LINESTRING(110 24,114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 8,123 10,114 10,111 2)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('multi-island','MULTILINESTRING((-15 10,-10 10,-5 11,0 11,5 11,10 10,11 9,13 10,15 9),(-5 11,-2 15,0 16,2 15,5 11))'::geometry);
-- TODO: there is a bug and it does not go through `self_crossing` function.
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('selfcrossing-1','LINESTRING(-27 180,-20 166,-21 142,-18 136,55 136,55 136,71 145,44 165,37 146,22 145,14 164,11 164,3 146,-12 146,-13 176,-18 184)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('selfcrossing-1-rev',ST_Reverse(ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='selfcrossing-1'), 0, 60)));
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('selfcrossing-1-rev',ST_Reverse(
ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='selfcrossing-1'), 0, 60)));
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('isolated-1','LINESTRING(-56 103,-54 102,-30 103,-31 105,-31 108,-27 108,-26 103,0 103,2 104)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('isolated-2', 'LINESTRING(250 100,246 104,234 105,230 106,225 101,224 93,217 78,206 69)'::geometry);
delete from wm_debug where name in (select distinct name from wm_figures);
delete from wm_demo where name in (select distinct name from wm_figures);