more visuals

Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:48 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent f79c5d65d0
commit 5de6c032c0
4 changed files with 56 additions and 69 deletions

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@ -3,6 +3,9 @@ WHERE ?= name='Visinčia' OR name='Šalčia' OR name='Nemunas' OR name='Merkys'
#WHERE ?= name like '%'
SLIDES = slides-2021-03-29.pdf
# Max figure size (in meters) is when it's width is TEXTWIDTH_CM on scale 1:25k
SCALEDWIDTH = $(shell awk '/^TEXTWIDTH_CM/{print 25000/100*$$3}'
# These variables have to come before first use due to how macros are expanded
@ -68,7 +71,6 @@ mj-msc.pdf: mj-msc.tex bib.bib \
define FIG_template
$(1).pdf: Makefile $(2)
python ./ --outfile=$(1).pdf \
$$(if $$($(1)_WMCLIP),--wmclip=$$($(1)_WMCLIP)) \
$$(if $$($(1)_WIDTHDIV),--widthdiv=$$($(1)_WIDTHDIV)) \
$$(foreach i,1 2 3, \
$$(if $$($(1)_$$(i)CMAP),--group$$(i)-cmap="$$($(1)_$$(i)CMAP)") \
@ -122,19 +124,16 @@ selfcrossing-1-after_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='selfcrossing-1' AND stage='b
selfcrossing-1-after_2LINESTYLE = invisible
salvis-25k_1SELECT = wm_rivers where name='Šalčia' OR name='Visinčia'
salvis-25k_WMCLIP = salcia-visincia:25k
salvis-25k_WIDTHDIV = 1
salvis-50k_WIDTHDIV = 2
salvis-50k_1SELECT = wm_rivers where name='Šalčia' OR name='Visinčia'
salvis-50k_WMCLIP = salcia-visincia:50k
salvis-50k_WIDTHDIV = 2
salvis-250k_WIDTHDIV = 10
salvis-250k_1SELECT = wm_rivers where name='Šalčia' OR name='Visinčia'
salvis-250k_WMCLIP = salcia-visincia:250k
salvis-250k_WIDTHDIV = 10
.faux_test-rivers: tests-rivers.sql wm.sql .faux_db
./db -f $<
./db -v scaledwidth=$(SCALEDWIDTH) -f $<
touch $@
.faux_test: tests.sql wm.sql .faux_db

View File

@ -16,45 +16,39 @@ PSQL_CREDS = "host= dbname=osm user=osm password=osm"
# see `NOTICE` in the LaTeX document; this is the width of the main text block.
TEXTWIDTH_CM = 12.12364
"10k": 10000,
"25k": 25000,
"50k": 50000,
"250k": 250000,
def inch(cm):
return cm / 2.54
def wm_clip(string):
if not string:
return None
name, gdr = string.split(":")
if scale := SCALES.get(gdr):
return name, scale
scales = ",".join(SCALES.keys())
raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("invalid scale. Expected %s" % scales)
def parse_args():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Convert geopackage to an image')
description='Convert a geometry to an image')
parser.add_argument('--group1-select', required=True)
parser.add_argument('--group1-cmap', type=bool)
simplify = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
simplify.add_argument('--group1-simplifydp', type=int)
simplify.add_argument('--group1-simplifyvw', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--group1-chaikin', type=bool)
parser.add_argument('--group2-cmap', type=bool)
simplify = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
simplify.add_argument('--group2-simplifydp', type=int)
simplify.add_argument('--group2-simplifyvw', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--group2-chaikin', type=bool)
parser.add_argument('--group3-cmap', type=bool)
simplify = parser.add_mutually_exclusive_group()
simplify.add_argument('--group3-simplifydp', type=int)
simplify.add_argument('--group3-simplifyvw', type=int)
parser.add_argument('--group3-chaikin', type=bool)
help="Clip for scale. E.g. salcia-visincia:10k",
default=1, type=float, help='Width divisor')
@ -62,17 +56,10 @@ def parse_args():
return parser.parse_args()
def read_layer(select, width, maybe_wmclip):
def read_layer(select, width):
if not select:
way = "way"
if maybe_wmclip:
name, scale = maybe_wmclip
way = "st_intersection(way, wm_bbox('{name}', {scale}, {width}))".format(
conn = psycopg2.connect(PSQL_CREDS)
sql = "SELECT {way} as way1 FROM {select}".format(way=way, select=select)
return geopandas.read_postgis(sql, con=conn, geom_col='way1')
@ -93,9 +80,9 @@ def plot_args(color, maybe_cmap, maybe_linestyle):
def main():
args = parse_args()
width = TEXTWIDTH_CM / args.widthdiv
group1 = read_layer(args.group1_select, width, args.wmclip)
group2 = read_layer(args.group2_select, width, args.wmclip)
group3 = read_layer(args.group3_select, width, args.wmclip)
group1 = read_layer(args.group1_select, width)
group2 = read_layer(args.group2_select, width)
group3 = read_layer(args.group3_select, width)
c1 = plot_args(BLACK, args.group1_cmap, args.group1_linestyle)
c2 = plot_args(ORANGE, args.group2_cmap, args.group2_linestyle)
c3 = plot_args(GREEN, args.group3_cmap, args.group3_linestyle)

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@ -3,7 +3,6 @@
\usepackage [autostyle, english=american]{csquotes}
@ -19,8 +18,18 @@
% requires minted
% does not require minted
@ -189,6 +198,7 @@ As can be seen in the article example, generalization is worthy.
\subsubsection{Modern approaches}
Due to their simplicity and ubiquity, {\DP} and {\VW} have been established as
@ -617,12 +627,12 @@ We strongly believe in the ability to reproduce the results is critical for any
document and its accompanying graphics, run this script (assuming name of
this document is {\tt mj-msc-full.pdf}):
This was tested on Linux Debian 11 with upstream packages only.
\subsection{Algorithm code listings}

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@ -1,49 +1,40 @@
\i wm.sql
insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values('salcia-visincia',
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Šalčia'),
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Visinčia')
insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values('nemunas-merkys',
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Nemunas'),
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Merkys')
-- wm_envelope clips a geometry by a bounding box around a given object,
-- matching dimensions of A-class paper (1 by sqrt(2).
drop function if exists wm_bbox;
create function wm_bbox(
center text,
projection_scale integer,
projection_width_cm float
center geometry,
scaledwidth float
) returns geometry as $$
gcenter geometry;
halfX float;
halfY float;
halfX = projection_scale * projection_width_cm / 2 / 100;
halfX = scaledwidth / 2;
halfY = halfX * sqrt(2);
select way from wm_visuals where name=center into gcenter;
if gcenter is null then
raise 'center % not found', center;
end if;
return st_envelope(
st_translate(gcenter, halfX, halfY),
st_translate(gcenter, -halfX, -halfY)
st_translate(center, halfX, halfY),
st_translate(center, -halfX, -halfY)
$$ language plpgsql;
insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values('salvis', (
select st_intersection(
(select st_union(way) from wm_rivers where name in ('Šalčia', 'Visinčia')),
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Šalčia'),
(select way from wm_rivers where name='Visinčia')
do $$
npoints bigint;