also import GDR50 and GDR250

replaces *.shp import with *.gdb import for GDB10.
Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:51 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent 6f14c17a09
commit 9e7d66e835
3 changed files with 63 additions and 27 deletions

View File

@ -74,6 +74,9 @@ test-rivers: .faux_test-rivers ## Rivers tests (slow)
.PHONY: slides
slides: $(SLIDES)
.PHONY: refresh-rivers
refresh-rivers: rivers.sql rivers-50.sql rivers-250.sql ## Refresh river data from national datasets
# The report, quick version
@ -209,9 +212,13 @@ salvis-wm-overlaid-250k-zoom_1SELECT = wm_visuals where name='salvis'
salvis-wm-overlaid-250k-zoom_2SELECT = wm_visuals where name='salvis-wm-220'
salvis-wm-overlaid-250k-zoom_1COLOR = orange
.faux_db: db init.sql rivers.sql
.faux_db_pre: db init.sql
bash db start
bash db -f init.sql -f rivers.sql
bash db -f init.sql
touch $@
.faux_db: .faux_db_pre rivers.sql
bash db -f rivers.sql
touch $@
.faux_test: test.sql wm.sql .faux_db
@ -273,8 +280,8 @@ mj-msc-gray.pdf: mj-msc.pdf
clean: ## Clean the current working directory
-bash db stop
-rm -r .faux_test .faux_aggregate-rivers .faux_test-rivers .faux_visuals \
.faux_db version.aux version.fdb_latexmk \
_minted-mj-msc \
.faux_db .faux_db_pre version.aux \
version.fdb_latexmk _minted-mj-msc .tmp \
$(shell git ls-files -o mj-msc*) \
$(addsuffix .pdf,$(FIGURES)) \
$(addsuffix .pdf,$(RIVERS)) \
@ -287,7 +294,8 @@ clean-tables: ## Remove tables created during unit or rivers tests
.PHONY: help
help: ## Print this help message
@awk -F':.*?## ' '/^[a-z0-9.-]*: *.*## */{printf "%-18s %s\n",$$1,$$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)
@awk -F':.*?## ' '/^[a-z0-9.-]*: *.*## */{printf "%-18s %s\n",$$1,$$2}' \
.PHONY: wc
wc: mj-msc.pdf ## Character and page count
@ -296,21 +304,15 @@ wc: mj-msc.pdf ## Character and page count
tr -d '[:space:]' | wc -c | \
awk '{printf("Chars: %d, pages: %.1f\n", $$1, $$1/1500)}'
.PHONY: refresh-rivers
refresh-rivers: aggregate-rivers.sql .faux_db ## Refresh rivers.sql from GDB10LT
@if [ ! -f "$(GDB10LT)" ]; then \
echo "ERROR: GDB10LT-static-*.zip not found. Do GDB10LT=<...>"; \
define rivers_template
$(1): aggregate-rivers.sql gdr2pgsql .faux_db_pre
@if [ ! -f "$$($(2))" ]; then \
echo "ERROR: $(2)-static-*.zip not found. Run env $(2)=<...>"; \
exit 1; \
mkdir -p .tmp/shp; unzip -d .tmp/shp "$(GDB10LT)" 'HIDRO_L.*'
shp2pgsql -s 3857 -d ".tmp/shp/HIDRO_L.shp" | \
awk '!/^INSERT/{print}; /^INSERT/&&/$(RIVERFILTER)/{print;next}' | \
bash ./db
bash db -f $<
echo '-- Generated at $(shell TZ=UTC date +"%FT%TZ") on $(shell whoami)@$(shell hostname -f)'; \
echo '-- Rivers: $(RIVERFILTER)'; \
docker exec wm-mj pg_dump --clean -Uosm osm -t wm_rivers | tr -d '\r' \
) > rivers.sql.tmp
mv rivers.sql.tmp rivers.sql
rm -fr .tmp/shp
./gdr2pgsql "$$($(2))" "$(3)" "$(RIVERFILTER)" "$(1)"
$(eval $(call rivers_template,rivers.sql,GDB10LT,wm_rivers))
$(eval $(call rivers_template,rivers-50.sql,GDR50LT,wm_rivers_50))
$(eval $(call rivers_template,rivers-250.sql,GDR250LT,wm_rivers_250))

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
/* Aggregates rivers by name and proximity. */
drop function if exists aggregate_rivers;
create function aggregate_rivers() returns table(
id bigint,
id integer,
name text,
way geometry
) as $$
@ -35,15 +35,15 @@ $$ language plpgsql;
drop index if exists wm_rivers_tmp_id;
drop index if exists wm_rivers_tmp_gix;
drop table if exists wm_rivers_tmp;
create temporary table wm_rivers_tmp (id bigint, name text, way geometry);
create temporary table wm_rivers_tmp (id serial, name text, way geometry);
create index wm_rivers_tmp_id on wm_rivers_tmp(id);
create index wm_rivers_tmp_gix on wm_rivers_tmp using gist(way) include(name);
insert into wm_rivers_tmp
select p.gid as id, p.vardas as name, p.geom as way from hidro_l p;
insert into wm_rivers_tmp (name, way)
select p.vardas as name, p.shape as way from :srctable p;
drop table if exists wm_rivers;
create table wm_rivers as (
drop table if exists :dsttable;
create table :dsttable as (
select * from aggregate_rivers() where st_length(way) >= 50000
drop table wm_rivers_tmp;

gdr2pgsql Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
set -euo pipefail
dbzip=$(realpath -s "$1")
if [[ "$dbzip" =~ " " ]]; then
echo "ERROR: $dbzip contains spaces"
exit 1
set -x
gdbname=$(unzip -Z1 "$dbzip" | awk -Fgdb '/.gdb/{print $1"gdb";exit}')
now=$(TZ=UTC date +"%FT%TZ")
here=$(whoami)@$(hostname -f)
mkdir -p ".tmp"
ogr2ogr -skipfailures -f PGDump /dev/stdout -t_srs epsg:3857 \
"/vsizip/$dbzip/$gdbname" -nln "src_$tbl" hidro_l | \
awk "!/^INSERT/{print}; /^INSERT/&&/${filter}/{print;next}" | \
bash ./db | \
grep -v '^INSERT 0 1'
bash db -f aggregate-rivers.sql -v "srctable=src_$tbl" -v "dsttable=$tbl"
echo "-- Generated at $now on $here";
echo "-- Rivers: $filter";
docker exec wm-mj pg_dump --clean -Uosm osm -t "$tbl" | tr -d '\r'
) > ".tmp/$outfile"
mv ".tmp/$outfile" "$outfile"