use smaller number of rivers during development

Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:49 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent cd77419fac
commit c4f92296c0
5 changed files with 55 additions and 46 deletions

View File

@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
OSM ?= lithuania-latest.osm.pbf
#WHERE ?= name='Visinčia' OR name='Šalčia' OR name='Nemunas' OR name='Merkys'
WHERE ?= name='Šalčia'
WHERE ?= name='Šalčia' OR name='Visinčia'
#WHERE ?= name like '%'
SLIDES = slides-2021-03-29.pdf

View File

@ -15,6 +15,14 @@ create table wm_debug(
props jsonb
drop table if exists wm_manual;
create table wm_manual (
id serial,
name text,
way geometry,
props jsonb
-- Run ST_SimplifyWM in debug mode, so `wm_debug` is populated. That table
-- is used for geometric assertions later in the file.
drop table if exists wm_demo;

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long

View File

@ -52,15 +52,23 @@ insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('selfcrossing-1','LINESTRING(-27 180,
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('selfcrossing-1-rev',ST_Reverse(ST_Translate((select way from wm_figures where name='selfcrossing-1'), 0, 60)));
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('isolated-1','LINESTRING(-56 103,-54 102,-30 103,-31 105,-31 108,-27 108,-26 103,0 103,2 104)'::geometry);
insert into wm_figures(name, way) values ('isolated-2', 'LINESTRING(2801325.2746406365 7226746.592740034,2801316.313421628 7226773.775365548,2801310.6472595464 7226787.509780527,2801304.0682776407 7226795.559684921,2801288.850903249 7226806.013127576,2801251.525477986 7226819.15625314,2801231.821928116 7226826.614843614,2801216.2928591496 7226837.373539025,2801207.331640141 7226849.009733273,2801203.7471525376 7226861.847718405,2801201.954908736 7226876.478850377,2801196.2887466545 7226884.853135042,2801186.1364090946 7226892.903139205)');
insert into wm_figures (name, way) values ('isolated-2', 'LINESTRING(250 100,246 104,234 105,230 106,225 101,224 93,217 78,206 69)'::geometry);
delete from wm_debug where name in (select distinct name from wm_figures);
delete from wm_demo where name in (select distinct name from wm_figures);
insert into wm_demo (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, .1, name) from wm_figures where name not in ('fig8', 'isolated-1');
insert into wm_demo (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, 11, name) from wm_figures where name in ('fig8', 'isolated-1');
insert into wm_demo (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, 14, name) from wm_figures where name in ('fig8', 'isolated-1', 'isolated-2');
drop function if exists wm_debug_get;
create function wm_debug_get(
_stage text,
_name text,
OUT ways geometry[]
) as $$
ways = array((select way from wm_debug where stage=_stage and name=_name order by id));
end $$ language plpgsql;
do $$
declare fig6b1 geometry;
@ -83,17 +91,6 @@ begin
end $$ language plpgsql;
drop function if exists wm_debug_get;
create function wm_debug_get(
_stage text,
_name text,
OUT ways geometry[]
) as $$
ways = array((select way from wm_debug where stage=_stage and name=_name order by id));
end $$ language plpgsql;
do $$
vbends geometry[];

View File

@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ declare
l_type = st_geometrytype(line);
if l_type != 'ST_LineString' then
raise notice 'Got non-LineString: %', st_astext(line);
raise notice 'Got non-LineString: %', st_summary(line);
raise 'This function works with ST_LineString, got %', l_type;
end if;
@ -152,7 +152,7 @@ create function wm_fix_gentle_inflections1(INOUT bends geometry[]) as $$
-- the threshold when the angle is still "small", so gentle inflections can
-- be joined
small_angle constant real default pi()/4;
small_angle constant real default radians(45);
ptail geometry; -- tail point of tail bend
phead geometry[]; -- 3 tail points of head bend
i int4; -- bends[i] is the current head
@ -380,6 +380,26 @@ begin
$$ language plpgsql;
-- splits a line by a point in a more robust way than st_split
-- (see
drop function if exists wm_st_split;
create function wm_st_split(
input geometry,
blade geometry
) returns geometry as $$
type1 text;
type2 text;
type1 = st_geometrytype(input);
type2 = st_geometrytype(blade);
if not (type1 = 'ST_LineString' and
type2 = 'ST_Point') then
raise 'Arguments must be LineString and Point, got: % and %', type1, type2;
end if;
return st_split(st_snap(input, blade, 0.00000001), blade);
end $$ language plpgsql;
-- wm_exaggerate_bend exaggerates a given bend. Must be a simple linestring.
drop function if exists wm_exaggerate_bend;
create function wm_exaggerate_bend(
@ -390,7 +410,7 @@ create function wm_exaggerate_bend(
scale constant float default 2; -- per-step scaling factor
midpoint geometry; -- midpoint of the baseline
splitbend geometry; -- bend split across farthest point
splitbend geometry; -- bend split across its half
bendm geometry; -- bend with coefficients to prolong the lines
points geometry[];
@ -402,11 +422,10 @@ begin
st_pointn(bend, -1)
), .5);
insert into wm_manual (name, way) values ('midpoint', midpoint);
while size < desired_size loop
splitbend = st_split(
st_pointn(st_longestline(midpoint, bend), -1)
splitbend = wm_st_split(bend, st_lineinterpolatepoint(bend, .5));
-- Convert bend to LINESTRINGM, where M is the fraction by how
-- much the point will be prolonged:
@ -472,7 +491,7 @@ create function wm_exaggeration(
OUT mutated boolean
) as $$
desired_size constant float default pi() * ((dhalfcircle/2)^2)/2;
desired_size constant float default pi()*(dhalfcircle^2)/8;
tmpbendattr wm_t_bend_attrs;
i integer;
last_id integer;
@ -523,7 +542,7 @@ create function wm_elimination(
OUT mutated boolean
) as $$
desired_size constant float default pi() * ((dhalfcircle/2)^2)/2;
desired_size constant float default pi()*(dhalfcircle^2)/8;
leftsize float;
rightsize float;
i int4;
@ -692,7 +711,6 @@ declare
bendattrs wm_t_bend_attrs[];
mutated boolean;
l_type text;
dbggeoms geometry[];
l_type = st_geometrytype(geom);
if l_type = 'ST_LineString' then
@ -726,8 +744,8 @@ begin
bendattrs = array((select wm_bend_attrs(bends, dbgname, gen)));
bendattrs = wm_isolated_bends(bendattrs, dbgname, gen);
--select * from wm_exaggeration(
-- bendattrs, dhalfcircle, dbgname, gen) into bendattrs, mutated;
select * from wm_exaggeration(
bendattrs, dhalfcircle, dbgname, gen) into bendattrs, mutated;
-- TODO: wm_combination
@ -741,20 +759,8 @@ begin
bends[j] = bendattrs[j].bend;
end loop;
lines[i] = st_linemerge(st_union(bends));
gen = gen + 1;
if st_geometrytype(lines[i]) != 'ST_lineString' then
dbggeoms = array((select a.geom from st_dump(lines[i]) a order by path[1] asc));
insert into wm_debug (stage, name, gen, nbend, way) values(
'manual', dbgname, gen,
generate_subscripts(dbggeoms, 1),
raise notice '% non-linestring: %', dbgname, st_summary(lines[i]);
end if;
end if;
end loop;