docs and inflections

Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:45 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent e76efda436
commit eaedce3976
2 changed files with 55 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -16,8 +16,9 @@ create table figures (name text, way geometry);
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig3',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0,60 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig3-1',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig5',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 39,19 52,27 77,26 104,41 115,49 115,65 103,65 75,53 45,63 15,91 0,91 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('inflection-1',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(100 14,114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 5,123 7,114 7,111 2)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('inflection-1',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(110 24,114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 5,123 7,114 7,111 2)'));
-- `bends` is for manual inspection using, say, qgis
drop table if exists bends;
create table bends (way geometry);
insert into bends select unnest(detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig3')));
@ -26,17 +27,27 @@ insert into bends select unnest(detect_bends((select way from figures where name
do $$
bends geometry[];
vbends geometry[];
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig3')) into bends;
perform assert_equals(5, array_length(bends, 1));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4)', st_astext(bends[1]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0)', st_astext(bends[2]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10)', st_astext(bends[3]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)', st_astext(bends[4]));
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig3')) into vbends;
perform assert_equals(5, array_length(vbends, 1));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4)', st_astext(vbends[1]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0)', st_astext(vbends[2]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10)', st_astext(vbends[3]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)', st_astext(vbends[4]));
perform assert_equals(4, array_length(detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig3-1')), 1));
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig5')) into bends;
perform assert_equals(3, array_length(bends, 1));
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig5')) into vbends;
perform assert_equals(3, array_length(vbends, 1));
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='inflection-1')) into vbends;
drop table if exists inflections;
create table inflections (way geometry);
--insert into inflections select unnest(fix_gentle_inflections(vbends));
select fix_gentle_inflections(vbends);
end $$ language plpgsql;

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@ -73,19 +73,21 @@ $$ language plpgsql;
-- The text does not specify how many vertices can be "adjusted"; it can
-- equally be one or many. This function is adjusting many, as long as the
-- commulative inflection angle is less than pi/6 (30 deg).
-- commulative inflection angle small (see variable below).
create or replace function fix_gentle_inflections(INOUT bends geometry[]) as $$
prev_bend geometry;
bend geometry;
p geometry;
p1 geometry;
p2 geometry;
p3 geometry;
small_angle real;
phead geometry; -- head point of head bend
ptail geometry[]; -- 3 head points of tail bend
i int4; -- bends[i] is the current head
foreach bend in array bends loop
if prev_bend is null then
prev_bend = bend;
-- the threshold when the angle is still "small", so gentle inflections can
-- be joined
small_angle := radians(30);
for i in select generate_subscripts(bends, 1) loop
if i = 1 then
end if;
@ -101,31 +103,36 @@ begin
-- Assume this curve (figure `inflection-1`):
-- A______B
-- ---' `-------. C
-- |
-- G___ F |
-- / `-----.____+ D
-- E
-- \______B
-- A `-------. C
-- |
-- G___ F |
-- / `-----.____+ D
-- E
-- After processing the curve following the definition of a bend, the bend
-- [A-E] would be detected. Assuming inflection point E and F are "small",
-- the bend needs to be extended by two edges to [A,G].
-- Assuming the direction in this example is clock-wise, the first set of
-- `p` variables will be: p1=C, p2=B, p3=A.
for p in (select geom from st_dumppoints(prev_bend) order by path[1] desc) loop
p3 = p2;
p2 = p1;
p1 = p;
if p3 is null then
select geom from st_dumppoints(bends[i]) order by path[1] desc limit 1 into phead;
while true loop
-- copy last 3 points of bends[i-1] (tail) to ptail
select array_agg(geom) from st_dumppoints(bends[i-1]) order by path[1] desc limit 3 into ptail;
-- if inflection angle between ptail[1:3] "large", stop processing this bend
if abs(st_angle(ptail[1], ptail[2], ptail[2], ptail[3]) - pi) > small_angle then
exit bend_loop;
end if;
-- (p2, p1) is shared with the current bend.
-- distance from last vertex should be larger than second-last vertex
if st_distance(phead, ptail[2]) < st_distance(phead, ptail[3]) then
exit bend_loop;
end if;
-- detected a gentle inflection. Move head of the tail to the tail of head
bends[i] = st_addpoint(bends[i], ptail[3]);
bends[i-1] = st_removepoint(bends[i-1], st_npoints(bends[i-1])-1);
end loop;
prev_bend = bend;
end loop;
$$ language plpgsql;