\set ON_ERROR_STOP on SET plpgsql.extra_errors TO 'all'; -- wm_bbox clips a geometry by a bounding box around a given object, -- matching dimensions of A-class paper (1 by sqrt(2)). drop function if exists wm_bbox; create function wm_bbox( center geometry, scaledwidth float ) returns geometry as $$ declare halfX float; halfY float; begin halfX = scaledwidth / 2; halfY = halfX * sqrt(2); return st_envelope( st_union( st_translate(center, halfX, halfY), st_translate(center, -halfX, -halfY) ) ); end $$ language plpgsql; -- wm_quadrant divides the given geometry to 4 rectangles -- and returns the requested quadrant following cartesian -- convention: -- +----------+ -- | II | I | --- +----------+ -- | III | IV | -- +-----+----+ -- matching dimensions of A-class paper (1 by sqrt(2). drop function if exists wm_quadrant; create function wm_quadrant( geom geometry, quadrant integer ) returns geometry as $$ declare xmin float; xmax float; ymin float; ymax float; begin xmin = st_xmin(geom); xmax = st_xmax(geom); ymin = st_ymin(geom); ymax = st_ymax(geom); if quadrant = 1 or quadrant = 2 then ymin = (ymin + ymax)/2; else ymax = (ymin + ymax)/2; end if; if quadrant = 2 or quadrant = 3 then xmax = (xmin + xmax)/2; else xmin = (xmin + xmax)/2; end if; return st_intersection( geom, st_makeenvelope(xmin, ymin, xmax, ymax, st_srid(geom)) ); end $$ language plpgsql; delete from wm_debug where name like 'salvis%'; delete from wm_visuals where name like 'salvis%'; insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values('salvis', ( with multismall as ( select st_intersection( (select st_union(way) from wm_rivers where name in ('Šalčia', 'Visinčia')), wm_bbox( st_closestpoint( (select way from wm_rivers where name='Šalčia'), (select way from wm_rivers where name='Visinčia') ), :scaledwidth ) ) ways ) -- protecting against very small bends that were cut -- in the corner of the picture select st_union(a.geom) from st_dump((select ways from multismall)) a where st_length(a.geom) >= 100 )); do $$ declare i integer; geom1 geometry; geom2 geometry; geom3 geometry; begin foreach i in array array[16, 64, 256] loop geom1 = st_simplify((select way from wm_visuals where name='salvis'), i); geom2 = st_simplifyvw((select way from wm_visuals where name='salvis'), i*i); insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values ('salvis-douglas-' || i, geom1), ('salvis-douglas-' || i || '-chaikin', st_chaikinsmoothing(geom1, 5)), ('salvis-visvalingam-' || i, geom2), ('salvis-visvalingam-' || i || '-chaikin', st_chaikinsmoothing(geom2, 5)); end loop; -- 220 doesn't work, because there is an exaggerated bend -- near Šalčia-Žeimena crossing, and it "exaggerates" to the -- other river. -- cross-river crossing detection should be more robust --- and -- the current problems are described in the paper. foreach i in array array[75, 220] loop geom3 = st_simplifywm((select way from wm_visuals where name='salvis'), i, 50, 'salvis-wm-' || i); insert into wm_visuals(name, way) values ('salvis-wm-' || i, geom3); end loop; end $$ language plpgsql;