#!/usr/bin/python3 import argparse import geopandas import psycopg2 import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from matplotlib import rc # CMAP = 'Set3' # is nice too CMAP = 'tab20c' BOUNDS = ('xmin', 'ymin', 'xmax', 'ymax') INCH_MM = 25.4 BLACK, GREEN, ORANGE, PURPLE = '#000000', '#1b9e77', '#d95f02', '#7570b3' PSQL_CREDS = "host= dbname=osm user=osm password=osm" # see `NOTICE` in the LaTeX document; this is the width of the main text block. TEXTWIDTH_CM = 12.12364 TEXTWIDTH_INCH = TEXTWIDTH_CM * 10 / INCH_MM SCALES = { "GDR10": 10000, "GDR50": 50000, "GDR250": 250000, } def wm_clip(string): if not string: return None gdr, name = string.split(":") if scale := SCALES.get(gdr): return gdr, scale scales = ",".join(SCALES.keys()) raise argparse.ArgumentTypeError("invalid scale. Expected %s" % scales) def parse_args(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( description='Convert geopackage to an image') parser.add_argument('--group1-select', required=True) parser.add_argument('--group1-cmap', type=bool) parser.add_argument('--group1-linestyle') parser.add_argument('--group2-select') parser.add_argument('--group2-cmap', type=bool) parser.add_argument('--group2-linestyle') parser.add_argument('--group3-select') parser.add_argument('--group3-cmap', type=bool) parser.add_argument('--group3-linestyle') parser.add_argument('--wmclip', type=wm_clip, help="Clip. E.g. GDR10:nemunas-merkys") parser.add_argument('--widthdiv', default=1, type=float, help='Width divisor') parser.add_argument('-o', '--outfile', metavar='') return parser.parse_args() def read_layer(select, width, maybe_wmclip): if not select: return way = "way" if maybe_wmclip: name, scale = maybe_wmclip way = "wm_clip(way, {name}, {scale}, {width})".format( name=name, scale=scale, width=width, ) conn = psycopg2.connect(PSQL_CREDS) sql = "SELECT {way} as way1 FROM {select}".format(way=way, select=select) return geopandas.read_postgis(sql, con=conn, geom_col='way1') def plot_args(color, maybe_cmap, maybe_linestyle): if maybe_cmap: r = {'cmap': CMAP} else: r = {'color': color} if maybe_linestyle == 'invisible': r['color'] = (0, 0, 0, 0) elif maybe_linestyle: r['linestyle'] = maybe_linestyle return r def main(): args = parse_args() width = TEXTWIDTH_INCH / args.widthdiv group1 = read_layer(args.group1_select, width, args.wmclip) group2 = read_layer(args.group2_select, width, args.wmclip) group3 = read_layer(args.group3_select, width, args.wmclip) c1 = plot_args(BLACK, args.group1_cmap, args.group1_linestyle) c2 = plot_args(ORANGE, args.group2_cmap, args.group2_linestyle) c3 = plot_args(GREEN, args.group3_cmap, args.group3_linestyle) rc('text', usetex=True) fig, ax = plt.subplots() fig.set_figwidth(width) group1 is not None and group1.plot(ax=ax, **c1) group2 is not None and group2.plot(ax=ax, **c2) group3 is not None and group3.plot(ax=ax, **c3) ax.axis('off') ax.margins(0, 0) if args.outfile: fig.savefig(args.outfile, bbox_inches='tight', dpi=600) else: plt.show() if __name__ == '__main__': main()