\set ON_ERROR_STOP on SET plpgsql.extra_errors TO 'all'; -- This fails with real rivers since dcf4c02307baeece51470a961a113a8fad68fad5 -- (adding GDB10LT data). The same rivers from OpenStreetMaps work. -- There seems to be a bug in wm_exaggeration. do $$ declare npoints bigint; secs bigint; begin select * from ST_SimplifyWM_Estimate((select st_union(way) from wm_rivers)) into npoints, secs; raise notice 'Total points: %', npoints; raise notice 'Expected duration: %s (+-%s)', ceil(secs), floor(secs*.5); end $$ language plpgsql; delete from wm_debug where name in (select distinct name from wm_rivers); delete from wm_demo where name in (select distinct name from wm_rivers); insert into wm_demo (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, 75, null, name) from wm_rivers;