
187 lines
6.5 KiB

SOURCE ?= lithuania-latest.osm.pbf
WHERE ?= name='Visinčia' OR name='Šalčia' OR name='Nemunas' OR name='Žeimena' OR name='Lakaja'
#WHERE ?= name like '%'
SLIDES = slides-2021-03-29.pdf
# These variables have to come before first use due to how macros are expanded
NON_ARCHIVABLES = notes.txt referatui.txt slides-2021-03-29.txt
ARCHIVABLES = $(filter-out $(NON_ARCHIVABLES),$(shell git ls-files .))
FIGURES = test-figures \
fig8-definition-of-a-bend \
fig5-gentle-inflection-before \
fig5-gentle-inflection-after \
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before \
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after \
fig6-selfcrossing-before \
fig6-selfcrossing-after \
selfcrossing-1-before \
# The thesis, publishable version
mj-msc-full.pdf: mj-msc.pdf version.inc.tex $(ARCHIVABLES) ## Thesis for publishing
cp $< .tmp-$@
for f in $^; do \
if [ "$$f" = "$<" ]; then continue; fi; \
pdfattach .tmp-$@ $$f .tmp2-$@; \
mv .tmp2-$@ .tmp-$@; \
mv .tmp-$@ $@
# Auxiliary targets for humans
.PHONY: test
test: .faux_test ## Unit tests (fast)
.PHONY: test-integration
test-integration: .faux_test-integration ## Integration tests (slow)
.PHONY: slides
slides: $(SLIDES)
# The report, quick version
mj-msc.pdf: mj-msc.tex version.inc.tex vars.inc.tex bib.bib $(addsuffix .pdf,$(FIGURES))
latexmk -shell-escape -g -pdf $<
# Report's test dependencies
define FIG_template
$(1).pdf: layer2img.py Makefile .faux_test
python ./layer2img.py --outfile=$(1).pdf \
$$(if $$($(1)_WIDTHDIV),--widthdiv=$$($(1)_WIDTHDIV)) \
$$(foreach i,1 2 3, \
$$(if $$($(1)_$$(i)CMAP),--group$$(i)-cmap="$$($(1)_$$(i)CMAP)") \
$$(if $$($(1)_$$(i)SELECT),--group$$(i)-select="$$($(1)_$$(i)SELECT)") \
$$(if $$($(1)_$$(i)LINESTYLE),--group$$(i)-linestyle="$$($(1)_$$(i)LINESTYLE)") \
$(foreach fig,$(FIGURES),$(eval $(call FIG_template,$(fig))))
test-figures_1SELECT = wm_figures
fig8-definition-of-a-bend_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig8' AND stage='bbends' AND gen=1
fig8-definition-of-a-bend_2CMAP = 1
fig8-definition-of-a-bend_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig8' AND stage='bbends-polygon' AND gen=1
fig5-gentle-inflection-before_WITHDIV = 2
fig5-gentle-inflection-before_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig5' AND stage='bbends' AND gen=1
fig5-gentle-inflection-before_2CMAP = 1
fig5-gentle-inflection-before_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig5' AND stage='bbends-polygon' AND gen=1
fig5-gentle-inflection-after_WITHDIV = 2
fig5-gentle-inflection-after_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig5' AND stage='cinflections' AND gen=1
fig5-gentle-inflection-after_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig5' AND stage='cinflections-polygon' AND gen=1
fig5-gentle-inflection-after_2CMAP = 1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before_WIDTHDIV = 2
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='inflection-1' AND stage='bbends' AND gen=1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='inflection-1' AND stage='bbends-polygon' AND gen=1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-before_2CMAP = 1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after_WIDTHDIV = 2
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='inflection-1' AND stage='cinflections' AND gen=1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after_2SELECT = wm_debug where name='inflection-1' AND stage='cinflections-polygon' AND gen=1
inflection-1-gentle-inflection-after_2CMAP = 1
fig6-selfcrossing-before_WIDTHDIV = 4
fig6-selfcrossing-before_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig6' AND stage='bbends' AND gen=1
fig6-selfcrossing-before_2SELECT = wm_visuals where name='fig6-baseline'
fig6-selfcrossing-before_2LINESTYLE = dotted
fig6-selfcrossing-before_3SELECT = wm_visuals where name='fig6-newline'
fig6-selfcrossing-after_WIDTHDIV = 4
fig6-selfcrossing-after_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='fig6' AND stage='dcrossings' AND gen=1
selfcrossing-1-before_WIDTHDIV = 4
selfcrossing-1-before_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='selfcrossing-1' AND stage='bbends' AND gen=1
selfcrossing-1-before_2SELECT = wm_visuals where name='selfcrossing-1-baseline'
selfcrossing-1-before_2LINESTYLE = dotted
selfcrossing-1-before_3SELECT = wm_visuals where name='selfcrossing-1-newline'
selfcrossing-1-after_WIDTHDIV = 4
selfcrossing-1-after_1SELECT = wm_debug where name='selfcrossing-1' AND stage='dcrossings' AND gen=1
.faux_test-integration: tests-integration.sql wm.sql .faux_aggregate-rivers
./db -f $<
touch $@
.faux_test: tests.sql wm.sql .faux_db
./db -f $<
touch $@
.faux_db: db init.sql
./db start
./db -f init.sql
touch $@
wget http://download.geofabrik.de/europe/$@
.faux_aggregate-rivers: aggregate-rivers.sql .faux_import-osm Makefile
./db -v where="$(WHERE)" -f $<
touch $@
.faux_import-osm: $(SOURCE) .faux_db
PGPASSWORD=osm osm2pgsql -c --multi-geometry -H -d osm -U osm $<
touch $@
# Report's non-test dependencies
REF = $(shell git describe --abbrev=12 --always --dirty)
version.inc.tex: Makefile $(shell git rev-parse --git-dir 2>/dev/null)
TZ=UTC date '+\gdef\VCDescribe{%F ($(REF))}%' > $@
vars.inc.tex: vars.awk wm.sql Makefile
awk -f $< wm.sql
# Misc commands
slides-2021-03-29.pdf: slides-2021-03-29.txt
pandoc -t beamer -i $< -o $@
docker exec -ti wm-mj pg_dump -Uosm osm -t debug_wm | xz -v > $@
mj-msc-gray.pdf: mj-msc.pdf
gs \
-sOutputFile=$@ \
-sDEVICE=pdfwrite \
-sColorConversionStrategy=Gray \
-dProcessColorModel=/DeviceGray \
-dCompatibilityLevel=1.4 \
.PHONY: clean
clean: ## Clean the current working directory
-./db stop
-rm -r .faux_test .faux_aggregate-rivers .faux_import-osm .faux_db \
version.inc.tex vars.inc.tex version.aux version.fdb_latexmk \
_minted-mj-msc \
$(shell git ls-files -o mj-msc*) \
$(addsuffix .pdf,$(FIGURES)) \
.PHONY: clean-tables
clean-tables: ## Remove tables created during unit or integration tests
./db -c '\dt wm_*' | awk '/_/{print "drop table "$$3";"}' | ./db -f -
-rm .faux_db
.PHONY: help
help: ## Print this help message
@awk -F':.*?## ' '/^[a-z0-9.-]*: *.*## */{printf "%-18s %s\n",$$1,$$2}' $(MAKEFILE_LIST)