
154 lines
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\i wm.sql
-- https://stackoverflow.com/questions/19982373/which-tools-libraries-do-you-use-to-unit-test-your-pl-pgsql
CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION assert_equals(expected anyelement, actual anyelement) RETURNS void AS $$
if expected = actual or (expected is null and actual is null) then
--do nothing
raise exception 'Assertion Error. Expected <%> but was <%>', expected, actual;
end if;
end $$ LANGUAGE plpgsql;
-- to preview this somewhat conveniently in QGIS:
-- stage || '_' || name || ' iter:' || iter || ' nbend:'|| nbend
drop table if exists debug_wm;
create table debug_wm(stage text, name text, iter bigint, nbend bigint, way geometry, props json);
drop table if exists figures;
create table figures (name text, way geometry);
-- to "normalize" a new line when it's in `f`:
-- select st_astext(st_snaptogrid(st_transscale(geometry, 80, 130, .3, .3), 1)) from f;
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig3',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0,60 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig3-1',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig5',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(0 39,19 52,27 77,26 104,41 115,49 115,65 103,65 75,53 45,63 15,91 0)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig6',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(84 47,91 59,114 64,122 80,116 92,110 93,106 106,117 118,136 107,135 76,120 45,125 39,141 39,147 32)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig6-rev',ST_Reverse(ST_Translate((select way from figures where name='fig6'), 60, 0)));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('fig6-combi',
ST_Translate((select way from figures where name='fig6'), 0, 90),
ST_Translate((select way from figures where name='fig6'), 80, 90)
insert into figures (name, way) values ('inflection-1',ST_GeomFromText('LINESTRING(110 24,114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 5,123 7,114 7,111 2)'));
insert into figures (name, way) values ('multi-island',ST_GeomFromText('MULTILINESTRING((-15 10,-10 10,-5 11,0 11,5 11,10 10,11 9,13 10,15 9),(-5 11,-2 15,0 16,2 15,5 11))'));
drop table if exists bends;
create table bends (name text, ways geometry[]);
insert into bends select name, detect_bends(way, name) from figures;
drop table if exists inflections, demo_inflections2;
create table inflections (name text, ways geometry[]);
insert into inflections select name, fix_gentle_inflections(ways) from bends;
create table demo_inflections2 (name text, i bigint, way geometry);
insert into demo_inflections2 select name, generate_subscripts(ways, 1), unnest(ways) from inflections;
drop table if exists selfcrossing, demo_selfcrossing3;
create table selfcrossing (name text, ways geometry[], mutated boolean);
insert into selfcrossing select name, (self_crossing(ways)).* from inflections;
create table demo_selfcrossing3 (name text, i bigint, way geometry);
insert into demo_selfcrossing3 select name, generate_subscripts(ways, 1), unnest(ways) from selfcrossing;
do $$
recs t_bend_attrs[];
select array(select bend_attrs(ways, name) from inflections) into recs;
$$ language plpgsql;
drop table if exists demo_wm;
create table demo_wm (name text, i bigint, way geometry);
insert into demo_wm (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, name) from figures;
do $$
vbends geometry[];
select array((select way from debug_wm where name='fig3' and stage='bbends')) into vbends;
perform assert_equals(5, array_length(vbends, 1));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(0 0,12 0,13 4)', st_astext(vbends[1]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(12 0,13 4,20 2,20 0)', st_astext(vbends[2]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(20 2,20 0,32 0,33 10)', st_astext(vbends[3]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(32 0,33 10,38 16,43 15,44 10,44 0)', st_astext(vbends[4]));
perform assert_equals(4, array_length(detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig3-1')), 1));
select detect_bends((select way from figures where name='fig5')) into vbends;
perform assert_equals(3, array_length(vbends, 1));
end $$ language plpgsql;
do $$
vbends geometry[];
vinflections geometry[];
select array((select way from debug_wm where name='fig5' and stage='cinflections')) into vinflections;
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(0 39,19 52,27 77)', st_astext(vinflections[1]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(19 52,27 77,26 104,41 115,49 115,65 103,65 75,53 45)', st_astext(vinflections[2]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(65 75,53 45,63 15,91 0)', st_astext(vinflections[3]));
-- inflections-1, the example in fix_gentle_inflections docstring
select array((select way from debug_wm where name='inflection-1' and stage='bbends')) into vbends;
select array((select way from debug_wm where name='inflection-1' and stage='cinflections')) into vinflections;
perform assert_equals(vbends[1], vinflections[1]); -- unchanged
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(114 20,133 20,145 15,145 0,136 5,123 7,114 7)', st_astext(vinflections[2]));
perform assert_equals('LINESTRING(123 7,114 7,111 2)', st_astext(vinflections[3]));
end $$ language plpgsql;
do $$
elem geometry;
elems1 geometry[];
elems2 geometry[];
vcrossings geometry[];
mutated boolean;
select (self_crossing(array((select way from debug_wm where stage='cinflections' and name='fig6')))).* into vcrossings, mutated;
perform assert_equals(true, mutated);
perform assert_equals(
'LINESTRING(84 47,91 59,114 64,120 45,125 39,141 39,147 32)',
(select st_astext(
) from (select unnest(vcrossings) way) a)
select (self_crossing(array((select way from debug_wm where stage='cinflections' and name='fig6-rev')))).* into vcrossings, mutated;
perform assert_equals(true, mutated);
perform assert_equals(
'LINESTRING(84 47,91 59,114 64,120 45,125 39,141 39,147 32)',
(select st_astext(
st_translate(st_reverse(st_linemerge(st_union(way))), -60, 0)
) from (select unnest(vcrossings) way) a)
elems1 = array((select way from debug_wm where stage='cinflections' and name='fig6-combi' and iter=1));
elems2 = (select ways from inflections where name='fig6-combi');
raise notice 'input 1: %', array_length(elems1, 1);
raise notice 'input 2: %', array_length(elems2, 1);
foreach elem in array elems1 loop
raise notice 'elem 1: %', st_astext(elem);
end loop;
foreach elem in array elems2 loop
raise notice 'elem 2: %', st_astext(elem);
end loop;
--select (self_crossing((select ways from inflections where name='fig6-combi'))).* into vcrossings, mutated;
select (self_crossing(array((select way from debug_wm where stage='cinflections' and name='fig6-combi')))).* into vcrossings, mutated;
perform assert_equals(true, mutated);
perform assert_equals(
'LINESTRING(84 137,91 149,114 154,120 135,125 129,141 129,147 122,164 137,171 149,194 154,200 135,205 129,221 129,227 122)',
(select st_astext(
) from (select unnest(vcrossings) way) a)
end $$ language plpgsql;