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title: "Motiejus Jakštys Resume"
description: "Motiejus Jakštys resume"
Status: [not employed from 2023-07-01]({{< ref "log/2023/7-years-at-uber"
>}}). Will take the summer off and think what to do next. Have ideas?
[Ping me]({{< ref "contact" >}}).
My resume is below, in reverse-chronological order.
## Employment
### Uber: 2016-2023
- 2022-2023: bootstrapped Uber's infrastructure on arm64 ([official blog
- 2016-2020: all kinds of OS, kernel, infrasec projects and initiatives.
- 2017-2019: grew and led Uber's First Responder team (Ring0) in EU.
- 2016: maintained [ringpop-go](https://github.com/uber/ringpop-go).
Tech: toolchains and linkers, mostly
[Go](https://github.com/golang/go/issues?q=author%3Amotiejus+) and
[Zig](https://github.com/ziglang/zig/commits?author=motiejus) on Linux x86_64
and AArch64. Also a [C++ toolchain
in Bazel.
Locations: Amsterdam (2016), Vilnius (2017-2023).
### Amazon: 2014-2016
- Amazon WorkMail.
- Intersection between the business application and the system (and networks)
that are running it.
Tech: Java, Linux, AWS public offerings and internal Amazon stack.
Location: The Hague, Netherlands.
### Spil Games: 2012-2014
- Backend application developer.
- Networking and Linux investigator.
Tech: Erlang, C and Linux.
Location: Hilversum, Netherlands.
### Glasgow University: 2011-2012
Linux systems and hardware administrator.
Location: Glasgow, Scotland.
### Mano Numeris: 2010-2011
Business line application developer in Erlang.
Location: Vilnius, Lithuania.
## Education
### Vilnius University: 2019-2021
MSc in Cartography.
### University of Glasgow: 2010-2013
BSc in Computing Science.
[uber-arm64]: https://www.uber.com/en-US/blog/bootstrapping-ubers-infrastructure-on-arm64-with-zig/