integration test demo

Motiejus Jakštys 2021-05-19 22:57:46 +03:00 committed by Motiejus Jakštys
parent 4462e57ae8
commit b28755bbcd
3 changed files with 21 additions and 10 deletions

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@ -78,11 +78,11 @@ linijinių objektų generalizacijai (Lietuvoje -- GDR50 ir GDR250 analogus)
# Tolimesnis pritaikymas
Sukurta algoritmo techninė realizacija atviro kodo GIS bus pradžia tolesniam jo
- Sukurta algoritmo techninė realizacija atviro kodo GIS bus pradžia tolesniam jo
pritaikymui kitiems gamtiniams objektams: ežerų kranto linija, jūrų,
kontinentų, miškų ribos.
Kadangi rezultatas bus techninė realizacija, o ne rašinėlis, tai suteikia
- Kadangi rezultatas bus techninė realizacija, o ne rašinėlis, tai suteikia
toliau galimybę vystyti sprendimą.
# Demonstracija

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@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
\i wm.sql
drop table if exists agg_rivers_wm;
create table agg_rivers_wm (name text, way geometry);
insert into agg_rivers_wm (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, true) from agg_rivers;
drop table if exists debug_wm;
create table debug_wm(name text, way geometry, props json);
drop table if exists demo_wm;
create table demo_wm (name text, i bigint, way geometry);
insert into demo_wm (name, way) select name, ST_SimplifyWM(way, true) from agg_rivers;

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@ -276,7 +276,13 @@ begin
fourpi = 4*radians(180);
for i in 1..array_length(bends, 1) loop
bend = bends[i];
if st_numpoints(bend) < 3 then
cmp = 0;
area = 0;
polygon = null;
select st_makepolygon(st_addpoint(bend, st_startpoint(bend))) into polygon;
end if;
-- Compactness Index (cmp) is defined as "the ratio of the area of the
-- polygon over the circle whose circumference length is the same as the
-- length of the circumference of the polygon". I assume they meant the
@ -285,15 +291,17 @@ begin
-- 2. get polygon perimeter = u. Pretend it's our circle's circumference.
-- 3. get A (area) of the circle from circumference u := (u^2)/(4*pi)
-- 4. divide area by A: cmp = P/((u^2)*4*pi) = 4*pi*P/u^2
if polygon is not null then
select st_area(polygon) into area;
select fourpi*area/(st_perimeter(polygon)^2) into cmp;
if cmp > 0 then
end if;
if area > 0 then
select (area*(0.75/cmp)) into adjsize;
end if;
if dbg then
insert into debug_wm (name, way, props) values(
'bend_attrs_' || i,
json_build_object('area', area, 'cmp', cmp, 'adjsize', adjsize)
end if;