
740 B


This is an attempt to configure my NixOS servers with krops. Usage:

$ direnv allow .
$ nix-build ./krops.nix -A hel1a && ./result

There is probably nothing to look at here.

Upcoming flakes:

$ nix build .#deploy.nodes.hel1-a.profiles.system.path

Managing secrets

Encode a secret on host:

rage -e -r $(ssh-to-age < /etc/ssh/ -o secret.age /etc/plaintext

Decode a secret on host (to test things out):

age -d -i <(sudo ssh-to-age -private-key -i /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key) secret.age

If/when str4d/rage#379 is fixed, we can replace the above command to rage.